Chapter 17

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"Cause when your fifteen and somebody tells you they love you, you gotta believe them..." the Taylor swift lyrics blasted out of my radio alarm clock. I groaned and hit the snooze button. Stupid thing. It's the weekend! I groggily pulled myself out of bed and splashed water on my face. After being sick, I guess I would have to feel like this.

Yes it's Saturday. I was sick the entire week of school. I must have thrown up a million times. Even through all that, all I could think about was Tevin. I'm sure he is suffering way more than I am! I sighed as I threw on a pair if aero sweats. Today I know I will visit Tevin even if I have to walk.


After my mom dropped me off at the hospital, I walked up to the desk. Sitting stiffly in a rolling chair was a stern looking old woman.

"Um I would like to visit room number 115 please," I said uncertainly.

The old woman pushed a few buttons on her key board. "Is the patients name Trevor? He's the part time mailman, right?"

"Uh, no ma'am. It's Tevin, he's my best friend," I said firmly.

The woman clicked her key pad again then said, "you must have ment room 215 honey. Is the patient diagnosed with a swollen ankle?"

I nodded and said, "yes and he has two black eyes."

The woman smiled then said, "this young man has been asking for someone named Allie. Does that happen to be you?"

For an unknown reason I blush then say, " um can I just have a card please?"

I walked down the hallway; 213, 214, 215! Here we are. I slid my GUEST card in the slot on the door. I put my hand on it's light pine frame and pushed ever so slightly. The door swung open revealing Tevin sitting on a hospital bed gazing out the window. When he heard the door open, he turned around. Almost immediately after he sees me his eyes brighten.

"Hi Allie! How are you? I heard you got sick! Are you ok? Why are you here? Did your mom drop you off? Did you meet the nice lady downstairs at the desk? Did you talk to her?"

By this time, Tevin was already across the room (limping all the way) and right in front of me. I could feel his fast breathing on my face.

"Um I'll answer your questions after you answer mine. What happened to you, Tevin?" I said looking up at him with complete care.

Tevin looked down at his toes. Then, after what seemed like forever, he spoke. "Allie I can't tell you."

I came a little closer and lifted his head so he looked me in the eye. "Tevin, you can tell me anything. All I want to know is what happened to you."

He sighed and pushed away my hand. He then walked over and sat on the hospital bed. "Allie I usually would tell you everything. It's just...this time its different. It's not just something that effected me. It would effect you too."

I walked over and sat down next to him. Then I said, "Tev no matter what it is, I would rather have us fight it together."

Tevin looked at me with a firm expression. "ALLIE! I know you want whats best for me, but sometimes I want whats best for YOU! So if you please, STOP ASKING QUESTIONS!"

Towards the end, Tevin had started yelling. I simply sat next to him on the bed with my jaw hanging open. I don't think I've ever heard Tevin yell before. At least not that I can remember.

After what seemed like days of silence I cautiously lifted a shaky hand to his curls. I strung my fingers through them until they untangled. When we were little, I always used to do this when Tevin was upset. When I looked at his face again, he seemed completely at ease.

Tevin smiled and took my hand and held it in his. Then he said, "you know Allie, you always know how to make me feel better."

I smiled and nuzzled my head under his chin. Then I said, "I do owe you one Tev. Especially after what happened last time I saw you."

Then, before he could answer, a nurse came in the room. She blabbed on about how Tevin needed his rest. After this, she escorted me out. While I waited for mom, I heard a familiar ring tone coming from my pocket. I quickly put my phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Allie," Troy said enthusiastically, "in order to celebrate your health, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the park tonight."

Even though I was unsure if I should go or not, I simply said, "sure! That sounds fun!"

"Great! I'll Be at the park at seven tonight! See you there!" and with that, he hung up.


I walked down the sidewalk to the park only this time I wasnt half as jittery as I was on my previous date. I knew Troy wouldn't attempt to do anything this time. When I got to the park, there was no sighn of Troy. I furrowed my brow and pulled out my phone.

@Allie: r u ther??? where are you???

Right as I hit send, a pair of muscular arms wrapped around me. I giggle as a pair of lips caressed my neck.

I turned around and said, "I thought you bailed on me!"

He held me tight and said, "I could never do that."

He looked into my eyes with a great intensity. I felt a shiver spread through my body. I gulped, and then, before I knew what was going on, he was straddled on top of me. I felt the cool strands of grass tickle my back as his lips moved together with mine. His fingers moved lightly up and down my back as our kiss deepened. After what seemed like forever, our lips spit.

I smiled.

He smiled.

At the moment, there was only me and him.


I opened my front door with a dreamy expression on my face. The thought of Troy's shirtless chest would not leave my mind. daydreams drifted through my head of things that might've happened if we had continued.

As I walked past the bathroom mirror, I noticed I was still wearing Troy's sweatshirt. I felt a vibration in his pocket. I reached inside and pulled out his cell phone. my eyes flew frantically across his most recent message:

Is the b**** gone? If so, can I sleepover now?

-An$ie xx

The phone slipped from my fingers and fell to the floor.


sorry it was kinda short but at least I updated! :) please vote fan comment??? thanx!


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