Chapter 15

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I walked heavy hearted over to Angie's. Today was the day of her big thing with Tevin, (Or "date" as Angie calls it.) Apparently she needed me to help her pick out her outfit or something corny like that.

Anyways, Tevin still hasn't been talking to me. I saw him in the hallway a few times and tried to get his attention. But even when I practically yelled, he simply walked by like I didn't exist!!! UHG! I thought...I thought...he was different and...oh great here comes the tears.

I walked hastily to the door wiping away my tears as I did. Angie opened the door and took me up to her room with a big smile on her face.

"Ok. So I've got this pink strapless dress and this mini skirt and t-shirt. Which one?" Angie asked me eagerly.

Hmm the strapless looks like it would show a lot of cleavage. Although the mini skirt and low cut T wouldn't be much better. "Well I think you should try them on for me before any decisions are made."

"Yes! I hoped you would say that!" Angie said before running into the bathroom.

I rolled my eyes and took a look around me. Angie's room was covered head to toe in Justin Bieber posters. She had a big dresser with a mirror where she kept her well-protected picture of her and JB. Her large closet was hanging open reveling an assortment of over-stuffed clothing. Then I saw something that caught my eye.

Sitting on the corner of her dresser sat a little purple box. I slowly undid the ribbon clasp and took a look inside. What I found made the world stop. There were three pictures; one was of her and TROY kissing?! The next was of the two of them clinking drinks on an unknown patio. And the last one was a blurry picture of two people laying on what looked like a couch. What that why Angie liked Troy so much?!

Just then I heard the bathroom door swing open. I quickly shoved the pictures in the box and put it back on the dresser. I plastered the best smile I could muster and she walked in the room. She smiled at me and spun around three times. I have to say, she looked pretty good in that strapless...she will deffinatly not wearing that one!

"Well what do you think? Should I wear this one?" Angie asked with excitement showing in her eyes.

"Hmmm that ones pretty, but not pretty enough," I lied, "go ahead and try on the other one."

"Ok!" Angie said and hopped toward the door. Just before she went into the bathroom, she said, "Allie?"

I looked up and answered, "yes?"

"Thank you for doing this for me," and with that she hopped into the bathroom.

Once I heard the door shut, I quickly opened the box and layed out the photos on Angie's dresser. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and snapped a picture of the photos. Then I quickly put my phone away.

After about 5 minutes I heard Angie's phone go off. Seeing Angie wasn't going to answer, I picked it up and looked at the screen. It was a text message that read:

@Tevin: hey Angie! Wats up with u 2night?

I answered back:

@Angie: well dont u know?

@Tevin: ummm I think u said Allie was comin ova...

@Angie: yes but wat am I doin at 5?

@Tevin: how am I sposed 2 know?

@Angie: ugh! Didn't u remember our date?!

@Tevin: WAT?! U said yesterday u were goin on a date with some hot guy from school!

@Angie: wait so ur not goin on a date with angie?

@Tevin: no... who is this? >:(

@Angie: umm this is Allie. Y arent u talking 2 me?! ;( ;( wats goin on?! :( :( :(

I waited for an answer but none came.

Tevins POV

I was sitting on my bed texting Angie. Why the heck was she saying that she was going on a date with me?! I clearly remember her saying she was going out with some "sexy" guy from school. Anyways after a few more texts, something seemed kinda fishy. Why would Angie use her own name in a text... unless...

@Tevin: no... who is this? >:(

@Angie: umm this is Allie. Y arent u talking 2 me?! ;( ;( wats goin on?! :( :( :(

WHAT!!? Why would Angie lie to Allie!? Why would she tell her she was going on a date with ME? Who really is she going with? Why doesn't she want to tell Allie? What could she be hiding? I am so confused!

Tears stung in my eyes as these questions streamed through my head. GOD I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!! I DON'T CARE WHAT HAPPENS TO ME! I CAN'T STAY AWAY FROM HER I LOve her...I chucked my phone across the room where it shattered. Stupid phone. Stupid life. And STUPID TROY!!! WHAT DOES HE WANT FROM ME!! WHY DOES HE CARE ANYWAY!! I threw my face on my pillow and screamed my lungs out. Tears fell heavily from my eyes. I wept. I cried. I sobbed. I let out all my feelings about everything.

After I had calmed down, I sat next to my window with an expressionless face. This window looked right into hers. Every night, when she was safely in her bed, I'd whisper 'goodnight'. Tears welled in my eyes. When we were little we had each put a latter underneath our windows. We had said whenever one of us felt bad the other could climb that ladder. I came into her room every night for a month after her dad left. I pulled my knees to my chest and let tears drop from my eyes.

I WILL see Allie tonight no matter what could happen to me.

Angie's POV

Allie and I finally settled on a pair of cute shorts and a flowy shirt. She had told me that Tevin was the casual type. I agreed with her, even if it wasn't true. I couldn't tell Allie the truth yet. It would break her heart. I want it to crush her heart.


That would be the guy.

"Alright Allie! You stay here in my room until u see that the car is gone, got it?"

"Yea sure Angie."

"Good. Well wish me luck!"

And with that I skipped down the stairs. We will be going to the park next to the lake...he even said there might be skinny dipping!

I pulled open the door to his beautiful face.

"Hey babe," he whispered before pulling me in for a kiss.

I quickly pushed him away and said, "we need to hurry. She's still here."

He nodded and we scurried into the limo that was waiting outside.

"OMG! you always know how to make a girl happy!"

"You like it?" he said smiling lovingly at me.

"Of course!" and with that he pulled me in for a kiss. I stroked is strawberry-smelling sandy hair as we got passionate.

This was the start of a beautiful night.

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