Chapter 6

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I woke up to my mom calling "get up Allie! We're going to be late!"

I groaned and replied, "coming mom!" in a croaky voice.

I fell back down on my pillow. Two weeks have passed since the "perfect date." so far Troy hasn't taken me on anymore dates. Also Tevin is straight out ignoring me. I tried to tell him I was sorry at least a million times and I've texted him exactly 567 times, but somehow he's still found a way to keep quiet. And if you think things can't get any worse than that, your wrong. All of a sudden Angie sat down next to me at lunch. She smiled and wiggled her eyelashes fakily at me and made a "friendship truce." It was one thing that Angie was being mean to me, but making a fake friendship was, in someways, worse.

I sluggishly fumbled around my room digging through my piles of clothes trying to find something decent to wear. Finally I gave up and headed into the storage room. Inside I found some cute skinny jeans with a fashion tear in the side and a green Hollister shirt. After I put on my make-up, I wolfed down a bowl of Lucky Charms and grabbed my backpack. Then I slipped on my shoes and headed for the bus stop.

When I got there, I tapped Tevin on the shoulder and said, "hey Tev! I'm REALLY sorry I missed your game Tryouts! I knew I was forgetting about something that day!"

Tevin finally looked at me and said, "more like you were to busy bouncing in Troy's bed to care!"

I blew hard through my nose and said, "I'm not that kind of girl! And besides, we were at the movies seeing the Hunger Games-just your average date!"

"Hmmm if you were at the movies, why was he putting his tongue down your throat in the park!" Tevin said smartly.

"For one he only kissed me, and besides-" I stopped mid-sentence and stared at him intensely, " how did you know we were at the park?"

There was an awkward pause and I could almost feel the tension between us.

"Well?" I asked quizzically.

Tevin sighed and said, "look Allie, I was kind of mad at you for missing my tryout so I decided to see what you were up to. When I saw Troy at your house, I just had to follow you. As you were on your date, some kind of hidden anger came from inside of me. When you were in the park, I saw the sprinkler controls and thought it would be the perfect way to get my revenge. Then..."

"WHAT THE F*CK TEVIN!! I thought you were my friend! I mean, I know it was bad for me to miss your tryout, but why did you have to ruin my first date?! You know, Troy hasn't asked me on anymore dates since the disaster! Agh! Tevin, sometimes I wonder why your even my friend!! I mean all you do is run around and ruin my life! You know what...!" I stopped mid-sentence when I saw the look on Tevins face.

Tevin had an expression of sincere sadness like the look a nerd would have from a failed math test. All at once I knew what I had to do.

"Tevin I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. Even though what you did was horrible, what I did to you was worse. I'm sorry Tevin."

Cautiously, Tevin smiled and came closer. Pretty soon his arms were wrapped around me in a big bear hug. I smiled and muzzled my nose into his neck. Our moment of forgiveness ended when the bus pulled up. Tevin and I smiled at each other and got on the bus. After this, I'm pretty sure that the tension between Tevin and u is gone for the moment-now for my other 2 problems.

When it was time for third hour, Angie came up to me with the same fakey smile from awhile ago.

"Why hello Allie, how's Troy?" Angie said sweetly.

I turned in my desk to look Angie in the eye, then said, "Angie you dont have to fake to like me. I know that your just doing this because I'm going out with Troy."

Without a word, Angie slowly backed away- with something that looked like pain in her eyes. She made no snotty remarks she just backed away. Maybe she really gad wanted to be my friend... But even so,I could never be her friend after all the mean things she's done to me.

During lunch, I sat next to Tevin because, for some reason, Troy had decided to sit with the guys. Right when me and Tevin were halfway through our meals, Angie plopped down in the seat next to me. That's when I noticed that she was crying.

"Angie, what's wrong?" I asked.

When Angie didn't respond, I looked at the table where she usually sits. that's when I realized what was wrong. I saw James Jackson (Angie's boyfriend from last year who I think she still loves) kissing Kassey Larden (Angie's BFF). By the look of it, the other girls at the table were giggling and glancing at Angie. I sympathetically patted Angie on the back before throwing away my food. "Maybe Angie isn't as perfect as she seems to be" I thought.

Only when 8th hour was halfway through, did Troy show up. I gave him a quizzical look. He winked and passed me a note. It read as follows:


Hey! I was at a football lunch meet with the guys. That's why I didn't sit with you at lunch or show up for half this hour.


I smiled at him and nodded. Just then, our teacher passed out a drama club form. Apparently the first performance would be "Romeo and Juliet". Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Troy smile and rip his in half. I rolled my eyes and kept looking over my form. Not many people know this, but I have this really big thing for acting. I've loved it ever since I was little. This was something that me and Tevin had in common actually. We've been in countless plays and skits when we were younger. I folded the form and shoved it in my pocket. I plan on asking Tevin to join with me.

By the time the teachers finished talking, there are only 5 minutes left til the bell.

"Hey Allie!" Troy said, "wanna meet me at the park, Saturday at noon?"

A big smile crossed my face and I said, "sure!"

Right then the bell rang. While some kids stampeded for the buses, I was caught in daydreams about my future date.

As I vrushed my teeth, I concluded things had changed for the better today. Troy is going to take me on a date, Tevin forgave me, and Angie might genuinely want to be my friend. I plopped down on my soft bed and closed my eyes. Visions of my next date floated through my head like sugarplums as I drifted off. I could think of a million ays my life could go wrong, but for now, let's just hope for the best.

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