Chapter 19

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I woke up in my bed feeling groggy and confused. How did I even get here? Once I had gotten up, I walked over to the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror I gasped. My hair looked like it had gone through a tornado and my make-up didn't look much better. But the worst thing is I was wearing just a shirt. And it deffinatly wasn't mine. I quickly pulled it over my head before turning on the bath water.

As I dried my hair, all my feelings from last night rushed through me in a chill. Tears filled my eyes as I brushed my knotted hair. Troy had cheated on me. TROY had cheated on me. I felt the spot on my neck where the music note necklace used to be. All of our time together was an act. All of it was for Angie's popularity safety. He did all this to me for THAT. how could I have been so stupid? I knew Angie was up to something but I chose to ignore it.

As I thought about the past few months a realization hit me. The reason I didn't accepts the truth about Angie was because I thought I actually made a friend. The only person I really had was Tevin and a few of his friends.( For some reason girls never seemed to like me much.) I guess I was just so caught up in our "friendship" that I didn't realize the truth.

I sighed, wiped away my tears, and put my hair in a messy bun. I then threw on a pair of sweats and a white t-shirt. Slowly I walked over to my window and sat on the chair I had placed there so many years ago. I gazed at Tevins window praying there would be someone there, just like when we were little. There wasn't.


After a few hours of gazing, I heard the doorbell ring. Since I was the only one home, I forced myself to walk down the long trek of stairs. When I reached the door I stood there debating whether or not to open it. After a few more seconds the doorbell rang again. I reached my hand out and slowly turned the door handle until it opened. I gasped in surprise when I saw a familiar pizza guy smiling down at me.

Once I had my moment I said, "Your out of luck buddy. My sister got a new job and she..."

"I wasn't looking for your sister. I was looking for you," he said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Me? Wait a second, this isn't about Troy is it? Well we're done. Tell him that," I said, feeling tears forming at the rims of my eyes.

"Hold on there! All he told me to do, was give you this," he said, while handing me a striped bag.

"Alright tell him I said thank you," I told him sarcastically, "also tell him that there is no way I will let him buy me back. Oh and one more thing. GET THE **** OFF MY PROPERTY!!!"

And with a shaky wave and thumbs up, he was gone. I rolled my eyes and threw the gift to the ground. I was in no mood for apologies. Then, I trotted on back upstairs to my spot by the window.


Days past as I walked in and out of school. I had been skipping drama meets and meals. Wherever I went there was whispering and curses and rumors. I put my guard up and pushed through. Every once in a while, one of my friends, Tom, jack, or Dawson would pat me on the back or ask a question. But other than that, everyone hated me. And I didn't care.

On Friday afternoon I stared out my window yet again. Yet again I replayed my life through my head and wished I could undo things. I looked over at my bed where the unopened gift sat. I curiously walked over and picked it up. Hands shaking, I pulled out the card inside. I opened it, and read the contents slowly:


I know you hate me. You have the right. I was such a dumb *** to you and acted like a *****. I didn't mean things to turn out this way. At first, it was all for Angie. But then, as I grew to know you, my perspective started to change...but it's too late now. Just so you know, I am the one who sent Tevin to the hospital. He seemed a threat to our plan, so we made it so he wasn't anymore. I just had to make sure you heard it from me.

A million apologies for a million unforgivable acts,


Oh sorry about how I brought you home..I couldn't think of any other way...:/


My mind spun as I read the letter over and over again. Tear stains soaked the paper as my frantic eyes scanned it. It was all Troy every bad thing that happened to me was because of his stupidity. Maybe he wasn't the main killer here. Maybe he was just a piece of Angie's game. But he stilled played, he still cheated, he still broke my heart.

I reached my hand into the package and pulled out a small box. Inside was a book. The cover had a picture of me and Troy. I quickly threw it in the closet and slammed the door. I couldn't handle this right now. I silently walked up to the window wondering how many days of pain and guilt one guy could put on me. Wondering when my Romeo would come home... Did I just call Tevin my Romeo?


Crap! Our play is tomorrow! I quickly grabbed a hoodie sweatshirt and raced out the door. I needed this rehearsal! As I continued my mad rush, I heard a voice that almost made my heart stop:

"Whoah Princess! Slow down before you hurt yourself!"

I felt warmth spread through my body. Tevin was back.


Hope you enjoyed! ;) the end of the book is near!

What do u think of Troy? Angie? Tevin? Allie? Give me your input now when you:




Iwuv2rite ;)

(Sorry that it was short again-at least I'm updating!)

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