Down In The Forest (Eddie + Juicy + Josh)

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Inspired by the first story in this video, with some inspiration from the comment section of it as well.


Eddie POV:

Josh, Gaege, and I were hiking in some nearby woods together. Gaege started brushing up against my arm, wanting to hold my hand (Cause I'm a SUCKER for platonic hand holding lol). I held his hand, interlocking our fingers. Gaege started holding Josh's hand as well, smiling happily as we kept walking.

It was getting kind of dark, so we decided to head back to my house. As we were walking, we heard a baby crying nearby. "You hear that too, right?" Josh looked at us with worried eyes. "Yeah, it's coming from over there." Gaege pointed into the dark woods, only lit up by the moonlight, where the sound was coming from. "Guys, I have a bad feeling about this. We're Down In The Forest, and we hear a baby cry out of no where?" I rubbed my arm anxiously. "We can't just leave it!" Gaege also had worried eyes. I nodded at the both of them. "Stay close to me." They followed behind me as I walked towards the crying sounds, hearing twigs snapping beneath my feet.

It didn't sound like I was getting any closer to the crying though. It had the same volume, no matter how much we walked towards the sound. The crying suddenly stopped, not faded out, stopped, as if the crying had been cut off somehow.

That's when I caught a glimpse of something... Something not too far away, partially behind a tree... A radio, shining in the moonlight. "Guys, we gotta get out of here. I think this is a trap." I whispered back to them. "That wasn't a baby, there's a radio over there." We backed up away from it. "Is someone out here with us!?" Josh whisper shouted. "Better head home before we find out." We got back on the path, rushing towards my house.

We kept hearing sounds behind us, like small branches and twigs snapping, as if someone were following us. "Excuse me! Have you seen my baby?" We turned around, seeing some woman standing there. "No, no we haven't, sorry." Josh shook his head. "Can you help me look for it?" She stepped closer to us. "We can get the police to-" "NO! They'll take too long." The woman cut him off. "Well, there's nothing we can really do then. I'm sorry." We started heading back to my house again.

After a minute or so, we heard footsteps behind us again. We turned around again, meeting with that same woman, maybe 30 feet/10 meters (give or take) away from us, holding a knife, walking toward us. "Run! RUN!" We bolted back in the direction of my house.

Gaege POV:

"RUN!" Josh screamed as we dashed towards Eddie's house. We weren't far from the edge of the woods, but the woman still wasn't far behind us. I screamed as I tripped on some tree roots, twisting my ankle (Classic falling while running from the k*ller chiché lol). I struggled to crawl away as the woman approached me. "EDDIE! JOSH! DON'T LEAVE ME!" Tears fell down my face as the woman got closer to me. They turned around, stopping in their tracks. "GAEGE!" They ran back to me, helping me back up. I limped as we made it to the forest edge, otherwise unharmed.

We didn't dare look back to see if she was still following us as we rushed through the neighborhood, finally making it to Eddie's house.

Josh POV:

Eddie unlocked the door, immediately relocking it once we got inside. Gaege leaned onto a wall, sliding down it, crying. I gently put my hand on his shoulder, reassuring him that we're safe now. "Eddie, make sure everything's locked, and call the police, ok?" He nodded, and left the foyer.

I sat down next to Gaege, still reassuringly rubbing his shoulder. "It's ok. We're safe now. Eddie's calling the police." I gently wiped his tears away. "You want a hug?" Gaege nodded sadly, leaning into my arms, nuzzling his head into my shoulder. "Thank you." He whimpered. "It's ok. Everything's ok." I soothingly rubbed his back. "Now let's get you to the couch." We separated from our hug. "We better get some ice and bandages for your ankle." Gaege nodded once again.

I helped him over to the couch, letting him sit down. Making sure he was comfortable, before heading to the bathroom, getting some bandages from underneath the sink. I went back to Gaege, gently wrapping up his foot and ankle, making sure it wouldn't move around too much.

Eddie came back in, with an ice pack in his hand, He must of read my mind. I carefully propped up Gaege's foot onto a few pillows, making sure he was comfortable enough. Eddie rested the ice on Gaege's ankle. "Thank you, guys." Gaege spoke up. "You're welcome." "No problem." Eddie and I stood back up. "Well Gaege, I'm not gonna make you go home alone in your current state. Josh, you wanna spend the night as well?" Eddie turned to me. "Might as well." I nodded. "Alright, I'll be right back." He left the living room, heading upstairs.

He came back down with some pillows, blankets, an air pump, and an inflatable mattress. He gave a pillow and blanket to Gaege, and tucked him in. He filled up the air mattress, letting me lay down. He tucked me in, before going to the recliner with another pillow and blanket. "Night guys." "Good night. Sleep tight."

And that, my Cinnamon Rolls, is another oneshot for y'all. I gotta admit: I enjoyed getting to remix someonecs actual horror story into a fanfic oneshot. If you guys like this kinda thing, definitely let me know in the comments what kind of spoopy/scary Oneshots you wanna see more of. I hope you liked it, and I'll see you in the whenever! Bye!

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