Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Luke's POV

" Hes waking up... Sedate him more." The voices were groggy around me, but I was becoming more aware of my surroundings. Suddenly everything hit me back at full force. I shot up and screamed, everything In a foot radius of me flying backwards. I scanned the room and saw Brenda and Sean sprawled on the floor along with some other people.

" Get him!!!" Brenda yelled.

I instantly struggled to get away, and as the closed in on me I pushed out with my mind and knocked them to the floor. I crawled out of the room I was held in, and tried to stand.

Nicks POV

I tried to leave the cage I was held in. My rage on full high. The only thing I could picture was that man button my mate In the face. Our plan had backfired and now my mate was going to pay the price.

Still, I saw something that surprised me back at the warehouse. Like seemed to had thrown Darren when he heard about his parents. The last time I checked, I thought that Luke was human. Now questions I couldn't answer are running through my mind.

* Beep beep beep beep beep*

Suddenly, the alarm went off and people were running to the hallways. Something was happening and I needed to figure out what. I banged on the cage trying to get myself free, but to no avail. I growled, and smashed my body against the was then I got the smell of another person near me. I instantly knew who it was.

" Why are you here Darren ?" I asked.

He walked out of the shadows and closer to my cage.

" I messed up big time with Luke and I'm trying to right my wrongs. Think of this as an apology." He said as he opened my cage. I flew out of there and was about to attack him, but decided against it. It would take too much time away from finding my Luke.

" I also released the others, Luke is trying to escape, but he can't hold on for long. Go to him!" He said.

I darted out of the room, and spotted the other two. Cayden and Alexander were coming out of a room also, and we all made eye contact. Cayden used his super speed to run down the hall.

" I hear him down here!" Cayden yelled. Me and Alexander followed close behind, and soon we came faced with a hoard of white coats and in the thick of it we found Brenda and Sean closing in on a stumbling luke.

Cayden was the first to react, he tore into the scientists around and made his way to Luke. Me and Alex followed suit. I shifted into my wolf form and howled. I then proceeded to dig into the others. It wasn't long before it was just us, Luke, and Brenda and Sean. They turned and glared daggers at us.

" If looks could kill..." Cayden said, his hands on his hips.

Brenda seethed, and turned to Luke who had collapsed on the ground unable to go any farther. I growled and she laughed.

" It's either your lives or his?" Sean said. Alex looked confused and was about to question Sean, when Brenda suddenly pulled a gun out and aimed it at Luke.

Everything moved in slow motion. Cayden ran in front Luke and when the shot rang out, his body was the one to fall to the floor.

" Cayden!!!" Alex yelled, and attacked Brenda. I instantly attacked Sean who was trying to get to Alex. I saw him pull out a blade, and then I saw it disappear into my fur. I howled in pain, but I kept snapping my jaws at him. My jaws then clamped down on his neck and in one swift pull I ripped him apart.

Alex had pinned Brenda down and her scream echoed through the hall as Alex bit into her. Before he could drain her though, he stopped and moved over to Cayden.

Caydens POV

I don't know what possessed me to jump in front of the bullet, but when I saw Luke helpless on the ground and his own family pointing a gun at him, I couldn't help but want to save him. It was all a blur, first I ran in front of him and then suddenly a piercing hot sensation burned through my chest through my hole body.

I've been shot before, but this bullet felt completely different then usually. The pain caused me to fall to the ground and I couldn't even muster the energy to cry out in pain. My eyes then began to shut, and every time I blinked I saw a different image. First was my Alex, and then the next was Nick. Then I saw nick howl, and bite into Sean. That's when I fully lost conscious and the darkness claimed me.

I couldn't feel anything, and I felt so at ease. The darkness was so calming and soothing. It welcomed me as if we were family, and I wanted to just let go. Suddenly, a feeling more powerful then the darkness struck my heat.

It was longing...

I didn't want to give up, and become nothing. I wanted to live with Alex, I had just found him and now I was going to lose him. I tried to open my eyes, but they felt so heavy. I then tried to move my hands and legs but nothing seemed to respond to me. I screamed out into the darkness around me, I was so irritated and wanted to be back in the real world.

" Cayden..."

I know that voice, that beautiful angelic voice.

" Cayden... Come back to me ..."

I began to sob, I'm trying! Can't you see ?

" I love you. I know I may not express it the way you want and I know I don't say it often but I do ... All you have to do is come to me... "

I felt his lips, and I knew then that it was now or never. The surge of energy that his kiss sent through me fueled me. I ran through the darkness and jumped back into reality. The darkness around me shattered as I rode the feeling Alex gave me back to my body.

My body shot up and I gasped. The pain in my chest there but not bothering me.

" I love you too!" I gasped, before falling back onto the bed I was on. After looking around, I noticed I was on a hospital bed, and Alex's smiling face was staring back at me.

" How are you feeling beautiful ?" He asked me. I just laid there happy.

" I'm feeling better then I felt a while ago..." I replied.

Luke POV

Everything felt weird. I didn't feel normal, yet I didn't feel different. I wasn't content and I wasn't unsatisfied. Reality had come crashing down and I felt all of the weight of the past few days.

I was two guardians less and no longer had any family. It hurt, but I seemed alright. I wasn't freaking out or planning any suicide letters. I was so out of it, that I didn't even notice when Nick kissed me. The sparks that coursed through me caused me to turn to him. He smirked and kissed me again.

I may not have much, but I had him, and for now that was all I needed.

" Babe... Can you get me out of here ? " I asked him. He paused, thinking of an answer and I narrowed my eyes at him.

" Im okay, and plus I want to see Cayden... I'm more worried about him then me. " I said.

Turns out, my Aunt Brenda thought one of the others would save me and had wooden and silver bullets in the chamber. She got lucky when a wooden one came out and hit Cayden. It was close enough to his heart to cause the rest of his bodily functions to shut down.

" Fine. But once you're home you're resting. Also you're telling me about what you did back at the warehouse... What are you?" He asked me.

I knew I would have to tell him about me being a witch sooner or later, and it seemed it the time was coming now. I sat up in the bed, and turned to him.

" Im a witch. "


OMG !!! How long has it been ?? A while I know I know I'm soooo sorry but there's been alot happening with me && I was loosing inspiration ... But I'm back and I'm going to be updating more...

I've missed you guys



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