Kicked Out Of Wal-Mart (Josh + Mully + Juicy) (Chaos and Stupidity)

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Based off a prompt I found online. Also, this gets kinda weird... (PG-13, calm down lol) Enjoy!

Josh POV:

Mully, Gaege, and I were at Wal-Mart, getting some food, and goofing around. "Wait, where's Gaege?" Mully looked around at some nearby aisles. "Right here!" Gaege came back, with a bouncy balls that's in those giant cage-like displays. "Gaege, what are you doing?" Mully asked him. "Hold on..." Gaege put the ball up his shirt. "I'm pregnant." Gaege started uncontrollably laughing. "Ok then." I walked ahead with the cart. "And you're the daddy!" Gaege yelled from behind me. I turned around, deciding to mess with him. "Well, you just admitted you're the bottom, so for that, I thank you." I laughed at him. "What! No! You're the bottom!" Gaege argued. "Yeah, you tell yourself that." I turned back around, pushing the cart towards the food section.

Walking down one of the aisles at Wal-Mart, I stopped to get us some chips. I picked up a bag of Lay's, remembering I should ask the others what I need to get. "Um... Gaege?" I raised my voice slightly, just enough so he could hear me from the next aisle. "Are there any chips you want me to get?" "Aww HELL YEAH! I'M ALWAYS A SL*T FOR DORITOS!" Gaege yelled from the next aisle. "Well, ok then." I chuckled as I got some Doritos.

"YO JOSH! DID YOU GET CHEESE!?" Mully yelled from another nearby aisle. "No! Not yet!" I yelled as I pushed the cart down the aisle. "YOU KNOW I REQUIRE MY DAILY DOSE OF CHEESE!" (Same Mully, Same) "Yes, Honey, I know." I laughed, leaving the aisle.

(I'm sorry in advance for all of this)

'Wait Wait wait! Mully! Can I get a HOYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEAH!?" Gaege yelled from the other aisle. "HOYYYYYYYYYYEAAAH!" Mully screamed in response. "JOSH, I NEED A HOYYYYYYYYYYYYYEAH!" Gaege yelled at me. I rolled my eyes. "HOYYYYYYYYYYYYEAHHH!" "Um... Sir..."

(Again, I'm sorry)

- Time Skip to later that day brought to you by... Ok, irrelevant time skip, but JONES BBQ AND FOOT MASSAGE! JONES BBQ AND FOOT MASSAGE! -

Gabby POV:

"And that's the story of how we got Kicked Out Of Wal-Mart." Gaege finished telling their story. Eddie and I stared at them blankly. "You're weird." I laughed at them. "Yeah, Imma go..." Eddie got up from his chair. "Before this gets even more weird..." Eddie walked away, and I followed him. "Gabby, how are we gonna top that?"

And that, my Cinnamon Rolls, is another random oneshot for y'all. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna make a sequel for this sometime, but i'm not sure when. If I do, feel free to leave any suggestions in the comments about what they do at Wal-Mart. Well, I hope you liked it, and I'll see you whenever! Bye!

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