Chapter 25 Dinner and a Fight

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It was now only a week until the practical exams for the hero students and Atreyu was starting to get anxious. She only knew part of the hero course and she was worried about what the other students would think about her quirk. So many people are going to find out at the same time. Will they all have a similar reaction to what those who know have? Or will they be horrified? Atreyu was making her way to the lunch room to eat and hopefully drink some relaxing tea to calm her nerves.

"Atreyu wait!" Called a familiar voice from behind her.

Atreyu turned and saw that it was Iida briskly walking towards her. She giggled at his walk because it looked like he was trying to be as fast as he could without breaking any hallway rules.

'He's such a good boy' she teased in her head as she waited for him.

"Woah buddy slow down this is a hallway not a race track!" She teased. Iida did not pick up on it though and was chopping at the air like a mad robot.

"I assure Atreyu that respect and uphold all school rules! I most certainly would never run in the halls-" He stopped once he heard Atreyu starting to laugh and he realized that she was teasing him. He adjusted his glasses and tried his hardest not to blush.

"Atreyu I had something I wanted to ask you."he said while looking at her. She looked back at him with big doe eyes.

"As you may have already heard, my elder brother Tensei has finally been released from the hospital and is back home."

"Yeah I saw when I was at the hospital working last night! That's great! How's he doing?" She smiled brightly. Iida couldn't help but smile back.

"He's doing better thank you. We are going to have a big dinner to celebrate and I was wondering if you would join us tomorrow night?"

"I don't want to intrude on your family or anything." She said shyly.

"You would be very welcomed to join. My mother and brother both talk about you and I'm pretty confident that they would be ecstatic of you came over. Plus I would enjoy your company as well.... Just a little..." He joked.

Atreyu smiled. She noticed that Iida had been starting to develop a sense of humor ever since Hosu and she loved it.

"Only a little huh?" She teased.

"Tenya I'd love to join you guys for dinner tomorrow! Text me the time and address and I'll see you then! I'll bring a dessert. What kind of treats does your brother and mother like?"

Iida felt that familiar warmth in his chest again. The fact that she wants to surprise his brother and mother with something just made him smile lovingly at her.

"They'll love anything you bring, Atreyu."

And with that he watched her happily skip to the lunch room. He had something else he planned on doing tomorrow night and the more he thought about it, the more nervous he got....

The next night

Tenya was in his room looking into the mirror above his dresser. He wore a dark blue dress shirt and grey pants. He was nervous. He's never had a girl over before. Tensei brought a girl over once when he was away at college a long time ago but they were dating. Atreyu and him weren't dating and honestly the idea of it made Iida become even more nervous. He knew he was an awkward guy at times but Atreyu had such a calming effect on him. He looked over his room again making sure nothing was out of place and just as he was paying down his sheets his mother yelled up the stairs.

"She's here!"

Tenya took a deep breathe and looked at the mirror again. He gave himself a confident nod and left to greet Atreyu. As he made his way down the stairs his brother was sitting in a chair in the living room and he whistled at Tenya.

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