Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Luke's POV

Upon entering the school gates, I was tackled down to the ground. I hit the ground and my vision was blurred by a ton of hair covering it.

" Rachel!!?" I wheezed, trying to get her off me. She sat up and helped me up.

" I haven't seen you in days ! What the hell is your problem?" She told me, she looked pretty pissed. How could I tell her that I met a vampire and a werewolf and someone's out to kill me? I sighed and reached out and hugged her, she stiffened for a second but soon her body relaxed and she hugged me back. It was pretty rare that I hug, so when I do she knew something was up.

" You know you can tell me anything. I wouldn't judge." She told me as the bell rang for us to go to class. I just nodded, and walked off to my first class. Should I tell her? Would it even be safe to ?

My thoughts were cut short when someone grabbed me by the hair and yanked me to the floor. I cried out in pain, but they dragged me to a dark room. They tossed me and I fell against some desks.

" I see you've been busy fag!" Even with my eyes adjusting to the dark I knew who it was. Riley O'Conner stood above me.

He picked me up by my hair and hit me in the stomach. I winced and groaned.

" I hear you dug your faggot fangs into Alexander. You know what I'm going to have to do to you now?" I was confused. I really didn't know what he was going to have to do. He pushed me to the ground and began to unbuckle his belt. My eyes opened wide in fear as i realized what he had in store for me.

" Ill show you how it feels, you want to be with a guy so much. How about I show you? I'm not one to go soft either, so try not to scream." By now he had his pants to his knees and my hands above my head. One arm for me, the other to take off his clothes. When he started to fumble with my clothes I began to squirm, he slapped me across the face so hard I began to see stars.

He pulled my jeans down and went for my boxers. My eyes dilated and my power unleashed. Objects around us began to rise, and since he had slapped me across the face, my power was unfocused. Still, Riley was oblivious to what was happening around us and kept going. My pants were already down, and I felt his hand clasp around my member. I moaned out, but bit my lip. I was feeling disgusted with myself, feeling pleasure from someone who was literally about to rape me. The feeling in my body heightened as he began to stroke me. Everything around us fell to the ground, causing him to pull his hand out of my boxers.

With his mind temporarily sidetracked, I pulled free from him, and pushed him off of me. I scrambled for the door, and pulled up my pants at the same time. I reached the door, and ripped it open.

" Luke!" Riley growled after me, but I didn't stop. I ran and slammed into a hard body. Hands gripped my shoulders, and i looked up into blue eyes.

" Luke? Are you okay?" Alexander asked.

I backed away, tears brimming in my eyes. Riley walked up behind me and my body tensed.

" It's nothing." I lied, and pushed past Alexander and went to my class. The rest of the day I tried avoiding everyone, and when school was over I breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly my phone rang, and I answered.

" Hey, can you wait for me? I have practice and I need a ride home." Rachel said from the other line. I agreed and told her I'd be in the library.

I walked into the library, and went to the back. I always went here when I had nothing to do. The back was dim lit, and very cozy. I sat down, and took out some of my work. Sitting there, I was just zoning out when I heard a noise behind one of the bookshelves. I got quieter and looked around. The librarian usually is in her office, so I knew it wasn't her.

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