Chapter 31 Training

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The following morning, just as the sun was coming up, the students from 1-A meet up with Mr Aizawa and Atreyu at the training field. They notice that Atreyu was wearing a fitted plain t shirt and black joggers. She was bare foot which instantly made some of the students nervous since she usually fights bare foot. Her hair was pulled back into a tight military bun and she wore an ear piece that had a small mic attached. They wondered what that was for.

"Morning class." Mr Aizawa greeted. The students tiredly greeted back.

"Today we will start your quirk training. Behind me are the specialized training areas for each of you which Atreyu will explain them. But first we need to do a quick assessment to see where you're at right now. Bakugou you're first." He said while throwing Bakugou a testing ball.

"Throw this with your quirk, like you did in the first week of school. Let's see how you improved."

Bakugou stretched out his shoulder and his ego and pride began to overflow. He knew that his numbers would've improved the most since he was obviously the best one there. Using his quirk he threw the ball as hard as he could into the air.

Mr Aizawa looked at his phone and once the numbers came in it showed that Bakugou.... Hasn't really improved at all.

Bakugou was dumbfounded. The numbers must be wrong! How has he not improved since he started? He was better than every one of these extras! He was going to be the number one-

"Parece que solo ha mejorado una fracción. Este golpe a su ego podría afectar su crecimiento hoy-" Atreyu said softly into her mic. (Translation: It appears that he's only improved by a fraction. This blow to his ego could effect his growth today.)

Everyone including Bakugou turned and looked at Atreyu as she spoke a different language into the mic she was wearing. None of them understood what she said and most were slightly impressed that she knew another language.

Except Bakugou. Just like during their match at the sports festival, he didn't like not knowing what she was saying. Especially since it was obviously about him. Bakugou grit his teeth in anger and shouted,


"I'm sure most of you noticed the headset Atreyu is wearing. This is how she'll be keeping track of everyone's process." Mr Aizawa explained.

"That makes sense but why speak a different language?" Asked Yaoyorozu.

"Actually Spanish is my mother tongue so keeping notes on everyone will be easier for me this way and also....I don't want you to know what I'm saying so it's a win win for me." She teased.

"Oh that's right! I remember you saying you're from the US!" Exclaimed Midoriya. The ones who didn't know were surprised that Atreyu wasn't actually from Japan.

"So where you're from they spoke Spanish?" Asked Uraraka. Atreyu nodded.

"Both Spanish and English but in our neighborhood most of the people spoke Spanish." She explained. Before the other students could ask Atreyu any more questions, Mr Aizawa interrupted.

"Okay enough. We have training to do. Get to know Atreyu on your own time! Well finish the assessments later. Atreyu tell them what you have planned today." Atreyu gave everyone an almost evil grin that made them stiffen up.

"So for the next couple weeks you will be here strengthening your quirks. You will be pushing the limits of what you already can do. And then you'll push further than that. You will only take a break when either Mr Aizawa or myself tell you to. We don't have time for slackers. On top of that I will be attacking you randomly throughout the day so stay sharp. I will also try to bite you. Do not let me bite you. You will be a drooling mess who has passed out for the day and you'll be a day behind the rest. You don't want to fall behind...." She said sternly.

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