Chapter 4

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The next few days happened in a blur. All I could think about was the up coming weekend. After I told Troy what happened, he looked at me in horror and quickly said either he could join me, or I could go over to his house. Even though the thought of going over to his house was REALLY tempting, I knew mom would never let me do that. Anyways, I would never want to drag him into my horrible situation.

I woke up with a start the next morning knowing that the day had arrived. I got reluctantly out of bed and through on my yellow sundress (that was the only dress I owned.) I combed my hair, put my make-up on, then trudged to the kitchen to get a lousy bowl of Frosted Flakes. After I had finished eating, my house was in pandemonium. Before the guests arrived, the house had to be spotless, the backyard mowed, trimmed, and decorated, and groceries had to be bought. My mom put me in charge of the backyard while my sisters reluctantly worked in the house.

Just as I was putting the finishing touches on the backyard, the doorbell rang. Thinking it was mom coming home from the grocery store, I hurried to the door. I quickly pulled it open, only to find Angie and her mom standing on the doorstep. Reluctantly, I welcomed them into the house. As I quickly told her mom what the situation was, I couldn't help but notice Angie snooping around the house looking disgusted at what she saw. Just as I thought I couldn't stand one more minute of this, my charming sisters walked gracefully down the stairs. I sighed with relief as they smoothly took over to showing the guests to the back yard. Then, I silently left them alone, and tip toed up to my room.

Almost a whole hour had passed. My mother had finally arrived with the burger patties and chips for the barbaque about 30 minutes ago. My stomach was growling so loud I was almost sure Angie could hear it perfectly all the way down in the lawn. To destract myself from my hunger, I decided to call up Tevin. After 3 rings, Tevin picked up his phone.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," Tevin replied glumly.

"Hey I was just wondering what you were up to. It seems like I haven't talked to you in ages!"

Tevin simply replied, "nothing much."

I asked, "Tev is everything okay?"

He replied, "yeah. I've got a big football tryout so I need to practice. See you later."

And with that, Tevin hung up. I shrugged and put my phone down. I have no clue why Tevin is so down. He usually is so optimistic! The truth is, i'm a little worried about Tevin. Ever since this year started he's acted a little out of the ordinary. Anyways, I'm not sure how much longer I can go without eating. So I grabbed my book and lay on my bed. That's when I felt a thick gooey substance on my pillow.

When I finally managed to pry my head off the pillow, I realized what the stuff was. It was what looked like a record-breaking chunk if ABC gum- and half of it was stuck in my hair. Just as I was on my way to the bathroom, I ran into my mom.

"Honey where have you been? You are supposed to be eating dinner outside with us!"

And with that, my mother grabbed me by the arm, and yanked me outside. Angie snickered at me as I was pushed toward a chair. I saw her glancing up at my hair and holding back laughter. I felt my face grow hot and my teeth clench. So far, this was officially the worst day of my life.

Finally, after what seemed like ages, Angie and her mom left. As soon as they were out the door I ran into the bathroom. I was in there for a straight 2 hours before I finally was able to get most of the gum out. Soon after, I slipped upstairs into my room. When I got there I almost screamed. Sitting on my bed was no one other then Troy.

Before I could say anything, Troy grinned and said, "hey whats up?"

I looked at him astonished and quickly blurted out, "WHY ARE YOU HERE?!"

Troy just smiled cooly and said, "I want to know what happened."

So before asking further questions I sighed and told him about the gum and the laughing. When I was finished, he was in complete thought.

Then all of a sudden he scooted closer to me and said, "you declared this was the worst day of your life, right?" I nodded. Then Troy smiled and said, "well I can change that."

The next thing I knew, Troy's lips were one with mine, and our hands were tightly locked together. But the moment was over as soon as it had started. Starstruck, I watched as Troy silently left my room, carefully climbing out the window. I knew that he was right---the worst day of my life just became the best.

I lay in bed, I no longer worried about Angie-I was to busy in my own fantasies. I fell asleep quickly, knowing that there was no chance of Angie nightmares tonight.

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