Chapter 15.5 ;)

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This is kinda a small chapter connected 2 chapy 15. It basically gives u insight on how Allison feeling bout everything. Be sure not 2 skip this chapy! ;D ull regret it!  



     I sighed and collapsed onto my bed. What a day. I felt to lazy to change clothes, so I just left on my long shirt and threw my pants off on the floor. I slid under the covers and shut my eyelids. What a day.

    Ugh. I am SOO confused. First Tevin stops talking to me and leaves the mysterious note. Second, Angie is and isn't going on a date with Tevin. Third, I find the pictures of her and Troy... And fourth, Angie makes me wait in her room until she is safely gone with some guy.

    Why is Tevin ignoring me? Is he still mad at me for the football Tryouts thing? Not likely. Tevin usually can easily get over anything he's mad about. I really can't think of any reason he would ignore me. The only other time he did that was back in 3rd grade when some kids made up this story about me being a werewolf. Of course that isn't what it is this time either.

     I also wonder why Angie would lie to me about her date. I mean, recently I've been telling HER about all my problems. Maybe she doesn't trust me. Or maybe for some reason she thinks I will get mad at her. Never the less, I can't see why she would lie about a thing like that! If I think about, I wonder what else she has lied to me about. Well whatever her reasons are, they must be pretty good if I had to wait in her room while she went off in a taxi with a mystery boy.

     Lastly, I wonder about the pictures. Were they taken before or after this year started? I quickly pulled out my phone remembering I had snapped a picture of each one. The first picture, I noticed, was dated September of last year. The other 2 pictures were blurry so I was unable to make out the dates. The only thing I could see was they were defiantly this year sometime. I shut my phone off, trying not to imagine when those pictures could've been taken.

       After a while of tossing and turning, I heard a noise coming from my window. I quickly jumped out of bed and looked out. With his arms and legs on the ladder, Tevin looked up at me and smiled. I felt tears running down my cheeks as I realized what was going on. I unlatched the window with a blink of an eye. Tevin hoisted his legs over the ledge and into my window.

      Once Tevin was fully inside, I jumped onto him pushing him onto the bed. Tears were falling rapidly down my cheeks even though I tried to stop them. I felt stupid crying over this, but I have to say, right now I could care less. When I opened my eyes I noticed Tevin was blushing and trying to look the other way. Only then did I realize I was just in a shirt. I jumped off Tevin and threw on a pair of yoga pants from the floor.

    "Sorry," I murmured while rapidly wiping away tears.

     Tevin laughed and said, "it's alright." Then he rapped his arms around me and held me close to his chest. Right then I remembered the time in the taxi with Troy. He held me close to his chest and kissed my lips. I looked up at Tevin and pulled my face a little closer to his. For a split second,  Tevin looked anxious, but as fast as it was there it was gone. His green eyes gazed down at me with a softened expression. I moved my arms up and ruffled his curly brown hair. I could fell Tevin smile and his arms rested on my shoulders as his caressed the small of my back. Then, before I knew what was happening, our lips collided. Even if it was for only a second, feelings of guilt filled my head. Images of Troy flashed through me. What would he think if he found out? What would he do? Troy wasn't the predictable type...he wouldn't just dump me and leave...he would take action...he would try to hurt me.

      As I realized these possibilities, tears pooled in my eyes. I backed off the bed and found refuge in the corner of my room. Right then and there I let out all my feelings-each bad one coming out in a hysterical sob. A slightly shocked Tevin sat motionless on my bed staring at me in despair,a single tear sliding off of his cheek. This only made me cry harder. I tightened my grip on my legs, and lay down in a messy ball on the floor. I closed my eyes tightly and tried to rid my mind of the great confusion and pain I was experiencing.

                                                                     Tevin's POV

      She backed off into the corner, tears streaming down her face.

     "NO! NO! NO! NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" she cried while shaking her head ferociously.

      I felt a single tear fall down my cheek. Is this how she really feels about me? Is this really my fate, to be stuck as the loser who was always just close enough to touch her, but never embrace her? I watch as her shuddering figure slides into a laying position. I thought coming here would cheer her up. I thought my presence would make her feel better. But recently, all I've seemed to be able to do was make her cry.

      I sighed and picked up the blanket off her bed. I silently draped it over her hunched figure and tucked in the edges. Then I carefully picked her up and lay her gently on her bed. Despite my embarrassment, I removed her yoga pants and quickly covered her with the comforter. And then, after I quickly pecked her on the cheek, I opened her window.

       I breathed in the cool air and put one foot out the window. I didn't intend to kiss her. I just happened. If I could I would take it back, for her. When she's here, I don't matter. Only she does. I sigh and shake my head as I descend down the latter. I hate this. I wish I could go to her and tell her why I was ignoring her. Tell her what that stupid boyfriend of hers was doing. But I can't. I know I would make her cry again.

                                   Right here and now I promise to never make her cry again.

        Once I reach the ground, I turn and start heading to my house. Then I heard something that make my whole body freeze.

"                                  I saw what you did nerd. And now, your gonna pay."

Ordinary Girlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें