Chapter 3

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Luke's POV

Everything around me glowed. It felt like I was bathed in some sort of glowing light. I tried to look around, but everything was so bright.

" Where am I ?" I called out, hoping that someone was close by and could hear me. There was no reply. I tried to move, and found I could. Looking down at myself, I was wearing all white. I started to panic, was I really dead? Did my parents present really kill me?

" Luke?"

My head snapped toward the voice that called me. I had heard it before and yet it sounded so foreign to me. A figure stood in front of me, arms extended.

"...Mom?" I called out getting closer to the shadowed figure. Once I was close enough, i saw her features up close. I had gotten more of my appearance from my mother. Her shining Emerald eyes, long luscious hair. The only difference between us was that her hair was strawberry blonde and mine was dirty blonde.

" Im so glad to see you again. I'm so sorry that me and dad had to leave you." She told me. I frowned, this had to be real and that confirmed in my mind that I was dead. I started to cry, but a pair of arms encircled me from the back.

" Don't cry sport, I've never really liked seeing you sad." The voice behind me said. I turned in the arms around me and found my father standing in front of me.

It was weird, and I didn't know how to react so I began to cry harder. Yes, a guy crying. Men have feelings too you know. The tears stained my face, and I began to hiccup.

" Luke listen, it must be your seventeenth birthday because that would be the only way you could see us." My mother told me. I turned to her, a confused look on her face.

" There's a reason we waited until now to tell you to open that, and it's because you are special. You're destined to do great things, but we didn't have time to teach you, sadly our lives were taken from you quickly." I tried to comprehend what my mother was telling me but it wasn't making any sense.

" Honey, this is a sort of limbo and me an your father are risking alot to be here to talk to you."

I nodded. Whatever was happening to me, I didn't want to let this go. I missed my parents and it felt so good seeing them, I didn't care if this was fake or not.

" I don't think you get it." My mother said, almost as if she were reading my mind.

" Me and your father are dead, but you aren't."

Alexander's POV

I raced outside to see a crying Luke jump in his car and speed off. Something in my gut told me to follow him, so I ran to my car and jumped in. By the time I had started my engine, he was already out of sight. I drive off hoping that I was going the right way. It wasn't long before far ahead I saw his tail lights.

I was so overjoyed that he was okay, that I didn't notice the car speeding toward his. I did notice a bright light coming from his car though, and as the other car connected with his, my chest caved. The car had been coming pretty fast, and hit him hard enough to send his car flipping. I jumped out of my car, as both cars came to a stop, and before I could reach anyone another car smashed into Luke's car.

"Luke !!" I yelled, as I ran over to the car. His body was unconscious, and cuts and scrapes were all over him. I pulled at the door, but it wouldn't budge, I looked at the other drivers and they were unconscious as well. I pulled again, and the car door almost ripped from the hinges. I then pulled Luke out, and laid him across my lap. His phone slipped out of his pocket, so i put it in mine. I took out my phone and dialed 911.

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