Chapter 16

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This is sorta a filler chapy so don't b expecting alot of drama...


Allie's POV

I woke up the next day lying in my bed. I'm not sure what day it is...I just know I'm sick. Before I know what's happening, I'm sitting in my bathroom with my head over the toilet. Oh god... Thoughts of last night fled through my head: yoga pants, a noise, and a kiss... Oh god. My stomach lurched as I heaved my supper into the toilet. Frozen pizza rolls don't taste so good in the morning.

After brushing my teeth to rid my mouth of the foul substance, I collapse on my bed. I dialed the school number and called in sick. This should help my busy mother out. After getting her new job at Apple Company, I really wouldn't want to worry her with my pitiful issues.

I closed my eyes and tried not to think about what I have to face. I tried to focus on current events and not events that may occur. But no matter how much I tried I couldn't get the thought of Troys complete rage and fury being brought out on me. I don't know if I can be strong enough to face that part of him. I sighed and buried my head in my pillow. Maybe in the world of my dreams, no one would exist but me. And maybe Tevin.

Tevins POV

I woke up lying in my own sweat. I could feel the grass prickling beneath me and the sun shining above me. The world was swirling like a ceiling fan. I groaned and shut my eyes. Oh man. I felt the acids rising in my stomach, so I tried to turn my head away from me. Let's just say I didn't make it.

"MOM!" I tried to yell in the direction of my parents room.

Miraculously hearing me, my mom looked out her window and gasped. "OH MY GOSH TEVIN!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!!?"

I looked up at her through my swollen eyes. I simply said, "help..." Then, right before I blacked out, I realized what I had been laying on wasn't sweat. It was blood.

Troys POV

I sighed in contentment on the bus. The pieces of my plan are finally coming together. Angie was right on this one. I sat peacefully. I finally don't have to live with Allie's frequent annoying chatter. It's finally just me.

"Hey Troy!" said a sweet fakey voice.

Moment ended.

"Hi Angie," I said in a lazy tone, " what's up?"

"Oh nothing much. Do you wanna go back to the beach tonight? I really had a great time last night and..."

I shoved my hand to her mouth and said," shush up! Some of the best gossipers and rumor creators are on this bus!"

"Sorry!" she whispered before giggling.

I rolled my eyes. Sometimes Angie can be just as annoying as Allie.

As the bus ride continued, I decided to look out the window instead of listening to Angie. She really can get annoying. I just can't believe that Allie is sick on the same day as Tevin... Well I knew Tevin was going to be sick, but still. I guess nature isn't on my side. I just hope that Tevin doesn't get any ideas in my absence. I think he would've learned his lesson by now though. The bus doors opened and I walked down the isle.

" Omg! Did you hear Angie! It seems our little Troy isn't being honest to Allie! This will be like, the perfect rumor to get Troy away from both of them! Come on! Lets go tell Jillion! Oh and don't forget Dillion! She'll want to know too!"

I froze right there in the isle. Damn Angie and her big mouth.

Allies POV

"WHAT!? What do you mean Tevins in the hospital?!" I yelled into the phone.

"Honey calm down! Tevin was found lying in the grass below his window unconscious. He still hasn't told the doctors what happened," my mom stated.

"But mom! You still haven't told me why he's in the hospital!!"

"Well apparently he has a swollen ankle, two black eyes, and a bunch of bruises. The doctor said that he could've simply fallen out of his window."

"Um mom I've known Tevin like all my life and he has NEVER fallen off of anything before! In fact his balance is like superior!"

"Well I don't know honey maybe you should call the hospital. Anyways my boss, Mrs. Stevens, is giving me the stink eye. I better go. Love ya Hun!"

I heard silence at the other end of the phone. I quickly set it down into the receiver than picked it up again. After dialing the hospital number, I put the phone to my ear. I had to get the real story out of Tevin no matter what.

I yawned and fell on my bed. Uhg. Ever since my call to the doctors office I've puked at least five times. Anyways, I can't believe that the doctor can't tell me about Tevin. I mean, I'm practically his family! Apparently it was "classified information" and I needed special permission to hear it. I just hope Tevins ok. I mean whatever happened to him sounded pretty bad... I wonder... Was it really an accident like the doctors claim? Or was it done on purpose by Tevin or someone else? Even the thought shot chills down my spine. Why would Tevin want to do that to himself? Or why would someone else do this to him? As far as I know Tevin doesn't have any grudges...

Then it hit me. What if what happened to Tevin last night had something to do with me? What if someone was angry at Tevin because of what happened? Or What if Tevin did this to himself because of me?

As these questions swirled through my head, I started to feel dizzy. I felt a lurch in my stomach. I once again felt the little food I was able to keep down rising. I groaned and ran into the bathroom. As I hurled I remembered a time long ago when I had a sickness just like this one. I remember Tevin had stayed home from school to stay with me. He had been there to comfort me the whole time. It's too bad that I'm sick at the same time he is. It's like nature is against me.

I quickly crawled into my bed. I shivered from my sickness. I grabbed a saltine cracker off my bed side table and nibbled at it slowly. If only I could hold down food long enough to digest it. I sighed and put the cracker down. I shut my eyes tight and hoped sleep would come. Since it was already 8:00 pm, I need to get some sleep. I really want to be well tomorrow so I can visit Tevin. I want to be there for him just as he was for me. Right before I drifted to sleep, I realized one crucial fact: Troy hasn't talked to me in at least 3 days. This isn't like him. He at least would've texted me. Shutting my eyes tighter, I finally managed to push all my thoughts and worries away. All I know is there is something going on that I can't see. And I am determined to figure it out.


Thanxs 4 reading! I jus wanted to say thanx 4 all if ur support! Love u guys! Xx iwuv2rite







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