Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Nicks POV

I hadn't really known what to do. Cayden had explained everything to me about what had happened when him and Luke were out. Apparently, he was going to go see his dead parents for a while and it shocked me that he hadn't told me. Part of me was kind of afraid that he was goings off the deep end, but Cayden had confirmed that he had seen Luke's mom as well. So they both couldn't be going crazy.

We all headed back home and I had constantly called Luke wondering if he was okay. I was too afraid of him rejecting me that I wasn't giving him his space. After about the 100th phone call, my pack took my phone and forbid me from talking to him. My father and mother were really supportive through the whole ordeal and my mom comforted me in my room, bringing me food and drinks the whole day and night.

The next day I couldn't even go to school, I knew I would see him there and things would just go wrong. I stayed at the pack house and cleaned and talked with my father. He talked to me about Luke, and how we hadn't mated and that we would have to soon because since I had found my mate, it was rite to become Alpha. I knew this talk was coming and after all that me and Luke had been through I thought my father would give me more time.

" I know things have gotten tougher for you and him, but you need to let him know who is dominant in this relationship. Tell him he needs to mate with you and take his place as your Luna." My father told me.

I groaned, sometimes I wondered about my father. Did he overlook what all we've been through?

" I need time, he needs time. My mates life isn't as easy as everyone else's. you need to respect that be needs time as I have."

My father shook his head.

" Your job as his mate is to make all that pain go away. If you're not able to do that then maybe you need to reject him because you're not doing a good job. Well find you someone in the pack to be with."

I glared at my father.

" I know how to make my mate happy, I love him and HE loves me!" I said as I walked out.

I walked to my room to find Dom and Paul.

" Dude you're going to this party tonight with us." Paul said.

I shook my head.

Dom lifted an eyebrow, " No isn't an answer, you're going and you're going to like it. You need to remember how it is to be with kids our age, doing normal stuff. Too much stress on your plate, have have and live a little." He said.

I just smiled and nodded, " Alright let's do this."


Pulling up to the big house was different then how I was thinking. This party was huge. If I hadn't actually taken the time to get ready I would've felt out of place. Dom and Paul had brought dates and left me to park the car.

After parking, I walked up to the house and felt the music from outside. I stepped in and was amazed at how live it was. There must have been more than 200 people here. I started to feel the beat of the music move through me and I smiled. I needed to let loose and have a little fun. I started dancing around and had a couple of people dance with me.

A couple of girls moved close to me and began to grind on me, my first instinct was to push them off because I felt like i was cheating on Luke. I calmed myself down and just remembered it was just dancing. I started to dance back and people around us were hooping and hollering.

It wasn't long before I felt like myself again and I was becoming the life of the party. I was moving through the crowd to head to the drink station in the kitchen when I felt something small bump into me. I would've brushed it off, but to sparks were too familiar and i stopped and looked at the person who had bumped into me.

It was Luke, well at least I think it was Luke. He looked different, more sexy if I could even grasp it. His hair was cut and styled to bring out his face, his eyes shinning like jewels. His body was showing off from the sides where his shirt was cut, and his jeans hugged him in all the right places. He looked so open and happy, the people around him looked happy. I was shocked.

" Oh um sorry." He said obviously not knowing the person he bumped into was me. He kept moving and was stopped by a group of people and they all started dancing.

" Damn, is that your mate? I have to admit, I'm straight and even I THINK he's sexy. " Dom said coming up behind me. Paul popped out of nowhere, nodding his head. I growled and they both lifted their hands up in defense.

" Hey hey hey , we were just observing. " they said before disappearing back into the crowd.

I watched Luke looking happy for the first time, he looked truly happy, and it was without my help. I frowned, damn my father was right. I needed to reject him and let him live his life. I was the reason his life was so wrong anyway, without me he would have probably still had his aunt and uncle even though they were crazy. Maybe he wouldn't have had to endure all the pain from the past weeks.

I gripped my heart, started to push him away. My wolf stirred, and tried to stop me but I kept going. I felt my head spin slightly, but I kept pushing. I was doing this was for the both of us. He needed to get rid of me and be happy and as his mate, I only want his happiness... Even if doesn't include me. My wolf howled in protest, but I knew I couldn't listen or I'd stop.

Suddenly, a hand grasped my shoulder and squeezed it hard. I lost concentration and turned to come face to face with someone I thought was dead.

Luke's POV

I was so out of it, so happy being in the in crowd. I moved through the crowd, I bumped into someone. At first I thought I felt something but I disregarded it, and said sorry for bumping into them. I walked to a group of people and started to dance with them. Who knew I was a great dancer, not me...

Out of nowhere I felt like I was struck by lightning. I stopped dead in my tracks and grabbed my heart. I felt sick and hurt at the same time.

