All Alone: Chapter 10

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Everyone makes it back to Lost Isle, and Felix asks about a tattoo on Tannar's arm, which is the symbol that all of the raiders have back on the mainland. She explains herself, and Felix gets mad about everyone bringing a 'raider' back home.

He takes Tannar to the Police headquarters for interrogation, and to make sure she didn't have any bad intentions.

I decided to delete this scene, since it seemed a bit (Ok, maybe a lot) harsh to take Tannar away, because she was a 'raider'/thief, on the mainland, and she hasn't done anything wrong to anyone on, or at Lost Isle. Also, after reading it a few times, I wasn't a big fan of how this scene turned out. Anywho, without further adú (is that the expression?), Enjoy!

Gaege POV:

The ships arrived back at Lost Isle. We got off, and Narrator got Josh onto the stretcher. Regina called for an ambulance on the way here. Regina and Kristy also got in the ambulance, and they went to the hospital.

I noticed Hiro was comforting Stormie. "You think he's gonna be ok?" Stormie asked Hiro. "I hope so." Hiro told her. Felix showed up and noticed we brought more people. "How many this time?" Felix asked me. "Three. Regina went with Josh to the hospital, since she's a doctor. And Hiro over there is her little brother. And the girl with the pink hair is Tannar." I told Felix.

Felix walked over to Tannar, and I distantly followed. "So you're Tannar? One of our new recruits?" Felix asked her. "Yeah, I got Mully out of a tight spot with some people I once knew." Tannar told him. "Well, I appreciate you helping my people." Felix told her. He then noticed the tattooed symbol on her arm. It was the letter A with a circle around it (the anarchy symbol ⏬).

"What's that for?" Felix asked her, and she tried to cover the symbol with her hand

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"What's that for?" Felix asked her, and she tried to cover the symbol with her hand. She looked down in defeat. "Alright, there's some things you should know." She started explaining. "A ton of Raiders got together back in the U.S. They all get more psychotic by the day. Whether it be getting a bit more brutal with robberies, or blowing up buildings for fun." She explained. "I was one of them." She told us. Felix looked at us furiously. "SO YOU GUYS BROUGHT A RAIDER HERE!?" Felix interrogated us. "I'm not a raider. I'm only a thief, I don't want to hurt anyone. I only joined them because I needed a safe place to stay. I didn't know they were the psychotic people that took over the country when I joined them." Tannar defended herself. "Still! You brought a thief to our island!" Felix scolded us. "Felix, don't get mad at them. I brought her back. She saved me from some of those raiders. Ok? If you're gonna get mad at anyone, get mad at me." Mully told Felix. Felix shook his head. "She's coming with me." Felix said and he took her by the arm. "Hey! Where are you taking me?!" Tannar asked Felix. "Our police headquarters for now. I want to ask you some questions." Felix told her, and he took her away.

Mully watched Tannar get taken away with tears in his eyes. "I hope they let her go soon." He told me. "Me too, big guy. Me too." I said while rubbing his back comfortingly. "Maybe you can go visit her tonight." I told Mully. "Maybe. I feel like she could use the company." He told me.


Mully POV:

I was heading to the police headquarters. I arrived and asked to visit someone named Tannar. They said it was ok, and they let me in. Razz (Razzbowski) led me to Tannar's Interrogation room. Razz knocked on the door. "Miss Tannar, you have a visitor." He told her. "Ok, come in." Tannar told him. He unlocked the door and let me in.

"Hey Tannar." She turned to my direction. "MULLY!" She jumped up and hugged me tightly. "Woah! Someone's excited to see me." I told her happily. "Yeah, I'm glad I'm not alone in here." She told me gloomily. "I know you don't deserve to be locked up anywhere." I told her. "Well fortunately, Felix said I won't be here long. He just wants to make sure I don't have any bad intentions here." Tannar explained. "I know you don't. You just wanted to get away from those people." I told her. She sighed. "Yeah."

Razz POV:

"Yeah." I heard Tannar say. I've seen her on the ship. I know she doesn't want any trouble with anyone. I need to talk to Felix about this.

I went up to my security office and called Felix.

R: Razz          F: Felix

R: Hey Felix.

F: Hey Officer Razz, what's up?

R: I need to talk to you about Tannar. I know she doesn't want any trouble.

F: Well, I can't take any chances. I told her we wouldn't keep her there long.

R: Felix, I overheard her conversation with Mully. She said that she wanted to leave the mainland. She didn't want to harm anyone, she just wanted a place to live.

F: Alright, fine. But I don't have anymore open apartments available. She can move in with someone if she wants. Plus, I'd rather have someone watching over her.

R: Alright. Thank you for your time. Goodbye.

I hung up the phone and went back to Tannar's room. I knocked on her door. "Officer Razz. I need to talk to a Miss Tannar." I told them. "Come in." Mully said. I unlocked the door and went inside. "What's up?" Tannar asked me. "Well, I made a phone call to Felix, and I convinced him to let you go." I told Tannar. "Wait, really?" Tannar asked me surprised. "Yep, he just said that you have to live with someone. We don't have anymore apartments available." I explained. Tannar got up and hugged me tightly. "THANK YOU! THANK YOU SO MUCH!" Tannar told me, and I could tell she was crying too. "You're welcome, Tannar." I told her.

BONUS (Cause this was a scene I was kinda planning to include if I went along with this story line.):


Tannar POV:

I was in the living room eating some breakfast.

I was in the living room eating some breakfast

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We all heard a knock at the door. "I'll get it." I announced to everyone.

I got up and opened the front door. Felix was there. "Oh, hey Felix." I said politely. "Hey Tannar. I just wanted to apologize for how I acted the other day, and for taking you to the police. I was worried about your intentions, and for my people. I should of eased up, and trusted our friends about you. You saved one of my friends, and in return, I had the police interrogate you, insted of being grateful. I'm sorry." Felix apologized. "I get it. I was one of them. You were looking out for your people. With everyone over there, I honestly can't blame you. And I accept your apology." I told him sincerely. "Thank you, is there any way I can make it up to you?" He asked me. "No, there's no need. I appreciate it though." I responded.

"Well, that's all I came here for. Have a good day!" Felix said. "Thanks! You too!" I said and I closed the door as Felix left.

And that, my Cinnamon Rolls, is a deleted scene from Chapter 10 of All Alone. I hope you enjoyed it, and I'll see you in the next one! Bye!

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