Chapter 14

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I shoved my script into my bag. Crap I'm going to be late. Yes even on the weekend I have to go to school again for drama club meetings. I quickly threw on some shoes and opened the door. I shiver at the cool breeze and realized I have forgotten my jacket. Figures. I quickly snatch Tevin's jacket and leave in a huff. Gosh why did this have to happen to me now? I mean, this is my big drama club rehearsal. The next meeting I will be performing live on stage in front of thousands of people! I will be standing there reciting the famous Shakespeare lines and there will be cheering and...

"Jeez Allie what took you so long! I was starting to get worried!" Tevin said with his big toothy smile.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and said, "sorry Tevin. I guess today wasn't my day. I'm not really much of a morning person anyway."

Tevin smirked then said, "so you still have the jacket ehh?"

"Umm yeah. I guess it kinda looks good on me?" I said, feeling my cheeks turning red.

"It looks perfect on you," Tevin said looking straight into my eyes.

I giggled and said, "no need to flatter me about it. You can have it back if you want I mean..."

Tevin Interrupted me saying, "no no! Keep it! I got a new one anyway see?" He pointed to the gray hoodie he was wearing.

I put my hands up and said,"ok but if your mom gets mad, it's not my fault!"

Tevin laughed as we continued on our way. About halfway there, I heard a small rustling noise from the bushes behind us.

"What was that?" I said looking back and forth.

Tevin laughed and said, "wow a little paranoid are we? It's probably just the wind."

"Sorry," I said, "your probably right! I guess I've watched too many horror films recently."

"That would do it!" Tevin said.

"Yeah I guess it would," I said with a smile, "anyways are you coming inside?"

"Yeah just a second. I need to check to see if I remembered my cough drops. I seem to have a very nasty cough."

"Tevin I haven't heard you cough once the whole way here," I said with a confused expression on my face.

"I know. My mom just told me to put them in their cause she predicts I'll get a cold I guess," Tevin said.

I snorted and said, "wow Tevin your mom really Has been overprotective lately! Well we're already late as it is. I'll see you inside!"

"I hope so," Tevin said, "I wouldn't want the monster in the bushes to eat you!"

I rolled my eyes at Tevins lame joke and headed inside.

Tevin's POV

I watch Allie disappear into the building and sigh. I can't help but say I'm very happy Allie kept my sweatshirt. It really did look good on her...

As I rummaged through my bag looking for the cough drops, I heard something rustle in the bushes. After looking around and seeing nothing was there, I went back to searching. Once I finally found the cough drops, I texted my mom that I had them. After I was all packed up, I heard the rustle again.

This time I turned around and said, "hello?"


I shrug my shoulders and start walking into the school. Rustle. This time when I turned around, I was face-to-face with none other than Troy.

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