You're Dead Meat

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I said my goodbyes to Benji and walked out of crime scene, I could only gather very few things as evidence before I had to go.
I walked up to my car with my newly gathered evidence and place it in the trunk. I sit down in the driver's seat. I buckle my seat belt and check my phone, seeing three text messages from Phoenix.
"Uh Miles-can you come over to Wright & Co. real quick-?"
"And by real quick I mean now-"
"It's urgent please hurry-!!"
I quickly message back: 'don't move, I'll be over in 10' and set my phone aside and start the car, quickly starting to drive in the direction of Wright & Co.
Halfway there, my phone started to ring, glancing down at it, I see the words Unknown Caller ID on the screen. I figured it was probably Dick or another detective calling under an anonymous caller ID, so I picked it up.
"Hello this is Prosecutor Edgeworth" I say.
"Hello Miles Edgeworth." The voice on the other end says.
The voice was deep and a bit raspy, and it sounded a bit auto tuned as if they where using a voice modulator.
"Who is this?"
"Listen to me very closely. Phoenix Wright must defeat you against this case. You must loose and let your client go to jail. He must be proven guilty. If he ends up being proven innocent, you're dead meat."
"What's the meaning of this?"
"Why don't I give you a taste of my fury."
The caller hung up before I could ask another question.
Before I could really take in that call, my passenger side of the car gets hit with a violent force of another oncoming car, causing my car to flip over a couple of times and land upside down on the roof. I bash my head against the steering wheel and back of the seat. The windshield and windows are shattered, dusting my cheeks and car interior with glass shards, I felt some glass shard deep into my face, and I felt blood rushing down my cheeks and forehead.
I'm in too much shock to really comprehend what happened, my vision was going dark and my head started to ache. I fiddled with the buckle to the seat belt with my shaky hands to try and free myself, but my fingers where too weak to press the button. Eventually, my vision grew too dark and my consciousness faded too much.

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