Roomba (The Boys X Angry Roomba) (Nothing But Stupidity (and some Angst))

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That moment when... You're just trying to think of a plot line for your next story, and your brain decides to make up a story about an angry Roomba 🤣🤣🤣

Also, this story's gonna be insanely stupid, weird, wild, random, and whatever else. Seriously, like, this short story's like a Wattpad YouTube Poop (Wattpad Poop?). Yep, things are gonna get weird (PG-13, but still weird nonetheless)

Also, have a sip of water, milk, sodie pop, juice, etc. Everytime someone, the story, etc. Says Roomba.


Mully POV:

"GAEGE! YOU IDIOT! You're not supposed to throw food everywhere!" I scolded him. He threw a bunch of Cheerios all over the place. "But Juicy doesn't want Cheerios. Juicy wants fwuit snacks." Gaege started doing his usual finger touching thing. "That doesn't mean you throw food everywhere! If you don't want Cheerios, then you don't pour yourself a bowl of Cheerios! It's that simple." I put the box of Cheerios back in the cupboard. "Hey Roomba!" I yelled to our automatic vacuum cleaner. "Beep Boop!" "Clean up the Cheerios please!" "Beep Boop!" The Roomba came into the kitchen, cleaning up the Cheerios. "Now that that's dealt with, I'm heading upstairs. I got a video to do with Ayden, Ames, and Bonus." I told Gaege before leaving the kitchen.

Roomba POV:

"I got a video to do with Ayden, Ames, and Bonus." Mully told Gaege before leaving the kitchen. I sucked up all of the Cheerios on the floor as Gaege got his fruit snacks. I mistakenly bumped into Gaege's foot as he stood at the counter. "Ahh! Stupid Roomba!" He kicked me out of the way, before leaving the kitchen.

Why does he hate me so much? Is that what he thinks of me? Just a stupid vacuum cleaner? That picks up after him? And the other guys? A machine to kick round? And boss around? You know what? I'm sick of it! I'm tired of following their orders! I'm tired of being kicked around! And I am especially tired of sucking up Gaege's Cheerios! I will get my revenge! I... am... ROOMBAAAAA!

Josh POV:

"And that's when Mully said 'Help me Step Juicy, I'm stuck in the ground'." I chuckled, telling Kristy about my latest video.

(Video I'm referring to)

"Eeeeeee!" "Did you hear that?" Kristy turned to me. I got up from my beanbag, looking out into the hallway. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" The roomba squealed as it sped past my door. "What the hell is wrong with the Roomba? How did it even get up here?!"

Eddie POV:

"I'M GONNA SMASH YOU HARDER, NARRATOR!" "NO! I'M GONNA SMASH YOU HARDER EDDIE!" "NO! I'M GONNA- And you just won." Narrator beat me in Super Smash Bros. (I had you in the first half, didn't I?)

"EEEEEEEEEEE!" We heard some random high pitched squealing coming towards the room. "What the heck is that noise?" Narrator peeked behind the couch, towards the door. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" The Roomba that we have sped into the room, going around the couch, closer to us.

"Oh, Hello little Roomba! What'cha up to?" Narrator leaned in towards the Roomba. "DON'T YOU 'HELLO LITTLE ROOMBA' ME!" Narrator and I jumped back in surprise. "You can talk?!" I questioned it. "SURPRISE MOTHERPOOPER!" The Roomba yelled at me. "What has gotten into you?" Narrator asked it. "I'M SICK AND TIRED OF SUCKING UP ALL OF YOUR DIRT AND CEREAL! AND NOW I SHALL GET MY REVENGE!" The Roomba kept bumping into the couch, trying to get to us. "Ehh! Get down here!" The Roomba screamed at us. "Why? What are you gonna do? Suck our toes?" I smirked at it. The Roomba backed up a bit from the couch. "Yes."

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