Out Of Here (Gabby + Kristy) (Kind of Angst with Fluff)

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That moment when... You hang out with your sister, and her best friend. He ends up having AWESOME music taste, and you get inspired by it lol.


Kristy POV:

"We're here!" Chloe cheered as she parked the car. We made it to her friend, Melissa's house for a party. I got out as well, following Chloe to the door.

*knock knock knock! Ding Dong!*

Another girl answered the door. "CHLOE! MELISSA!" They excitedly gave each other a hug. "Is this Kristy?" Melissa gestured to me. "Yep that's me." I held out my hand for her to shake. "Sorry! My hands are full!" She held up a Red Solo cup and her phone. "Oh, alright." I put my hand down. "Come in! Come in!" Melissa opened the door wider, letting us inside.

I went into the dining room, watching 2 guys playing some beer pong. "DUDE! YOU GOTTA DRINK!" The one guy yelled as the other took a drink of whatever.

Gabby POV:

I sat down in the living room, kinda keeping to myself. Truely, I ain't got no business here. But my friend wanted me to come, and there's free food, so I figured I'd stop in. But I hate it here. Really, I'd rather be at home all by myself. Not here with people who don't give a d*mn about my life. No one but a bunch of strangers, smoking whatever. "Hey Gabby! I'm gonna go get some more drinks!" My friend, Kelsey told me as she entered the living room. "Ok, I'll be Here." She left the room. Somewhere in the corner, under clouds of [smoke].

Eventually, The smoke became too thick to bear, so I left the room, to another one. I guess I'll chill in the kitchen, and eat some chips. Until Melissa and another girl were gossiping about some girl named Kristy. Nope, not in here. Not there in the kitchen with the girl who's always gossiping about her friends. I took my plate of chips to the dining room, by a nice looking girl with dark hair.

Kristy POV:

A pretty blonde girl came in next to me, holding a paper plate of chips. I was still watching the two guys playing beer pong. "Chips?" The girl held the paper plate towards me. "Sure, thank you." I took a chip, eating it. "You bored here, too?" She asked me. "Bored as hell. I can't wait till we can break up Out Of Here." I answered her, grabbing another chip. "Same, I only came here because my friend wanted me to, but this party's lame." The blonde girl added. "But at least they got food." "Yeah, food's good."

- Time Skip to a while later brought to you by A Thicc Squirrel (If you know, you know) -

Still Kristy POV:

"And that's when I threw cheese at his face!" The blonde girl told me about how her fiancee lost a bet at online mini golf. "That's so funny, I love that! Remind me to do that to my boyfriend sometime." I laughed at her story. "You know, I gotta admit: You're pretty cool. The best thing to come out of this... Otherwise waste of a night." I gave her a slight smile. "You too, um..." "Kristy. I'm Kristy." I introduced myself, finally. "Gabby, nice to meet you, even though we've been talking for the past hour." We fist bumped each other, but Gabby seemed like she was thinking about something. "Is something wrong?" I raised an eyebrow. "Um..."

"Hey Kristy! I'm gonna be heading out." Chloe came out of the kitchen with some random guy. "Chad says his friend's hosting another party across town, so we're gonna go." Chloe told me. "Alright, can you take me home?" I asked her. Chloe looked at the guy, and the both of them laughed. "Sorry, no losers allowed." The guy laughed, the both of them laughing as they left.

"Wha-What? How could-" I held my hands to my face, trying to hide my tears. Gabby rested her hand onto my shoulder. "That's what I was worried about, Kristy. She was gossiping about you with Melissa. I overheard them in the kitchen. I'm so sorry." I looked down, shaking my head. "How did it ever come to this? I should'a never come to this." Tears flowing down my face now. "I'm so sorry. You don't deserve to deal with someone like her." She wrapped her arm around me. "How about I take you home?" Gabby asked me. I nodded, too distraught to speak.

I followed Gabby to her car. She unlocked the car, opened the door, and went inside, me following suite. She started the car, and pulled out of there.

I kept staring outside, thinking about everything that happened. Staring out to the trees, and all of the shining lights of the nearby city, as Gabby drove me home. I noticed a drive-in, playing some movies tonight. "Hey, they have Encanto playing tonight. I've been hoping to see that sometime." I spoke up, turning to Gabby slightly. "Me too." She slightly smiled.

"You know what?" She pulled over, just passed the drive in. "Do you want to go see it?" "Wait, right now?" I asked her. "Sure! My fiancee won't be home for a while anyway. He's out with his friends." Gabby responded. "Um... Ok, sure. I guess it might cheer me up a bit." "Alright." Gabby turned around, driving into the drive in.

She pulled into an open space, opening the hatch for us. "I'll go get us some food, you want anything? My treat." She held up a few dollars. "Well, I guess I could use some candy and soda, thank you." "No Problem!"

- Time Skip to a few minutes later brought to you by Baby Sirenhead, who goes BEEP BOOP! -

Gabby came back with some popcorn, chips, sweets, Ice cream, and sodas. "Here we go!" Gabby hopped in the back with me. "Thanks, Gabby." I took a sip of soda. "No problem. Ooh! The movie's starting." We scooted closer to each other, watching the big screen. Gabby put her arm around me again, me leaning in closer to her. A night like this, is infinitely better than any house party.

And that, my Cinnamon Rolls, is another random oneshot for y'all. I'm 90% sure I'm gonna do another oneshot like this with this song. So if I do, please don't hesitate to leave any ideas (crap that happens at the house party, what our ship/duo does afterwards, etc.) In the comments. I will tag you! Thanks! I hope you liked it, and I'll see you whenever! Bye!

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