Not Your Princess: Chapter 8

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Long story Short: Narrator gets fired because the boss is a dumbbutt Karen (sorry to any nice Karens out there).

I deleted/changed this bit because:

1. SPOILER ALERT! Narrator buys a bigger house for him and Swagger not long after this, and I figured him buying a house after he got fired wouldn't make much sense.

2. Even though I wanted some angst here for Some Narrator and Swagger ChArAcTeR bOnDiNg, I felt like this version was being dragged on too much.

Anywho, enjoy!

Narrator POV:

I waved goodbye to Swagger, before heading to work. After a 20 minute walk, I arrived at the lumber yard.

I met up with my boss, Karen, in the office. "Hey Mr. Oats, we need to talk." I don't know why, but I felt sick to my stomach when she told me that. "Is something wrong?" "Well, my husband's going to start working here, so I'm going to have to let you go." Karen told me heartlessly. I heart shattered when she told me that. Why would she fire me!? I always pick up extra shifts, and I'm one of the best employees there, not to toot my own horn or anything."But-But why?" I stuttered, holding back tears. "Because he'll be working full time, and he's way stronger than you'll ever be." She explained. "No, please don't fire me! I-I can work full time, or overtime if I have to-" "Narrator, my decision is final. Grab your stuff and go." She instructed, before leaving.

Tears fell down my face after she left. Was I really not good enough to work here? (No Narrator! You are good enough! Karen stepped in an ice cube puddle with socks on and she's salty... I wanna hug this dude so bad AHHHHHGGHDJHFHD) What am I gonna tell Swagger? I went into my tiny locker in the staff room, grabbing all of my stuff, before leaving.

Rain started falling down on me on the way home, hiding my tears from the world. What am I gonna tell Swagger?

Swagger POV:

I was in the living room, editing a video.

(Insert video here lol)

"Just a few more touch ups... And... Done!" I finished my video, uploading it once I closed out my editor. Hmmm, now that I'm thinking about it... Why does Narrator work at the lumber yard so much? We can afford this place just fine with only our YouTube jobs, it's only $600 a month, and we make hundreds, sometimes thousands on each of our videos.

The front door opened, revealing Narrator, soaked, puffy eyed, and crying. "Narrator! What's wrong?" I asked as I ran over to him. "I-I got fired. I'm so sorry." Narrator cried. "No, don't apologize. Why would they fire you?" I questioned him. "Karen said that her husband was taking my place. She also said that he would work full time, and that he's stronger than I'll ever be." Narrator cried even more. "Man, F*** KAREN!" I shouted angrily. "You're one of their best employees." I told him. "Meh, apparently not." Narrator looked away in shame. I held him in my arms. "Don't say that, Karen's got no room to talk. She's just salty that she'll never be happy or successful like you." I comforted him.

I heard him slightly chuckle at my comment. I couldn't help but smile when I heard it. "Let me go get you a towel." I told him, letting him go. I went into the bathroom, grabbing an extra towel. I wrapped it around him, before sitting down next to him. "Hey Narrator, why did you work at the lumber yard? I know you enjoyed it and all, but you didn't need to get a second job." "I figured we could use the extra money." Narrator answered me. "Narrator, you really didn't have to, if you didn't want to. I mean, Working 10 hours a day in the heat?" I questioned him. "I don't mind. It's extra money in the bank." Narrator explained himself.

"Or, it was, at least." Narrator added, with more tears staining his cheeks. "It's ok, Narrator. Don't cry." I comforted him, holding him in my arms. "I'm sorry I wasn't good enough." Narrator apologized sadly. "Narrator, you don't need to apologize. You are good enough, More than good enough. Karen's just too stupid to see it." I told him.

More tears fell down Narrator's face. "Come here." I told him again, hugging him. "Please don't cry." I spoke up, almost crying, from seeing Narrator crying so much.

And that's about it my Cinnamon Rolls! I hope you enjoyed reading this, and I'll see you whenever! Bye!

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