Chapter 13

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    I carefully spread pink  gloss on my lips after finishing my eyes. I was wearing a short pink dress that fit my curves perfectly.


   That would be Troy. I quickly grabbed my purse and walked towards the door. It seems like ever since the "big practice" Troy seems to be trying to get very close to me.I mean he's been literally taking me on fancy dinner dates almost every night of the week. Yesterday we went to a play together in this huge theatre. I have 2 say, it was great but i can't help thinking Troy is trying almost too hard for some reason...

"     Hey ummm Allie your spacing out again," Troy said.

    "Oh sorry Troy I guess I had alot on my mind at the moment," I said quickly before he got the wrong idea.

    Then Troy shrugged and put on a smile, "so are you ready to go?"

    "Ummm yeah. Do you think I dressed to formal? or..." I said worriedly.

   "You look gorgeous Allie," Troy whispered before leaning down and kissing me tenderly just below my chin.

    RIght then and there I thought 'maybe it wouldn't be so bad...' but before I could do something stupid, I pushed the thought aside. I wasn't going to through my life away just to be with a guy for one night. When I was very young I pledged it.

     When we were through with our "moment" we hopped into a taxi. Troy sat in the back with me on his chest. As we drove, Troy stroked my hair softly. I could've died at that moment and felt no pain. But for some reason it didn't feel quite as great as it used to. There was no fireworks this time...only sparks. What we had just didn't seem as powerful anymore.

       When the taxi stopped I looked up in aww at the beautiful mansion in front of me. I quickly looked over at Troy with a questioning look on my face.

       Troy laughed at my expression and said, "this is where my mom lives."

       Then I said,"wait what does your mom do for a living?"

       "She works at Apple. She's one of the head managers there. Ever since her boss died she needs to help run the company," Troy said.

       I looked back at the mansion and said, "so when do we get to go inside?"

      Troy smiled, took my hand, and said, "now."

      Once we got through the gate, we walked up to the huge doors and were greeted by a guy in a suit. Troy addressed him as Butler Carlos, but the whole time I was was thinking Butler Hottie. The guy looked about 2 or 3 years older than me. He had long black hair that almost covered his dark brown eyes. Even through his polo shirt I could see the outline of his biceps. I quickly turned away when I saw Troy watching me suspiciously. When we got inside I couldn't help but sigh at the truly beautiful house. On almost every wall wall there were beautiful murals of flowery designs and colored tiles. After what seemed like forever we reached a room at the end of a hall. When we walked inside I noticed a huge hot tub alongside a small "beach." On a lawn chair next to the tub sat a woman texting on an iPhone. When she heard us come in she looked up and sighed.

     "So Troy, this is your little friend," she said before walking over.

     "Ummm yes. Mom this is Allie and Allie this is Mom," he said hesitantly.

     "Well good to meet you Allie," she said plainly.

      I gulped and said, "ummm good to meet you to Mrs. Stevens."

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