Chapter 7

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I woke up on Saturday morning. I smiled when I thought of the day to come. Troy had clarified at 6:00 this afternoon he would be picking me up to go to a Chinese restaurant. I also managed to get Tevin to sign up for drama club with me. The tryouts are today at 10:00 a.m. and I cant wait! I quickly jumped out of bed and threw on my favorite Paul Frank T and flare jeans. As I walked past Ashly's room, I noticed it was empty. The only reason why that would be odd is that Ashly almost always sleeps until at least 9:00. I shrugged and walked downstairs. I guess she must have stayed out partying really late and decided to just spend the night. After eating to frozen waffles, I put on my make-up and did my hair. I quickly told mom I was heading to Tevins to get ready for our try outs and with that I walked out the door.

Ding-dong! Tevin opened the door and smiled.

"Wow! your early! It's only 7:00. We still have like 3 hours or so until the try outs," Tevin said.

" I know," I replied, "but I REALLY want to get Juliet's part!"

Tevin smiled at me and said, " to tell you the truth Allie I really don't care what part I get. Heck I probably wouldn't have even joined if you hadn't wanted me to so bad. I mean, lately we haven't hung out much. You are always busy with Troy and I'm always at football practice."

I blushed and said, " Really Tev? Your doing this for me? Your so sweet!"

Tevin smiled at me and said, " well come on in princess! Your going to really need to practice of you want the lead role in the play!"

I punched him lightly in the shoulder and said, "don't forget that you still need to pick a part! This isn't all about me you know!"

Tevin all of a sudden pulled me up into a craddle and said, "of course it is, Princess! I wouldnt have sighed up if it wasnt for you!"

I rolled my eyes and alowed him to carry me inside.

Troys POV

I really hoped Allie wouldn't have joined that stupid drama club. If she hadn't, I would've been able to have an all day date with her today. I am also a little leery about the whole thing because that Tevin guy joined with her. Allie claims that he's only her friend, but boys know more about other boys then girls do. I can tell he really likes her. Every class period I see him just staring at her but she doesn't seem to notice. God, sometimes that girl is so naive! Anyway I've been sitting here for a whole hour getting ready for our date tonight. I really want to make the big move tonight. I'm just not sure if she's ready... especially after seeing her buddy Kevin or whatever his name is. I just really hope I can get through to her tonight...

"Troy!" my mother called, "you almost have been in your room for an hour!"

"Whatever mom. You know how much this date means to me. Anyway, I'm going to bike to Wal-Mart. See you in a bit." I said.

Before my mom could answer I ran down the stairs and out the door with a quick wave of my hand. I would risk any punishment to get away from mom. I really didn't need her lecturing me. Not tonight.

Tevins POV

I smiled while listening to Allie quote shakspeare. She considers me her friend, but I've always considered her as more. Ever since the six grade I've always admired her baby blue eyes, freckles, and soft brown hair the reached her shoulder blades. I planned on telling her how I felt countless times but never had the guts to do it. But now I realize I am too late and that there are others who see her this way too. I sigh and shake the images of Troy out if my head. I guess I should be grateful to have her to myself now. I clapped dramatically as Allie finished her speech.

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