Chapter 21

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I reached out to him and yanked him into a hug.

"Tevin!! I can't believe your finally back! How are you? Are you coming back to school?" I asked eagerly.

Tevin laughed and said, "jeez princess! I think your more excited to see me then I am to see you! Oh, by the way, I remember a certain person texting me that she would visit the hospital everyday..."

I bit my lip before answering with,"oh yeah. Sorry. I guess a lot of things have happened recently and I got side tracked."

Tevin looked down at me with concern in his eyes and said,"are you alright? I couldn't help but notice how sad you just seemed..."

I looked down at the ground and simply replied,"I'm fine."

After a few moments of awkward silence, Tevin put on a smile and said,"so what have you and um Troy been up to?"

Tears feared to fall as I answered,"nothing. Nothing at all."

Clearly still trying to brighten the mood, Tevin punched my on the shoulder and said,"come on! You guys must have done something special! You usually go out every night!"

I sighed and a signal tear dropped. Then I whispered,"can we just not talk about this, Tev? Please?"

Tevin,taken aback at my reaction, put his hands up and said,"alright with me." But even an idiot can tell he was defiantly not giving it up.

We walked the rest of the way making little conversation. As my gaze fell on his almost healed black eyes, I realized he knew the truth about Troy. It's only a matter of time before he figures out I do too. I know I'll have to tell him soon. It just, I don't think I can handle anymore stress-especially this close to our big production. I sighed to myself and continued walking.

Once we arrived our teacher came rushing up to us. He rambled on about how grateful he was to see us and how we "saved the day." Eventually we were back to our normal rehearsals, constantly taking "everything from the top."

When practice finally came to an end, Tevin and I came laughing out of the front doors.

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe the paint can fell on Bridgett! I really wish I caught that one on tape!" I said between gasps.

Tevin smiled and held up his phone. "That's what these are for! That is YouTube material!"

I giggled and snatched Tevin's phone eagerly. I clicked on videos and scrolled through looking for the right one. As I scrolled, I came to a video simply called '>:o.' My curiosity got the best of me so I poked the little play button. To my surprise, Troys face came on the screen. Tevin watched intently over my shoulder. I felt his features harden. He tried frantically to get the phone back, but it was too late. The video had already started.

"Hi bug. I'm just going to tell you this once-stay away from Allie. If you want her to be unharmed, than follow these rules:

1. You see her, you see my fist

2. You must do all of my homework

3. You must quit drama club and say its because she missed your football Tryouts

If you follow these rules, your safety, along with hers, is guaranteed!" Then with a smile and thumbs up, the video was completed.

I stared blankly at the screen, sobs building in my chest. Then, before the tears came, I turned to Tevin and let out the whole truth. I told him of the photos, of the the lies, of the mistakes, of the happenings of the last few days. I told him everything I ever wanted to tell him about Troy. I even told him about our countless wasted nights, fantasies, and dreams. I told him in one giant story. I felt a wave of relief flow through me as I collapsed onto Tevin's lap. I closed my eyes and pushed through all my sobs. Every single one I've been holding in was let out. Every single one I had been to afraid to show, poured right through me. At that moment I felt empty but full. Sad but happy. Terrible but perfect. Loved but hated.

As I lay their with my best friend, I knew I could could start fresh again. I knew I would be okay.

I looked up at Tevin. He smiled and looked down at me with his loving eyes as he stroked my hair softly.

" are a great friend...I don't know what to do without you."

Tevins POV

I smiled at her, trying to make her feel better. But inside I was screaming,"FRIEND?! What more can I possibly do?"


Will Tevin win allies heart? Will Troy re-enter Allie's life? Tell me your feedback now when you:




and most of all...


-iwuv2rite! :)

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