Chapter 18

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Rain pelted me as I speed walked down the sidewalk. Tears fell down my numb cheeks as I pranced on. My bare feet tapped the ground softly as I continued for his house. I pulled on the edge of my music note necklace so hard that it snapped. How could he do this to me? How could SHE do this to me!? There it was. I stood there like a statue, fists clenched. My teeth began to chatter from cold but I didn't care. I pulled off his sweatshirt and threw it to the ground. Next, I grabbed his phone and texted Angie:

@Troy: Troy. come out here. now.

Then, I threw his phone into a puddle on his driveway. At that moment, Troy came lurking out from inside.

"So. What are you doing here babe? It's almost three in the morning!" He said approaching me slowly.

I continued to look down at his black heap of a sweatshirt. "You responded when I texted her cell phone, Troy. You can't hide. I have all the evidence I need."

Troy raised a eyebrow and said, "and what might that be?"

I ripped a piece of computer paper out of my pocket and dropped it to the ground. "This," I said softly.

Troy looked down in panic at the pictures of him and Angie displayed on the sheet.

"But how!?..." he stuttered out, "where did you?..."

"It doesn't matter Troy. I just need to know one thing - why did you do it? What was your POINT? WHAT HAVE I EVer done to you...!" At that moment a sob burst out of me as I collapsed onto the ground. I heard the door open and close as someone came out. I pulled my head to my knees-I don't want to know who it is. My now soaked clothes clung to my skin as I sobbed uncontrollably. Every muscle in my body ached longingly for me to stop.

"Wow! Did she find out??" a high pitched voice asked.

"Yeah Angie. She did. Are you happy now? Did your little plan work? Will you go home now?"

"Go home? honey muffin we were right in the middle of my favorite movie! You can't send me home now!"


"Jeez what are you so worked up about? I mean, the plan did work... you should be happy!"

"Angie, I never wanted to do the plan remember! Why is it so important to you anyway? I'm sure Allie would never have gotten 'more popular then you!' She's normal! Can't you tell she wants to stay that way? Can't you see she likes it that way? Huh? Can't you?"

"Calm down Troy! I'm done, okay? She can live the rest off her unpopular life now! I just was trying to make sure it stayed that way! I wouldn't want a B**** like her to ruin me!"

I heard a loud slapping noise and a large splash as I listened through the rain. I lifted my head a little and saw Angie laying right below Troy in a dirty puddle. Troy looked at me for a split second. I put my head back on my knees and continued to listen, trying hard not to break into another sob fit. The effort didn't help.

"Your sick Angie," Troy said, "the only person you think about is yourself! Now get your lazy <bleep:)> off my porch!"

And with that, Angie stumbled to her car and quickly scrambled inside. Even from where I was I could here her sobbing. After she had left. I tried to stand, but I couldn't. I felt numb all over like my body had frozen in this feeble position. I felt strong arms wrap around my crumpled form and lift me from the ground. I tried to push away, but my muscles wouldn't allow me. Then I gave in and let my body fall loose. Before I passed out, I heard Troy whisper the words:

"I'm sorry Allie."


haha! the break-up is finally here! Troy admits all! :D

So do you think Allie should forgive Troy???



FAN! and find out in the next chapter!


(sorry it was soooo short...I just got pretty tired...<yawn>)

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