Moving In (Featuring L0stN3rd)

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So a bit of context: If you remember in the 2nd fanfic video (THIS IS NOT SM*T, DON'T WORRY!)

Josh told the boys to imagine they go on a trip or holiday or whatever, and they're making some food. And they just hear "GAH!"

Well, I thought this might of been a bit funny (NOTHING S*XUAL, DON'T WORRY!)

Also, just for fun, and for craps and giggles, I decided to put myself in the story (Like Echo in Finding Home wasn't based off of me 🤣🤣🤣), or you can replace me with yourself, Enjoy!

Mully POV:

The boys and I just moved in together. We still had to unpack and such, but our friend L0stN3rd, or Echo (not my real name), since that's her real name (Nah mate), came to help us.

Anywho, Echo and I were making us some lunch, since we were all getting pretty hungry, and we needed a break. We were making some spaghetti and breadsticks. "Thanks for helping us move in, Echo." Josh thanked her. "No problem, mate!" Echo responded.

"GAH!" We heard upstairs. We all looked at each other wide eyed. "Oh nooooooooo." Gaege whined, and he held his face in his hands.


Eddie POV:

"GAH! COME ON NARRATOR! SHOVE IT HARDER!" I told him. "I'm trying, Eddie!" Narrator struggled. "Almost... There..." "GAH!" We finally got the mattress on the bed frame, and we collapsed on the bed, catching our breath. "Thanks for the help, Narrator." I told him. "No problem, honey bunch." He responded.

Echo POV:

So... We heard everything going on with Eddie and Narrator upstairs. "Who's gonna tell them dinner's ready?" Mully asked us. "Nose goes, NOT IT!" I called, and I touched my nose. "NOT IT!" Josh declared. "NOT IT!" Mully announced. We all looked at Gaege. "But... But Juicy doesn't want to." Gaege said in his Juicy voice while doing the finger touching thing. "Gaege, your adorableness is not gonna help you this time." I laughed. "Pwease, Echo. Pwease don't make me go." Juicy Begged in his Juicy voice. "Come on man, it's your homies." I told him. "But it might be gay if I walk in on... That." Gaege replied. "First of all, it's not gay if it's the homies. Second of all, it's pronounced homiesexual." I corrected him. "But... Can you come up with me?" Gaege asked me. "Sure, my Cinnamon Roll!" I responded, and we headed upstairs.

Gaege wanted me to lead, so I did. "Ok, Gaege, now go tell them that-" "Sike, I'm fast as heck, boiiiii!" Gaege yelled as he ran back downstairs. "GAEGE, YOU SON OF AN EASY BAKE OVEN!" I scolded him. I noticed the door was cracked open, so I slowly opened the door, revealing Narrator and Eddie laying on the bed out of breath.

"Um... Boys?" I asked them, and they both sat up. "Hey Echo, what's up?" Eddie asked me. "Um... Lunch is ready." I told them. "Oh, and we heard everything." I admitted. They both looked confused. "Huh? What?" Narrator asked me. "Dude, you were both screaming!" I told them. "Oh, well, sorry for being loud." Narrator apologized. "Just, let us know before next time, so we can leave you two alone." I told them. "What? Why? We're just moving in. What are you talking about?" Eddie asked me. Now I was confused. "Huh?" I asked him. "We just got Eddie's mattress on the bed, and it was barely budging. What are you on about?" Narrator asked.

"Wha- OHHHHHHHHHHHH." The realization came to me. "I'm still gonna write a fanfic about this." I told them, and I headed back downstairs.

Narrator POV:

"I'm still gonna write a fanfic about this." Echo said, and she left. "BET!" Eddie yelled out. "If not, then I got my Cinnamon Rolls on Wattpad!" Echo replied. "Oh... Boy." Eddie whimpered and cupped his face in his hands. "It's ok, Eddie." I comforted him and wrapped my arm around him. "Echo's too innocent to write those kind of fanfics. And she doesn't have that many followers anyway (no complaints or anything :) )." I reassured him. "Now let's go get some lunch." I told him, and gave him a kiss on the head. "Yeah, let's go." Eddie responded, and we went downstairs.

We got downstairs, and everyone was already at the table eating spaghetti and breadsticks. "Hey boys! Did you get your mattress dealt with?" Josh asked us. "Yep, I guess Echo explained everything?" Eddie asked them. "Sure did!" Echo answered, and she ate some more spaghetti. We got some spaghetti and breadsticks, and we sat down at the table.

- Time Skip to a while later brought to you by a Birb -

Echo POV:

"And that, my Cinnamon Rolls, is another random One shot. I hope you liked it, and I'll see you whenever! Bye!" I typed at the end of the one shot I just made of Eddie and Narrator. You already know what happened. "And publish!" I got the one shot published. And now we wait...

And wait...

And wait...

"ECHO! WHAT THE HECK!" Eddie yelled, making me laugh my butt off.

And that, my Cinnamon Rolls, is another random One Shot. If any of you wanna revamp or rewrite this in any way, go ahead! Just tag me! I hope you liked it, and I'll see you whenever! Bye!

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