Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


I had called Cayden about 30 times. None of which he answered my calls. I was standing by the gates of the school just waiting. I hadn't heard from him or Luke. Suddenly, a sense of dread washed over me, but I didn't want to believe anything. Students passed me, rushing to leave campus.

Soon the campus was empty and I was beginning to worry even more. I dialed Lukes phone and it went straight to voicemail. I then thought of trying Nicks. Maybe he had went to Nick to try and see if Nicks dad cooler down.

The phone rang and someone picked up.

" Hello? Who is this?" The voice on the other phone asked.

I thought this was Nicks number... Why did someone else answer.

" Yes, hello... This is Alexander, one of Nicks friends and I was wondering if he was there?"

There was some shuffling and murmuring on the other line and the quiet.

" Well, he isn't here and we would appreciate it if you do not call again." The voice said again.

Suddenly, Cayden came out of nowhere, looking angrier then I have ever seen him.

" When I find Nick I'm killing him!" He seethed.

I put my hand over the phone and looked at him confused.

" He snapped my neck and stuffed me in the janitors closet. He's planning something and that bastard needs to feel my payback. " Cayden said.

That's when I heard that someone was still talking on the phone. I put my ear back on and listened.

" ... You've seen Nickolas?" The persona asked.

They then gave me an address and asked me and Cayden to meet them there.

It didn't take us long to end up at a house and two people stood outside. They must of been his parents because they looked exactly like him.

" Come in." The lady said and led us inside.

" Who are you ?" The father asked.

" We're friends of Luke and Nick and we heard what you did to Luke." I said. Cayden side glanced at me and then glared.

" You're the pathetic Alpha that did that to Luke?" Cayden said cracking his knuckles. He stepped closer to the father with his fangs extending.

The father backed up, " You're vampires?"

Cayden laughed.

" Sir, we just need to know what happened and why Nick snapped Caydens neck. He may possibly harm Luke. "

The mother frowned. She then paced back and forth. She was about to speak when the father cut her off. She pushed him away.

" No, this is your fault you have our son out there warped." She said. She beckoned us to the couches.

" You see, what my husband did was not random. There is a prophecy that was told ages ago about a boy who would fall in love with a witch. The prophecy was started because an old witch casted a spell on one of my husbands ancestors. This bound them to fall in love with witches , disrupting them from finding their real mate. If they were to mate with one it would end kill not only the wolf who mated with the witch but all the past males in the lineage. You see that's why he was wary and angry."

Cayden just bursted out laughing.

" And you mated with this ? Wow your family is one fucked up one. Anything else you want to add?"

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