Chapter 17

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Hey guys, skyee here, well two more chapters and this book will be over !!' :( omg I know I know , but I really want to continue a series, because I see potential for it ... Maybe a continuation of this one or Darren having his own book and also Cayden which includes Alex... Please tell me what you think...


Chapter 17

Luke's POV

Anger filled me, and I knew that she had passed the line. I concentrated and swiped my hands, expelling the fire from the staircase. I charged down the steps, anger consuming me. I came to the basement door and it blasted open. I ran down the steps and when I hit the bottom I saw my aunt getting off of Nick. She turned to me smiling.

" Looks like youre a little too late."

I suddenly saw red, and my magic flowed out of me like a faucet. A chair rocketed her way, and she blurred out of the way. I paused for only a brief moment and she took that time to attack me. She moved too fast to be human, so when I barely jumped out of the way, I figured she had become a vampire. She turned and jumped at me, I swiped my hands again and she flew into the wall.

She grunted. " I killed your mate, your pathetic boyfriend." She taunted. I charged her, large dressers gliding behind me being dragged by my magic. I screamed, throwing my hands up. One of the dressers soared toward her, but she gracefully dodged it, I had anticipated her doing that and aimed the second dresser to where she would be. It made contact and sent her smashing into the wall again. She snarled, using her vampire strength to push the dresser, but I stopped her and pushed back. She was crushed behind it.

" You're not supposed to be this strong. You're weak, I killed your parents. I kept your life hidden from you, I killed your boyfriend. Hell, I nearly killed you. Wish I could've!" She was trying to provoke me, and she was doing an amazing job at it. I screamed pushing out power. I didn't notice the fire had crept into the basement and was already flowing everywhere. All I noticed was the words she was saying.

I poured my power into the other dresser that missed Brenda and shattered it . The shards and stakes that were left lifted into the air.

" Remember when you tortured me ? " I said with a sickening sweet voice. A stake flew at my aunt and hit her In the shoulder. She screamed out in pain. She thrashed about and I smiled. The dresser that was holding her suddenly exploded as well and she screamed even louder.

" Payback sucks huh ?" I said to her. She tried to run but I moved my arms, lifting up shattered prices and swirled them in the air, she moved quick but there were too many pieces in my possession and I sent them flying at her. Most of them hitting her, the rest stopping her from making another move.

" What are you going to do ? Kill me?" She sneered.

The swirling around her stopped. I took a step toward her, and stake stabbed her through one of her legs.

" Brenda..." I said taking another step towards her, another stake stabbing her through her arm.

" Why yes... Yes I can." I said, once again stepping toward her. This time a stake drove through her stomach. She hunched over. I put my hand in from of me, and spread my fingers. Her body becoming my puppet.

Her eyes were wide with shock.

" Enjoy hell." I said, sending a stake straight through her heart. She screamed out and my mind caused the fire to swirl around her and burn her to ashes.

Suddenly, I came down from my anger high, and ran over to Nick. He lay on the ground motionless and his eyes closed. My heart dropped. He has always been on the other end, seeing me almost dead, hanging on by a thread. I had never been through this and it hurt worse then him trying to reject me. I grabbed him, and pulled the knife from his chest. No response.

" Nick, please don't tell me you're dead..." I shook him, I needed a small reaction something to tell me he was okay...nothing...

I began panicking. What could I do? He couldn't die on me... He couldn't leave me. I needed him. My mind racked through spells and one came to my mind. A spell to bring someone back from the dead. There was only one problem with the spell, and it was said to be forbidden. I couldn't go against nature and try and bring him back. It would cause disturbances in the balance of nature.

I frowned, this was an imbalance... He wasn't meant to die, he wasn't supposed to be killed by my aunt. None of this should've happened. I placed my hands on his chest. I began to chant.

Fuck nature.

The fire around me roared.

Fuck balance.

I could feel the heat worsening.

Fuck it all.

I chanted faster and concentrated more, I could feel my energy working around me. I could feel the fabric of my magic gushing from me I could feel the push of nature as it fought against me. I refused to let nature overpower me.

My nose began to bleed and I could feel myself weakening. Then flashes from my past ran through my mind.


I was running into my parents arms. I was only 8 and my parents were smiling at me. I had just won a race and had gotten first place.