" Dude you look sick, maybe you should go upstairs and lie down for a bit." A guy told me. I just nodded and wobbled to the stairs. Then another sharp pain hit me in the heart. I had never felt anything like this. I almost couldn't make it upstairs. I stumbled down the hall and fell into an empty room. The door closed behind me as I fell onto the bed. This pain was something different then any alcohol or sickness. I then remembered I had read something in my spell book about rejection. The pain was supposed to hit me like the pain I was feeling now. I panicked, was Nick rejecting me?? I told him I needed time, was it not enough for him?

I began to cast a spell to stop the pain, but as quickly as I had started chanting, the pain went away. I was so confused. What was happening to me?

Nicks POV

Brenda ??

Luke's aunt stood in front of me. Her eyes bloodshot and fangs protruding from her gums.

She was a vampire.

" Follow me or I start to kill everyone here." She told me, and I nodded following her.

We headed to the basement and she locked the door. My eyes adjusted to the darkness, anti turned to her fist hitting me in the face sending me flying off the stairs to the basement floor below.

She began to walk down the stairs after me.

" I'm going to kill you just so my nephew can feel pain. Then I'm going to torture him so bad he's going to beg for me to kill him, and when he does I'm going to torture him some more before I fulfill his request.

I growled and stood up, my wolf was clawing to get out and fight but there wasn't enough room down here and shed have the advantage. She charged me and I sidestepped, sending her into the wall. She quickly got up and attacked, she missed me the first punch, but landed a kick to my gut and I doubled over. She grabbed me by my shirt lifting me into the air and slamming me own on the ground.

She laughed and jumped on top of me.

Luke's POV

I got up from the bed, I needed to get to Nick to tell him not to reject me. I reached into my pocket to get my phone, and when I looked up I dropped it.

" Missed me?" A voice said from the doorway. I froze, he stepped closer and smiled at me.

" What are you doing here.?" I said angrily. The boy who killed my parents lied to me and almost had me and my friends killed.

His eyes changed and he frowned.

" I came to apologize." He said.

I laugh dryly, " You killed my parents and all you think apologizing is going to make It okay?" I screamed.

I began to chant and the room began to heat up. Darren stepped closer an pd I saw sadness in his eyes.

" I was supposed to come and kill you now, but I'm not okay? It's the least I an do. I'm so sorry, I didn't even want to do it." He told me.

Anger filled me, and fire burst from the furniture from around us.

" Then why did you do it!?" I yelled.

" Because, they have my sister! They killed my family and all I had left was her! Okay I thought I was going to get her back. This is bigger then what you think, you think you're aunt and uncle were the only ones who hunted people like you? NO! There's an organization. They took my sister because she was special like you, they wanted you until you posed a threat and now they want you dead."

I frowned, I saw the pain and truth in his eyes. I trusted him, and felt his pain. By now the fire had already spread through the room and out of the door.

" I want you to come with me, help me save my sister. You're aunt told me where she is in help I come kill you and your mate. We could save her, look at you you're a powerhouse. We could take down the organization."

I frowned, " I can't help you, as much as I would love to I can't leave here..."

He frowned as well...

" ...leave him, as much as you might not think... I do love you, but I know I'd never stand a chance. You love Nick no matter what. I'm just barking up the wrong tree." A tear ran down his face.

The fire around us rose high.

I walked up to him, I placed one hand on his cheek.

" If it had been another time, or had I met you first I would have loved you back. But I do forgive you. I can't go with you but ill help you if you need me, you'll always know how to find me. And here's a little something for you to even the score between you and the organization."

I moved my hand to his temple, and kissed him. His eyes flashed a bright blue color, and he gasped. I pulled away, and opened my eyes.

" Did you just--"

I just nodded as he looked stunned.

" Thank you, I'll make it look like you died in return for all you've done for me. They won't come looking for you after today. I promise." He told me.

" Thank you." I said, and he moved towards the door.

" Brenda is here, so is your mate. She's planning to kill him. Stop her, and this time don't let her live, she'll only make it harder for me to say you're gone." He told me.

I nodded, and he disappeared.

I ran out of the doorway, and the hall was incased in flames, the whole house must have been set aflames. I ran to the stairs and noticed everyone had gotten out. The stairs were blocked with flames and I closed my eyes. I needed to know where Nick was. Suddenly, I pictured him in my mind in the basement. My aunt driving a knife into his chest.


Hey guys I wasn't going to post anything for this book anymore but then I got random happiness and redid this chapter... Even though watt pad messed up my phone and deleted it... I hate starting chapters over but I did it, and well here you go.... So sorry but I was kinda down that I lost a chapter...

Also how does a Darren story sound?? Idk I'm thinking about it... Any thoughts?? The book is coming to an end soon and it's going to be big

Love you all for your support through my random crazy moods and for sticking by me through this book <3

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- skyee

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