꧁✿🌸╭⊱ Thank You ⊱╮🌸✿꧂

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Hey everyone.

This post has been a long time coming, but it's still a little hard to actually post this on here. Some of you may already know what this is if you follow me on Wattpad. However, if you don't, then this might come as a bit of a shock to you.

I've come on here to say that I am officially discontinuing this book, however, I will not be deleting it from this app.

Now some of you might be wondering why I'm discontinuing my book. To be honest, I've fallen out of the Hamilton fandom. A while ago, actually. I started writing this book over a year ago, which was back when I was obsessed with the musical. But, over the past few months, that obsession has gone away. Completely. Of course I still like the musical, but my interests have grown away from it and has led me to no longer enjoy writing this book.

At the very beginning, writing these one shots was a fun thing to do. It was a way for me to share with others how much I loved this musical. Now, though, it just feels like work to have to publish things on here when I've already fallen out of love with the musical. To put it simply, I just don't enjoy writing these one shots anymore. You may have noticed recently that I've not really made any new one shots and have been really slow with updating. This is why.

I want to say thank you to everyone who voted on each one shot, those who left encouraging comments, and those who simply just enjoyed reading my book. This was my first time ever writing on Wattpad, and it really made me happy when I saw that people actually enjoyed reading the things I shared on here. It still makes me happy. I also want to apologize to anyone who may be unhappy with this decision, but, as I mentioned before, I am leaving this book up instead of deleting it so you can reread it as much as you want.

I think this is the healthiest decision for me. I would rather spend my time writing something I enjoy than waste it on something that doesn't make me happy.

This also isn't to say I'm done with writing. I'm still going to write other things on Wattpad, so it's not like I'm just gonna dip after posting this haha. And who knows, maybe someday I'll come back to this. For now, though, this is the decision I've chosen to make.

I'm going to go back through every chapter after posting this message and finalize everything, maybe change a few things here and there in some one shots to make them better. Then this book will be done.

Again, thank you guys so much for the continuous support on this book :)

- ghxstti

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