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I punched Tevin lightly in the arm as he held my report card above my head.

"Give it to me you jerk!" I yelled jumping up and down.

Tevin finally gave in and handed me the Manila slot containing my grades for the year. I braced myself for the usual Cs and Ds and slowly pulled the white paper from the envelope. Tevin rested his chin on my shoulder and watched intently as I slowly unfolded it. I gasped in surprise at all the As and Bs in every one of my classes! I couldn't help but squeal with joy and and jump on Tevin-piggy back style.

"I knew you could do it princess!" Tevin said before pressing his lips to mine.

"I can't believe I actually did it!" I said, in a clearly excited tone.

Tevin held me tight and said,"this calls for a celebration!"

I rolled my eyes and pushed away from him. "Please don't throw a party! Do you know how embarrassing that would be?"

Tevin laughed then said,"no, no not a party. I was thinking something we could do together-alone."

I felt myself blush and say,"ok. Like what?"

"At exactly 8:42 tonight stick your head out your window. You'll find out then!" Tevin said in a secretive voice.

I laughed and lay down on the prickly grass in the park. Tevin quickly lay down next to me. It seemed like only yesterday I was laying in this same place with another. It seemed crazy now, but back then Tevin was only my friend. Ever since the play, when he'd finally confessed his feelings for me, our relationship has grown sky high. I can't believe we are dating! Every night I replay the events at the play over in my head and every time I do I once again feel the butterfly's of that night.

"You know what Tev?" I asked quietly, turning my head to face him.

"What babe?" Tevin asked looking me in the eyes.

"I know it hasn't been long, but I want you to know...I love you" I said, escaping his gaze.

Tevin sat up on his knees and pulled me with him. He held my face in his hands and said, "I love you too."

And with that, he pulled my face to his and kissed me softly. Our lips moved in perfect rhythm and I felt nothing in the world could separate us. At that moment, I realized the undying love Juliet felt for Romeo. I understood the love that made them die together, because being apart was to much.

Tevin stroked the ball of my back as we continued to kiss, our passion growing by the minute. My hands reached his curly brown hair that I loved so much and I weaves my fingers through it.


That night, I put part of my hair in a braid the circled my head and let the rest hang loose. Instead of my regular coating of lip gloss I simply applied a pink tinted Chapstick. I couldn't wait to see what the "celebration" Tevin had planned was. I looked at my phone and saw it was 8:41. This is it. I slowly walked across my bedroom to the window and stuck my head out just as I'd been instructed.

I gasped in surprise when I saw Tevin standing below with a candle lit picnic set in front of him.

"Tevin! I can't believe you did that for me!" I exclaimed.

Tevin shrugged his shoulders and started climbing the ladder. When he was high enough to reach me, he said,"you look beautiful, Allie."

I smiled and pressed my lips onto his. We stayed there for a few moments before breaking apart. Then Tevin took me by the hand and lead me down the ladder. I walked over to the perfectly prepared snack in front if me. It was simple but sweet with chocolate covered strawberries, small triangle sandwiches, and a bottle of sparkling grape juice.

I took a seat on the red and white checkered blanket and Tevin took a seat beside me. Then we started talking and laughing and feeding each other until we were through with the meal.

After I was completely stuffed I lay down on the empty blanket and stared up at the stars. Tevin blew out what was left of the candles and lay beside me.

"What a beautiful night," I said. The stars were shining bright and the moon was in the shape of a perfect crescent.

Tevin twirled my hair between his fingers before answering. "Yes it is. "

A few minutes of peaceful silence passed before I said,"Tevin, why didn't you tell me how you felt about me sooner?"

Tevin sighed and turned his head so his eyes looked deep into mine. "I didn't know if you felt the same and I knew if I told you, our friendship could never be the same. I guess I was just trying to make you happy and do what was best for you."

I smiled and said,"well I wish you would've sooner. Then maybe I would never have fell for that jerk Troy. Tevin you are much greater then him. He was so shallow and didn't care how I felt as long as he could get what he wanted. But you, your much more than that. You're the most selfless, caring, honest, perfect person I've ever met. Why someone like you would go for me I still don't know."

Tevin shifted to his side and I did the same. He pulled me close to him so I could feel his heart beat next to mine. "Allie, I know you think of yourself as ordinary but you aren't. You always compare yourself to everyone else and try to be like them. But the truth is, the smartest, prettiest, funniest, and most perfect girl I've ever met. Allie, I live you for who you are."

I felt tears come to my face. Tevin always seemed to have the strongest effect on me. But I knew what he said was true I had to stop trying to be someone I wasn't. I knew I couldn't change who I am.

"Thanks Tevin!" I said before rolling on top of him and kissing him with all the force I had. We lay like that for awhile, completely together, kissing passionately in the moonlight. For once in my life I felt right where I needed to be, in the arms of the man I loved. I felt anything but ordinary. I felt extraordinary.


I hope you guys enjoyed it! I can't believe my book is finally done! Without you guys I'm nothing and I would like to think you guys for all the votes and comments of encouragement you gave me! I hope I made your time worth while!

Thanks to @louisasa1d for the amazing new cover! XD


Shoutout to:

@useyouimagination_ for being a great friend and supporter!

@the_MKs because that my other account! (If you like 1D u should really check it out)

@Aceypeace_love for being my most trusted followed and a great watty friend!

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