Hide Your Tears (Narrator X Josh Angst and Floof)

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Prompt from my Wattpad Child for Context:

My Wattpad Child Tacon53 and I are both doing a Oneshot based on this prompt

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My Wattpad Child Tacon53 and I are both doing a Oneshot based on this prompt. Go check out her stories sometime! And tell her I said Hi! Enjoy!

Josh POV:

I'm on my way home from Mully's house. We were making a video with Gaege (Juicy). I figured I might as well stop at my Girlfriend, Alexis' house for a surprise visit, it wasn't that far out of the way.

I went over to her house, finding a random car on the driveway. 'Maybe she has a friend over.' I thought to myself. I went up to the door, finding it slightly cracked open. I decided to go in, making sure Alexis was ok. Only to find her kissing some other guy on her couch. "ALEXIS!" Tears fell down my face when I saw her. "Josh! It isn't what it looks like! She bluffed. "We're done! You can have him!" I cried as I slammed the front door on the way out.

- Time Skip a bit later -

Narrator POV:

I finished editing my video, and got it posted. I heard the front door slam shut, and running up to Josh's room. "Josh?" I asked as I got up off of my chair. I walked over to Josh's room, knocking on the door. "Yeah?" Josh asked, sounding upset. "Are you alright in there?" I asked him. "Yeah." He answered me. "Are you sure?"

Josh opened the door with puffy eyes. "Josh, what's going on?" I questioned him. "Al-Alexis cheated on me." He answered, clearly holding back tears. "Josh, I'm so sorry." I apologized, holding him in my arms. I could tell he was still holding back tears. "Josh, you don't have to Hide Your Tears from me." I told him, and tears started falling down his face. "It's ok. You deserve better than Alexis anyway." I told him.

"What do you mean? She clearly cheated on me for a reason. Maybe I wasn't good enough for her." Josh whimpered. "Josh, you are good enough. Alexis is too dumb to see it." I told him. "Who am I good enough for?" Josh asked me with tears in his eyes.

I gave him a kiss on the head. "Me." "Y-You?" Josh asked me. "Of course, honey bunch." I answered him. "Can I be your boyfriend?" I asked him. Josh held me in his arms. "Yes. Yes you may."

And that, my Cinnamon Rolls, is another one shot I collabed with Tacon53 for. I hope you liked it, and I hope you check out hers too! I'll see you later! Bye!

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