Out Of Here (Again) (Josh X Mully Angst/Floof)

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Same Song, Different Ship.

Also, this oneshot will contain very Mild mentions of alcoholism.


Josh POV:

"Hey Josh! The guests are arriving!" My best friend, Devin, Yelled for me by the front door. "Coming!" I put my phone in my pocket, walking up to the front door to meet his friends.

"HEY DEVIN!" Some random girl squealed as she hugged him. "Hey Becky." "Oh yeah, Josh. This is Becky, Chad, and Mully. Guys, this is Josh." "Hey everyone." I gave them a small wave, shyly smiling at them. "Nice to meet ya." The one named Mully smiled at me politely.

"LET'S GET WASTED!" Becky rushed by us into the kitchen, pouring herself a cup of beer. "Save some for me!" Chad pushed me out of the way, running into the kitchen as well. "I better go get some music on. Everyone else should be here pretty soon." Devin took out his phone, heading into the living room, leaving me alone with Mully.

"What am I doing Here?" Mully asked me. "Did your friends drag you here too?" I turned to him. He nodded. "But really, I'd rather be at home all by myself, not here with my friends getting drunk. Besides, I already battled alcoholism years ago, and I'd rather not go through it again just because my friends want me to have some drinks." (Just for the oneshot) Mully and I went into the living room as he talked. "I can't blame ya." We sat down next to each other on the couch.

"I'm only here because Devin's my best friend, and he wanted me to come here." I turned to Devin, seeing him hooking his phone up to some Bluetooth speakers. "But honestly, playing video games with my friends sounds like a lot more fun right now."

- Time Skip to later brought to you by Dummy Thiccc Patrick Star -

"And that's when I pied my boss in the face before I quit!" Mully and I laughed at his job-quitting story. "And I got a new job playing VR on YouTube." "Really!?" I leaned in towards him. "Yeah, check it out!" He pulled out his phone, pulling up his YouTube channel. "I have a. VR channel too! It's called Joshdub." I looked up at him excitedly. "Really?! How about we record together sometime." Mully suggested. "Sure! I have another recording with my friends next week, you could join us." I offered. "I'd love too." He smiled brightly... That... That smile. It's making me feel something... Butterflies in my stomach? Warmth in my cheeks? I can't quite tell.

Mully and I turned to everyone else at the party, seeing everyone drinking, smoking, gossiping, apparently everything and anything that these people call "having fun" or "a party", in here with this music that I don't listen to, either.

"Heyyyyyyyyyy Jooooosh, I woooooon't be aaaaaable to taaaaake yoooooou hooooome toniiiiiiight." Devin came up to us, unable to stand up straight, with a beer bottle in his hand. "Have you been drinking?" I rested my head on my hand. "I LIIIIIKE PREEEETTY POOONIIIIIES!" Devin cheered as he ran off to God knows where.

(Why the actual heck was "I LIKE PRETTY PONIES!" The first response I though of? LMAOOOOO)

"Yep, he's wasted." I rolled my eyes. "Now what?" "I can take you home." Mully stood up from the couch. "This party's lame anyways." "Yeah, let's get Out Of Here." I stood up from the couch as well.

We left the house, getting into Mully's car. "Hey... Um... Before I take you home, you wanna hang out at the park for a while?" Mully asked me as he drove down the road. "Ok, sure! It's not like I have anything better to do anyways." I answered him. "Alright."

He drove us over to a small park, only lit up by the moonlight, and a few road lamps. We got out of the car, and Mully went over to the trunk, taking out a blanket. He shut the trunk, and he led me over to a patch of grass. "I figured we'd watch the stars while we're at it." He laid the blanket down on the ground, and we sat down on it, watching the stars. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me close. He also rested his head on mine. He's the best thing to come out of tonight.

A few months later...

Mully POV:

RING RING RING! "Sorry Josh, Devin's calling me." I took my phone with me to the next room, answering it. "Hello?" "Hey Mully, I'm having another party tonight, you wanna come?" I looked back into the living room, seeing Josh patiently waiting for me on the couch. "Sorry, Josh and I have plans." Devin hung up the phone immediately. "Well, alrighty then." I put my phone back into my pocket, returning to the living room with Josh. "What did Devin call you for?" He asked me. "He had another house party tonight, but we got better plans." I sat down by him, pulling a blanket over us. We put (movie of choice) on the TV, cuddling as we watched it.

Later on, Josh rested his head on my chest, falling asleep. I kissed him on the head, resting my head on his. A night like this, is infinitely better than any house party.

And that, my Cinnamon Rolls, is another smol oneshot for y'all. I hope you liked it, and I'll see you whenever! Bye!

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