Chapter 10

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      I woke up to my alarm clock with a groan. It had been 2 weeks since my date with Troy. Ever since that night Troy has been bringing me on average dates that don't push me very much. I have also had several great drama club practices! Tev and I are like perfect for the lead roles! Also Angie is really starting to become a good friend.

    I quickly threw on a pair of gray skinny jeans and a plain blue T. I ran down the stairs and quickly devoured three granola bars and a pudding. I then ran into the bathroom to throw on some mascara and lip gloss. After brushing my teeth, I glanced into the mirror and smiled. Simple but cute!

    When I walked out the door, who else but Tev was waiting for me with a welcoming smile on his face. I ran up quickly and gave a friendly hug.

   "Whats up with you Tevin?" I said, pulling away from the hug.

    "Nothing much. Just practicing for the play. You?"

   I sighed playfully and said, "you know the routine...Play, Troy, Play, Troy..."

   Tevin Smirked and punched me in the shoulder. But for some reason I couldn't help but notice the dissapointed look in his eyes. Is it just me or is Tev jealous that I didn't say his name too...? It must be my imagination.

  Right then the bus pulled up. With a smile, Tev and I walked dramatically on the bus arm in arm. When we got on, we bowed our heads to an imaginary crowd. Almost falling into our seat with laughter, I fell on top of Tevin starting another laughing fit. When I finally caught my breath, it was already Troy's stop. I looked at Tevin, who silently nodded his ok for me to leave to sit with Troy. I quickly jumped up and plopped down next to Troy.

   Troy then smiled and pulled me into a hug. Then he said, "missed you babe. How are you?"

   I giggled playfully and said, "fine blondie!"

   Then Troy's face grew serious and he said, "look I know you like this whole drama club thing but it really seems to be taking away some of our time together and I...I'm also kinda worried that your getting too close to Tevin and..."

   I rolled my eyes and said, "oh come on Troy! Don't you trust me enough to...and why would you even say 'it's cutting into our time together' because I spend like all my extra time with you and Tevin and I have nothing between us and...and..." By the end of this I was starting to get really huffy.

   Troy put a finger to my lips and said, "okay babe I get it, I get it! God, you don't have to yell! I bet the whole bus heard every word you said!"

   I quickly looked around and noticed everyone was indeed staring at me-that is everyone except for Tevin. I turned red and hid my face in my arms. Troy rubbed my back while tellin people that everything was alright.

   Once I lifted my head and said, "Troy I'm going to go talk to Tev a minute. I'll be right back."

   "Okay," Troy said, although he didn't look as certain as he sounded.

    I quickly walked over to where Tevin was sitting and plopped down next to him. Surprised, Tevin pulled his face from his hands-that's when I noticed the tear stains on his face. He tried to hide them as soon as he saw who I was but I didn't miss it.

   "Tev! What's wrong?!" I said pulling him into a hug. I couldn't stand to see my best friend like this.

    "Everything." Tevin answered.

                                                                         Tevin's POV

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