Big Spoon Or Little Spoon? (Feat. L0stN3rd/Reader)

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Thought I'd write a oneshot based off a prompt I found on google, while I wait for my hair dye to dry lol. Enjoy!

Echo/L0stN3rd POV:

Eddie, Narrator, and I were in the kitchen together. I was drinking some choccy milk against the counter. "Hey Narrator, random question?" I asked him. "Are you the big spoon, or little spoon?" I questioned him. "I'm a knife." He responded. "Nah, he's a little spoon!"  Eddie announced from across the kitchen. "I am not!" Narrator yelled in response. "I'm a sharp stabby knife!" "Nah, you're a wholesome cuddly teddy bear Cinnamon Roll." I giggled. "If I'm gonna be a spoon, I'm at least gonna be the big spoon!" Narrator announced. "Narrator, you were the little spoon last night." Eddie commented. "Awww, is Narrator a baby spoon?" I swooned. "I am not!" Narrator argued. "I'm the big Daddy spoon, and that is final. Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna take a nap." Narrator announced before leaving the kitchen.

Eddie looked over in my direction. "He's definitely the little spoon." I commented. "He is." Eddie responded.

Narrator POV:

I went up to my room to take a nap. I laid down, pulling the covers over me. Man, I wish I was cuddling Eddie right now. Naps are so much better with him. You know what?

I got up again, looking for Eddie, only to meet him outside my door. We made awkward eye contact for a few seconds. "Um... Can you be the big spoon?" I asked him nervously. "I always knew you were the little spoon." Eddie chuckled, kissing me on the nose.

I laid down next to Eddie, pulling the covers over us. "Night Eddie." "Night Mi Amor." I fell asleep in his arms.

And that, my Cinnamon Rolls, is a smol wholesome oneshot for y'all. I hope you liked it, and I'll see you whenever! Bye!

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