Chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning with warm sun rays shining on my bed. I smiled dreamily as thoughts of last night drifted through my head. I practically skipped down the stairs with a cloudy look to my eyes. When I glanced at the clock, I knew why the house was so quiet. My family usually slept in til 10:00, that explained why at 8:00, my house is so silent. Anyway, the next hour or so was a slur----shower, dresses, corn flakes, Troy, make-up, daydreams,--it went on and on. Just as I was finishing brushing my hair, the phone rang. After two rings, I set down my hair brush and grabbed my phone.

"Hello?" I asked softly into the phone.

"Hey Allie! I was just wondering what you were doing today."

It was Troy.


As I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I realized that maybe I was a little too casual... even for the movies. So I search all my drawers for something a little bit more dressy than a tee shirt and jeans. When I realized my search was hopeless, I got an idea. My mom is one of those people who keeps EVERYTHING. As far as I know, she has every single piece of clothing my sisters and have ever owned. The thought never came to me that maybe my sisters had worn something that would be fit for the occasion. With that, I headed out of the bathroom and into the large storage room where mom kept all the junk we didn't need. When I opened the door I gasped at the humongous heap of old clothes. I swear some of them were mom's when SHE was a kid. Reluctantly, I headed to the first pile of clothes and started sorting through it to find what I needed.

After around an hour or so of digging, I decided upon a sexy short green skirt and a green sparkly tank top. The skirt hid my more embarrassing curves and showed off the good ones, while the tank top made me look HUGE in the front (no wonder why my sisters liked it.) I also had found a make up pack that held designer make-up of all sorts. The pack was opened, but hardly touched. I washed off the casual make-up I had on now, then applied a light coat of the green eye shadow and eye liner. I finished my look with a little mascara and a cute white purse I stole from Ashley's room.

Just as I finished curling my hair, I heard a slight knock on the door. I squealed with delight and practically flew to the door. When I opened it I came face to face with the pizza delivery guy. Blushing wildly I called for Jane, who had obviously called the pizza place. The pizza guy raised an eyebrow at me in a disgusted way. Than Jane entered the room with her pink short shorts and perfectly curly blond hair. She smiled at the guy with those beautiful teeth. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the pizza guy drooling while staring at her chest. I rolled my eyes and got out of there before Jane could find away to buy her pizza with a kiss.

About fifteen minutes before 7:00, the door bell rang again. I smiled excitingly as I walked stiffly to the door (I still needed to break into the white silver studded high heels I had found in Ashley's room.) I opened the door to find Troy awaiting me in a tight shirt (that showed his 6-pack) and plaid shorts.

"Hey Allie. You look beautiful tonight," he said, looking me up and down.

"Thanks! I think you look just as great," I said, but still noticing the way he stared at my top.

"Well we both know I can't drive, and the theatre is pretty close, so I was wondering if we could bike," Troy said cooly. "that is if you want to. Otherwise we could walk."

I smiled and said, "no biking is perfect!"

"Come on then! We better get going if want to catch a 7:00 show," Troy said with a teasing expression on his face.

It took us about 15 minutes to get to the theatre on bike. Troy and I rode side by side never getting ahead of one another. In fact, most of the time I was in the lead as if Troy was watching my back. I was actually pretty relieved about this because I hated the busy streets at night. Anyway, once we got to the theatre, we decided to go to the hunger games. We shared a large popcorn and pop and sat in the front row. During the sad parts of the movie, I would cry but Troy would always be there to comfort me. But the best of the whole movie was the romantic scene between to of the main characters. At this point, Troy leaned and gently kissed my lips for at least a whole 30 seconds! After this, I kind of lost track of the movie.

As we were biking home, Troy stopped his bike at a near park. I did the same. It was a bright night, with the moon being full and all. I slowly followed Troy into the deserted park. Pretty soon Troy stopped, beckoned me over, and lay on the fresh grass. I stood over Troy hesitantly before laying down beside him. In the moonlight, Troy's face was glowing. A warm feeling spread over me as our hands brushed. My head turned to look at him, and his did the same. We stared into each others eyes for a moment. The Troy leaned in so close that his lips were only an inch from my face.

"I think your amazing, Allie," he whispered.

And before I could answer back, his tongue was inside my mouth gently touching mine. For that moment, everything was perfect. For that moment, I had no worries. For that moment, Angie didn't exist-- until Troy and I were completely soaked from head to toe.

After taking Troy 20 minutes to stop the sprinklers, we concluded that this was no accident. Troy and I had managed to dry some on the bike ride back, but we were still pretty damp. So with a short kiss goodbye, Troy biked away leaving me wondering why the pizza truck was still here. With a shake of my wet hair, I headed inside. Of course, the only person who could have wanted to ruin my kiss was Angie. I mean, I figured that one out at the start. But the thing that boggles my mind is she always knows where we go together. I guess it must come natural to snoops, but it still makes me wonder.

Anyways, after I brushed my teeth and put my PJs on, I walked up the stairs toward my bedroom. Before I got there, I heard noises coming from my sisters room. Apparently Jane had REALLY liked this pizza guy. I mean she always gets comfy on the couch for free food, but her bedroom? She must actually like the guy! I shivered at the thought and tip-toed into my room.

Once I was in bed, I checked my phone for messages. There were 23 text messages from Tevin. I opened the first few realizing immediately why he sent so many messages. I had been so distracted by Troy, that I had totally forgot about Tevins big football tryout! Tevin had been waiting for this day for two whole years! I had promised last month that I would be there to see it and now I had completely missed it! I quickly sent almost 40 different apology messages without an answer. I knew deep down that that wouldn't be enough. I groaned and put my face in my pillow. My "perfect first date" dream had turned into a nightmare.

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