Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Alex's POV

" Alright please hur-." Luke's voice was cut short, and soon the light went dead. I turned to Cayden and jumped up. I ran out the front door, and used my enhanced speed to make it to his house. Cayden was right behind me. I didn't take long to reach his house, and when I did no one was there.

" Where is he?!" I yelled out loud. Cayden grabbed my shoulder.

" Hes gone, whoever took him left quick and didnt leave a trail."

I shook my head, " There has to be a trail, and I know just the right person to call to help with this."

Nicks POV

I immediately dispatched some of my fighter wolves to track Luke's scent. As for me I was at his house in no time. I saw Alex sitting in the front yard with Cayden.

" We have to hurry, his family might be back soon." Alex said as I approached. I sniffed around, the people who took them left virtually no scent behind. Still, I kept on and I soon caught whiff of a faint scent. I took my chances and followed it. I ran from the house and down the street, this scent was faint but held on for me to follow. Alex and Cayden ran behind me.

The scent led me down lots of streets, and winding paths. A ringing in my pocket stopped me from going on. I was going to ignore it, but it was Luke's assigned ringtone.

I stopped and put the phone on speaker.

" If you value this boys life, you will show up at the old warehouse near the bay. You and your vampire friend." Said a deep voice from the receiving end.

" How do we know he's there?" Alex said.

There was some shuffling and a yelp. Soon I heard my mates voice on the other end.

" Dont do this please!" He said, and there was more shuffling before the deep voice spoke again.

" You have thirty minutes to get here, or else the boy dies." The phone went dead, and Alex looked at me.

" What are we going to do? Most likely they have people there waiting for us." Alex said.

I got lost in deep thought, and then looked at Cayden.

" But they don't know about you. This can give us the element of surprise." I then began to formulate my plan with them.

Luke's POV

I awoke to darkness around me. I tried to stand up, but my arms and legs had seemed to be tied to a chair. I pulled at my restraints but they were held fast.

" I see that you're awake... Good." Said a familiar voice behind me. I tried to crane my neck to verify who it was, but I was rewarded with a fist to the face. I groaned out in pain, and put my head down.

" If only you were smarter." The voice said coming around to stand in front of me. I shook my head in disbelief.

" Why?" I asked.

My eyes adjusted better, and the face of my Uncle Sean appeared in front of my own.

" Because, you're disgusting ... You began to associate with those beasts... Those abominations." He spat toward me. I was shocked.

" Who??" I asked, even though I already knew the answer.

" That disgusting mutt and the blood sucker." He replied. My mind went instantly to Alex and Nick. This was all bad, how did my uncle know about them, and the more frightening question was who was my uncle?

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