Chapter 5 The Meeting

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The next morning

It was a cool Saturday morning and Atreyu decided to go on a long run along the beach. Surprisingly there wasn't a lot of people there. Just the occasional seagull or two. Atreyu would laugh as she watched the seagulls scurry away from the approaching water when a wave would crash the shore.

Atreyu eventually stopped running and looked out towards the ocean. The music playing on her headphones continued as she thought about the meeting she had yesterday with the teachers.

The day before

Mr Aizawa opened the door to principal Nezus large office. It was a large office for such a small..... Mouse? ....Bear? In any case, it was large but still welcoming. There was a large desk with two leather chairs in front of it and a large window behind the desk that overlooked the campus.

In the middle of the room there were two grey sofas facing each other with a simple coffee table in the middle. On one of the sofas sat principal Nezu and a girl with pink hair and goggles. They were drinking tea and chatting away like old friends. They turned to see everyone at the door.

"Oh good everyone's here! Please take a seat and help yourselves to some tea!" Smiled principal Nezu as he gestured them to sit on the sofa across from them. Atreyu skipped over and grabbed herself a cup of tea and sat in the middle seat in between Shinsou and Bakugou. Mr Aizawa decided to stand behind Nezu instead of sitting.

"Before we get started let me introduce you all to miss Mei Hatsume, the support course rep. Miss Hatsume, this is Shinsou, Toyomitsu, and Bakugou. The reps from the other courses." Nezu said as he gestured to each individual. Everyone did either a nod or a wave to each other. Except Bakugou. He just grunted.

"Anyways let's get down to business! The reason I called you all down here today was to talk to you about the sports festival. I'm sure you all are very excited to show the world what you and your classmates can do! I for one am excited to see what kind of agencies offer you your internships!" Nezu cheered.

"Is there a point to this..." Bakugou said flatly.

"Don't be so rude Kaachan!" Atreyu scolded as she pinched Bakugous face. He was starting to notice that she does this to a lot of people.

"Don't touch me!" He growled as he slapped her hand away. 'So he's just an asshole to everyone...' Shinsou thought looking at him.

Not missing a beat, Nezu smiled," Right! To the point! Every year, at the beginning of each sports festival, the top students of each course, ie. you four, say a few words to get everyone fired up for the event. I wanted to prepare you guys now so you have time to figure out what you want to say. It can be nerve-wracking to speak in front of thousands of people but I know you can do it!" Everyone was getting more excited as the idea of being in the festival started to sink in more.

There was a moment before Bakugou spoke up, "So is what this extra said true? Anyone can be moved up to the hero course if they do well enough in the festival? And anyone from the hero course will be dropped?"

"Why? Are you worried I'll take your spot?" Shinsou grinned.

"Hell no!"

"Anything is possible." Said Mr Aizawa.

"Yes anything can happen at the festival but hopefully no one does so poorly that they get dropped. Speaking of joining the hero course..." Nezu said as he turns to look at Atreyu.

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