Chapter 3

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      Here I am sitting up all night worried about what Angie will do to me tomorrow. I mean she's bound to have figured out some sort of revenge on me. As far as I know, Angie ALWAYS finds a way to get her crush. take last year for example; Angie broke up with her boyfriend just to date the new boy but broke up with him the next day. I mean who does that? She had been dating her boyfriend, Jeff, ever since the 3rd grade! Anyway, I still can't figure out what she might be planning, but I know whatever it is, it will probably scar me for live!

      I woke up with a start at the sound of my alarm clock. Dooms day is here. After a few minutes rest, I put on my standard jeans and tee shirt. After putting my make-up on, I went down to the kitchen and grabbed my box of corn flakes. Then I brushed my teeth and hair, grabbed my bag, and headed toward the bus stop. Tevin was already waiting at the stop-as usual- but instead of being his usual optimistic self, he looked sort of bothered. When I reached him we didn't speak for like three minutes straight.

       Just as looked down at me and was about to say something, the bus pulled up and we both stepped on. Once again Tevin sat in the back and I sat 4 seats ahead of him. After a while, we approached Troy's stop. I tried to put on my best smile, but I think my worry was still seeping through. Troy smiled back his big blue eyes looking straight at me. I couldn't help but smile even bigger. I swear if that boy was ever to be a model, I think he would top them all. When Troy was almost to my seat, something horrible happened. Angie rushed on the bus, out of breath, and holding a opened 2 liter pepsi bottle. In her rush, she tripped over troy sending him to the ground along with her. But when she had tripped, her pepsi had flew out of her hand and spilled all over me. I shrieked with shock as sticky pop soaked into my clothes. When I looked at Angie, I knew that it wasn't an accident.  

     When I got to school, I went straight into the girls bathroom. I wiped myself down as best as I could with paper towels, but I still was a disaster. My make-up was smearing down my face in thick globs, and my hair was sticking together in every which way. I stayed and scrubbed for a whole hour. Finally when I looked presentable, I showed up in second hour.

     When I entered the third hour classroom, I noticed Angie with tears in her eyes looking up at a very angry Troy. Right before the bell rang Angie and her cliche left the class and headed for the bathroom. Troy watched them leave, but then directed his attention to me. I plopped down into a desk with him cautiously sitting a desk right next to me.

     "Hey," he said, "are you ok? I mean I think that was pretty jerky what Angie did to you."

     Then I looked up into his eyes and said, "it's ok. It was only a little accident."

    Just as Troy was about to respond, the bell rang and class started.

    As I walked through the lunch line, all around me people whispering amongst themselves. I looked around suspiciously, but every time I did the kids would stop talking. After I sat down at my table with my lunch, I noticed what all the kids were laughing at. There were tons of little posters all over the cafeteria of me on a pepsi can that read "pepsi girl." I was still in shock when I saw him. With one look at the posters, troy alley pulled them down one by one until the cafeteria was spotless.

     When he finally sat down next to me at my table, I smiled up to him and said "thanks."

      He smiled back at me and said, "I really do hate Pepsi."

     I laughed and said, "well there's another thing we have in common!"

     The rest of my day went pretty much normal. In 8th hour and on the bus Troy and I plotted evil plans of revenge on Angie. When I got off the bus I was feeling pretty good about my day. That all ended when I saw Angie's mother on my doorstep.

     My mother smiled and said, "hi Allie! This is Callie! She and her daughter Angela will be coming over this weekend for a barbecue! Won't that be fun?"

    Before I could answer her question, I ran into the house and slammed my door.

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