FAQ && Spoilers

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FAQ OR ANYTHING That concerned you

Here I will be posting up the questions you commented or messaged me. Plus you get a sneak peak on some new things to come how awesome is that ???

Well let's start shall we ?

1: what was the that Luke's parents gave him?
A) his parents, knowing they were going to die tied their souls into a box, sorta like a reverse Pandora's box, where instead of something being released, the person to open it would be sucked in.

2) what's up with Cayden and this mystery boy looking like Luke ?
A) ooh that's a big part of the next book to come out, all I can tell you now is that Cayden and the new boy are the only doppelgängers to appear.

3) will Cayden and Alex have their own book?
A) hm, I was thinking about it, but I don't know. I want to but I feel it might be repetitive. I'm actually debating if I want to make Darren have his own story as well. Hopefully, I'll come up with something.

4) will Luke have a baby?
A) I've read and heard about that happening in books, I may or may not ...not it's strongly wanted it may come out but later in the second book.

5) are you going to write any straight stories ??
A) YES!!! I actually Am working on one right now, a couple of chapters are finished and I like how it's all coming out. I would appreciate if you guys read it as well,

6) will you update faster?
A) yes yes yes, I am a soulfully sorry about my updating with hunted. I've been going through so much I honestly almost stopped writing, but with your support and love I've kept it going and will keep going.

7) where's the sex?
A) part of me feels that a book doesn't need it, I mean I'm in the middle about it... I want to but part of me feels it might sway the feel of the books. I will put a little more ". Romance " in the upcoming books to see the reaction and turnout so look for that ;)

8) what happened to Rachel?
A) ohh she hasn't been forgotten and neither has Riley, they both make a long appearance in the upcoming book.

9) is conclusions manifest apart of hunted?
A) actually no, it was a book I was doing for a whole other reason , but feel free to read it, but it is unfinished.

10) what's to come for then hunted ?
A) that's the beauty of it, ANYTHING COULD HAPPEN...

Little fun facts about hunted
1) Luke's name was going to be Brandon
2) I hadnt originally planned for Luke to be nicks mate
3) Darren was originally supposed to be with Rachel
4) I ate sour gummy bears every time I wrote a chapter
5) I hadn't planned on hunted to become a series
6) some of the characters in Hunted are based off of my friends
7) The book originally was going to be called the prophecy

8) This book was written for a very dear friend i grew up with, he had never seen a gay male as the main Protagonist in a young adult book and since he had cancer believed he wouldnt live to see it. i wanted to show him that it can happen, and so this was for him. Im just glad he got to read it before passing on. 

Okay now here's the good juicy parts

Idk if I'm going to write Darren's story but if you guys like it let me know and I will

Darren's story

Everyone hated me, my parents my friends and everyone I came across. There were only two people in my life that ever showed me an ounce of love. One was a boy named Luke, he did more for me then anyone I've ever known, and the other person was my sister.

I put my hands on the ground in front of me and a blue energy crackled through me, lifting the earth in front of me up and blocking oncoming bullets. My eyes glowed a brilliant blue and i swiped my hand across the ground, the earth moving to my will.

A couple months ago, I wouldn't dream of doing that, but that was before I helped Luke and he gave me a gift. This gift came in handy through all I was doing, I ducked as more bullets were showered around me.

Why am I getting shot you ask?

Well, an organization called B.G. Corps enlisted me by killing my parents and kidnapping my sister. I did some horrible things while under their leadership, but in return I was supposed to get my sister back. Turns out they weren't going to give her back anyway.

So I decided, I needed to get my sister back and bring down the organization.

Also, here is my straight book that I'm coming out with, will be posting at midnight, please support and check it out. Will be updated every Monday and Friday.

LORI ANDREWS, a girl with extraordinary abilities. Raised to be a sacrifice to shift the balance of good and bad, all Lori knew was on her eighteenth birthday she would be at the peak of her abilities and shed go to a better place. She never knew about love or feelings, she didn't feel she needed to... that is, until she met Donavan Wild.

Donavan Wild, a boy with no past. No family, not like he needed any. A military academy dropout. Never taking an interest in anything until the night he saw the girl with eyes as blue as the ocean run by him one night. After that night, she was the only thing on his mind.

How can love blossom between the two when it's forbidden and how can Lori fulfill her destiny when she begins to think for herself?

A story about how love can tie into ones destiny, and how powerful it can be...

NOW LASTLY, BOOK 2 of the HUNTED series is here ish

CAPTURED : book 2 in the Hunted series.

It's been months since Luke and Nick went into hiding. All seemed well until an uninvited visitor showed up at their home. Now thrust back into the fray they tried so hard to stay away from, Luke and Nick must face past demons that haunt their nightmares and new foes. But they're not alone, guest appearances from Cayden and Alexander. Captured will be even better, more action, more romance and bigger than Hunted so stay tuned for the step In the series.

So that's it you guys. Hope you guys are totally pumped for all of this as much as I am <3
Can't wait it thrust you guys into the world that is my mind and be prepared things are going to get epic !!!!!

Much love <3


- skyee

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