Chapter 8

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       I woke up with a start to a clinking sound on my window. I sighed with relief as I realized it was pouring outside and the raining was pounding on my window sill. I snuggled into my pillow and closed my eyes. Just as I started to fall asleep again, I heard the clink noise again. I got out of bed and decided to check it out. When I looked out the window, I Couldn't believe who I saw. standing outside wet in the rain, was none other than Troy. Since my window was only 6 feet off the ground, Troy quickly climbed up using the side of the house to climb. As he walked in, I noticed that he was drenched from head to toe.

     I giggled than said, "here i'll go get you a towel."

    Once Troy was snugly rapped in his towel, I quickly looked myself over in the mirror. I smiled at my long shirt and short shorts i was wearing. I quickly put my hair into a high ponytail washed my face.

   When I came back into my room I asked, "Troy what the heck are you doing here this late at night?"

    At that moment Troy collapsed into my lap and said, "my parents have decided to get a divorce!"

  All I could do is stroke his hair and tell it would be ok. When I managed to take his face in my hands, I saw tear streaks on his face. He quickly tried to wipe them away, but I grabbed his hands in mine and told him to calm down. I moved my thumbs over his cheeks and wiped away a few stray tears.

   Troy gave me a faint smile then whispered, "thank you."

   I smiled back at him and brush my lips to his. Then I said, "Troy everything will be OK. My parents divorced when I was 5 years old. Back then I thought it was the end of the world, but now I realize it was for the better. Both my mom and my dad are happier now, and so is the family. Trust me Troy, as much as it seems your life is ruined, it,s for the best."

     Troy gave me a weak smile and said, " I don't know what i'd do without you Allie Swagger!"

     Just as he finished talking I pulled him into a tight embrace. I nuzzled my head under his neck and he planted a small kiss upon my forehead. Right then and there we peacefully drifted off into a deep happy sleep.


      I woke up to sweaty sheets and a very hot Troy. (In both ways :) I groaned and ripped myself from the covers. I shook Troy awake and his reaction wasn't much different. I blindly walked over to my Alarm clock and noticed it was 7:30 in the morning. I yelped when 2 muscular arms grabbed me and pulled back onto the bed. As I squealed with alarm, Troy made out a snuffled giggle in my shirt. I gave him a friendly punch in the shoulder and he punched me lightly back. I tried to stand up but tripped and fell flat on my back to the cushy carpetted floor. When I had tripped, I had brought Troy with me to the floor. The 2 of us were having so much fun i didnt notice my sister Jane at the door.

     "Ahm," Jane said clearly annoyed, "did mom say you could have a sleepover tonight?"

     I blushed and said, " Troy came outside my window last night so I let him in. Please don't tell mom!" I said pleadingly.

     Jane drummed her knuckels on my door the said, "why shouldnt I tell mom?"

     I smiled at her wickedly and said, "I know what you did with that pizza guy a few weeks ago!"

     Janes expression changed from thoughtfull to horrfied. "You wouldn't!" she said.

     I grinned menacingly, "oh I would!"

     With a confused expression on his face, Troy said, " you know I have a older brother that works at the pizza place. The night after our date, he came home around 3:00 in the morning. When I asked him what happened he said he had a 'very busy schedule' or something."

     My sister quickly asked, "well what does he look like?"

     Troy smiled and said, "he has blue eyes, blond hair, and pale skin."

     My sister gasped and said, "is his name Tony?"

     I almost burst into laughter at the horrified expression on her face.

     Troy smiled and said, "that's him."

     My sister blacked out right then and there. Apparently my mom had heard the clunk and hurried upstairs. Before she could reached the top of the stairs, I had shoved Troy into my closet.

     My mom gasped and said, "Allie!!! What happened to your sister?!"

     I shrugged and said, "I was having a conversation with her about her boyf..."

     At that moment my sister opened her eyes and flew into a standing position. My mom jumpted backwards almost hitting a wall.

     "Sorry mom," Jane said, "I'm alright!"

     My mom rolled her eyes and said, "one of these days your going to give me a heart atack Jane! Anyways, please don't play jokes like that on me again okay sweetie?"

     "Sorry mom! Won't do it again!" Jane said smiling sweetly.

      After mom left Jane looked to me and said, "I've got to go lay down a min...don't do anything with Troy now!"

      I rolled my eyes as she walked away. After she was gone, I beckoned for Troy to come out. He couphed and looked grateful to come out. I smiled at him as he walked over.

     "Umm Troy?" I said uneasily.

     "Yea babe?" Troy said back.

    I looked up into his eyes and said, "well I just think you should leave...I mean, we already almost got caught..."

     Troy sighed and said, "alright. Umm there's also something I wanted to ask you."

     "Yes...," I said.

    Then Troy stuttered, "umm I was just wondering if you wanted to meet me in the park tonight at 9:00...I mean, you did say that you would and I...,"

   I put my finger to his lips and smiled. He turned red and looked down. I giggled and said, "of course I'll come! I can't wait already!"

    Troy's eyes lit up and then, without warning, he pulled me in to a passionate kiss. I could've stayed in Troys arms forever. His lips moved in perfect sync with mine. When the moment finally ended, Troy smiled and in the the blink of an eye, Troy was gone. I sighed dreamily and started searching my closet for something half decent to wear for the up coming night.


how was it? sorry i think it was kind of boring but i promise you nxt chapy will be much better!




o a shout out to live_out_loud, YOU R AWESOME!!!

if you have time go check out her stories! they r AMAZAYN!

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