Chapter 22

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I pulled the strings of my corset so it was tight to my back. Tonight was the big night-the one I'd been waiting for since the beginning of the year-and I was a mess. Everywhere I looked I saw Troy. Every time I thought of him or heard his name I cried. If this kept happening, how can I play the main lead of a romance play? I sighed and braided my hair down my back. I then pulled on my beautiful scarlet dress and slipped into my black flats. I walked over to my bathroom mirror and applied a coating of gray, red, and glitter eye shadow. I put on my fake eyelashes and mascara before putting on my pink blush. I looked at the mirrior but didn't smile. I walked out into my room and realized I forgot my red ribbon for the end of my braid. I quickly scanned my room and then walked over to the closet where my ribbon lay by the entrance.  

As I reached for it, I saw the corner of a pink book. A shiver crawled up my back as I realized what it was. I brushed the dirty clothes covering the small baby pink photo album. I stared at the picture of Troy and I kissing on the front. Tears overflowed from my eyelids as I brushed my hand over the frilly rim.  

I cautiously opened the book to the first page. There I saw a small note written in careful cursive. It read:  

Dear Allie,  

I put together this small book for your birthday on July 6. But since it's obvious it won't matter then, I have given it to you now. There are still a few blank pages, but they will obviously not be filled.  


What I had with you was real. It didn't start out so, but now I find my heart broken as well. I didn't realize how big of a dumb-*** I was being until I replayed everything I did in my head.  

I'm sorry  

By the time I had finished reading his note, my tears had already stained most of the paper. I quickly scrolled through the gallery of photos page after page of good and bad memories all at once. When I finally turned to the last picture I gasped and I shook violently with sobs of fury and sadness. There, on the teal blue page, was a picture of Troy kissing me. My hair was drenched from rain and I was wearing only a shirt. His topless chest was pushed over my motionless body and his lips were on mine. Below the photo were the words "one last goodbye." I covered my head in my arms as I drenched the wretched book with my tears. As I shook there in a ball, I couldn't help thinking, "maybe, just maybe he is innocent..." But then Tevin with a black eye crossed my mind and the thought vanished.


Tevin...PLAY! What was I doing! I quickly tucked extra hairs in with bobby pins and reapplied my smearing mess of make-up. Then without another thought, I threw myself out of my house, my safe haven. There's no turning back now! My audience awaits me!  


I thrust open the doors of the school dramatically as I entered the building. I was gonna do this, and nothing could get in my way! Not even...Troy?! I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw the sandy haired boy staring at me with tears in his eyes. Almost immediately my once firm features softened and I lowered to my knees. I felt the familiar sensation of tears rising in my eyes. "What are you doing here?" I said in a small, shaky voice.  

Troy cleared his voice and asked, "did you really mean what you said to my brother?"  

I bit my lip as I played back the moment. "What do you think." I asked quizzically  

Troy sighed and walked towards me. Just as he was about to touch me Tevin jumped between him and me. I quickly backed away in fright. I had never seen Tevin this mad.  

Tevin stared bullets at Troy, fire in his eyes. "Get away from Allie you dirty rat!" He said through gritted teeth.  

Still managing to keep a straight face, Troy slowly backed away and headed towards the door. Just before he left, he whispered something only I could hear, "goodbye Allie. I love you." And with that he left the school property.

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