I Have Something To Say

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I make my way to the hotel that my client is staying in to pick him up. Coffee is in my system but the caffeine isn't really doing anything to energize me. I pull up to the hotel, Jack Winters is waiting outside for me outside at the entrance. He approaches my car and enters the passenger side door, sitting down.
Jack places his feet up against the dashboard, not caring at all whether or not he's getting my car dirty.
The car drive to the courthouse was long and silent, every tiny event getting me anxious and on edge. This entire case is stressing me out and I'm pretty sure it's showing.
I drive up to the courthouse, parking alongside the curb for an easy exit it commotion starts to happen. I get out of my car and walk over to the passenger side door, opening it for Mr. Winters.
Jack gets out, a cocky grin spread across his face.
"What's the face for?" I ask.
"Oh no reason" Jack replies, his grin only growing more.
I simply roll my eyes and lead my client into the courthouse, a small crowd of attorneys waiting outside of the courtroom, making small talk.
Miles is talking with his client, Connor Shepard, Miles had the look of reassurance on his face, comforting a disheveled Connor.
Miles looks over Connor's shoulder and sees me, he walks over to me, Connor following close behind him, hiding behind the attorney at the sight of my client.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" Miles asks.
"Like shit, but I've been managing," I reply.
"Hopefully everything will be over soon" Miles said, a little shimmer in his eye. Now I know somethings up.
"What are you planning Edgeworth?" I ask with some skepticism.
"The trial is about to start, we should get in the courtroom" Miles says, walking off and completely avoiding my question.
"That little-"


The judge banged his gavel, causing the courtroom's chatter to cease.
"Court will now begin to review the case of Connor Bernard." The judge says in his old booming voice.
"The prosecution is ready your honor"
"The defense is ready your honor"
"Good, now, will Mr. Connor Shepard come up to the stand"
Connor stood up and walked over to the stand.
"Now, Mr. Shepard, could you restate your alibi for the court?" Miles asks.
Connor nods, "I was at school for the majority of the day, when I got home I was getting ready for a date with my boyfriend Evan. I picked his up at around 2:00 and we went to see a movie"
"What movie and what time?"
"Hero of my Storm, the 4:00"
Connor even has a ticket stub to prove his alibi, his alibi also contradicts with the time of Bernard's death, which is 4:00.
"No further questions" Miles said.
"Mr. Wright, will you do a cross examination?"
I took a deep breath, preparing myself to attempt to penetrate this rock solid alibi and inevitably fail.
"Mr. Shepard, what time did you get out of school on the day of your father's death?"
"Around 1:40"
"And you left at what time to pick up Evan?"
"Did the two of you change at all between the time of the two of you getting home and when you picked up Evan?"
"Objection!" Miles says, "your honor I have something to say, may I please approach the defense attorney?"
"Mr. Edgeworth what is this?"
"Let me do this your honor, I have a point to this I promise"
Miles steps away from his stand and walks up to me, I step away from my stand and get in the middle of the courtroom.
"What are you doing?" I mutter, loud enough for Miles to hear but quiet enough so he's the only person to hear.
"Trust me" Miles replies.
"Your honor there is something that Wright and I have been keeping from everyone, we wanted to wait until both of us where ready, but since it is going to affect the life of an innocent boy, it must be done"
"What is the meaning of this, Edgeworth?"
Miles takes a deep breath, "I know this isn't really the ideal place to do this sort of thing..." Miles reaches into his back pocket.
"What are you doing-?" I ask, my heart pounding with anticipation.
Miles slowly drops down onto one knee, he pulls out a small box, looking up at me as he opens it to reveal a gold ring.
"Phoenix Wright, will you marry me?"
My eyes start to well with tears, the jury is completely silent, completely baffled.
"Jesus Edgeworth-yes-! Yes I will!"
Miles teared up, he takes the ring out of the box and stands up, placing it on my ring finger.
Miles places his hand on the back of my head and pulls me into a kiss, the courtroom went from silent to uproarious applause.
"No no!! This isn't how it was supposed to go!!"
The courtroom fell silent once more, everyone in the courtroom, including Miles and I, looked over to the source of the outburst, who was none other than Jack Winters.
"This wasn't supposed to happen!!! You where supposed to put that little shit in jail in place of me!!! You where supposed to let me go free!"
The courtroom gasps and gossiped at my client's sudden outburst.
The judge banged his gavel, "order! Order in the court! Wright, Edgeworth, did you have any knowledge of Winters?"
"We did indeed your honor" I said, "my client personally contacted me through email, saying I need to convict Mr. Shepard of his father's murder. If he ended up going to jail he would blackmail us over our relationship"
"Do you have any evidence of this Wright?"
I walk back over to my stand and pull out that Manila folder of evidence, the email, the photos, everything. I handed the folder to the judge, "that folder has everything"
The Judge opened the folder and briefly looked over the evidence, his eyes widening at every piece he looked at.
"Well this is awfully compelling, and since Mr. Shepard's alibi is really air tight, I don't see why Mr. Winters can't be the culprit."
"This is all your fault you posh bastard!!" Jack says, pointing at Miles, "if it wasn't for you I would still be free!!"
"I would never risk the innocence of a client. I always find ways to win a case" Miles says.
Miles and I split up and walks back over to our stands.
"Well, with this new compelling evidence, we the jury find the defendant Jack Winters, guilty of first degree murder"
The judge banged his gavel.
"This court is adjourned"

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