" You were so good baby." My mother told me.

I gushed. " Yeah? Thanks mom, I was slowing down and loosing energy towards the end but I pushed through it with the help of you guys cheering me on and pulled through."

My father ruffled my hair. " Good job sport, remember always to push through your problems. You can overcome anything."

That flashback ended and a new one popped up.

Cayden had pulled me aside. This was just after I had been kidnapped by my aunt and uncle.

" Hey, I never truly apologized for terrorizing you." He told me.

I smiled and just hugged him. " Don't sweat it, no harm no foul."

He smirked. " You know what , you're stronger then you think... You're good hearted which only adds to your strength. Don't ever loose that strength. "

I nodded in return.

Once again the flashback ended and I was met with another.

This time it was Alexander. He was giving me a piggyback ride.

We stopped and he let me off. " Luke?" He said and I turned to him.

" Don't ever change, you're sweet and there's more to you then you know. You have a strong will, don't ever doubt yourself and stay strong."

I was confused, he sounded like he was going to die.

" Why so sentimental Alex?"

He smiled. " Because I care about you. I just wanted you to know."

When that flashback ended I was met with one more.

I was laying in bed next to Nick. He was stroking my hair and we were talking about the future.

" Luke, you know why I think the spirits made us mates?" He asked me.

I shook my head.

" Because, they knew I would need someone to tame my wild side, someone who was strong in the heart as well as the mind to make sure I didn't do anything too stupid. That's you, beautiful, strong, innocent and loving. You could overcome anything and when I'm with you I feel i could overcome anything as well."

I smiled at him, and he kissed me on my forehead.

" Me and you against the world?" I asked.

" Yeah baby, always... Me and you against the world."


Tears welled up in my eyes, I couldn't loose him, everyone saw so much potential in me, so much strength. With a renowned spirit, I concentrated harder. I pushed back against nature, they wouldn't claim him yet.

My energy was rising. Spiking, and I was loosing control. I quit chanting and began to speak to him.

" You better come back to me, do you think you can just get rid of me that easily??"

My sight clouded, " You meant the world to me... Shoot you mean more to me... It's me and you against the world remember ?? I need you, who's going to kiss away my tears when the thunder and lightning come? Who's going to scold me for being to naive ? Who's going to take me to the paintball place and who's going to make sure I'm safe when I'm alone ... Hug me because I need comfort... Who am I going to love ? No one else because my heart is yours and if you don't come back you'll take it with you..."

I felt myself slipping, " I love you so much...please don't let him leave me. I love him ! Don't take him from me!" I screamed out, them suddenly everything went black.

Nicks POV

Once she plunged the knife into my chest I faded away, I didn't feel anything and I knew I was about to die. Then nothing, I opened my eyes, and looked down . I expected to see ground but saw my body, I cringed. Damn, she ad actually killed me. I felt a pull on my body and I was being dragged away. Was this going to be it? Was I going to be dragged away to heaven?

I'm not going to lie, I was afraid. I wanted to cry. Could I even cry as a spirit or ghost? I grabbed everywhere, and i watched helplessly as my mate fought his aunt. He was beautiful, fiery and dedicated. He beat her and I kept being pulled.

" No!" I screamed as I watched him sit next to my body. The pain that showed on his face hurt me. I could see something else and when he started to chant I could feel a shift in the air.

I could see the fire around him, it was getting to close. He'd burn himself alive. I then didn't feel any pull on me. I stood and tried to run to him but i felt a force against me. Just as I was about to curse out loud, a bright light shinned in my face and two figured appeared. A man and woman.

" Hello Nicolas." The woman said. I then recognized her as Luke's mother. But she was dead....oh wait...right , I was too...

" Our son is doing a forbidden spell for you. It could very much kill him." His father said.

I turned and watched as his nose began to bleed furiously. He pushed through and kept going.

" Do you think you would do the same for our son if you were in the same predicament?" His mother asked me.

There was no doubt in me, no time to think about it as I proudly said yes. They both shook their heads.

" We have a friend here for you." His father said. Then I watched as my wolf came from behind them. I ran and hugged him.

" What did you really think I'd leave you?" He asked. I smiled. I turned back to Luke's parents.

" What can I do?" I asked.

His mother smiled, and it glowed.

" Just protect and love our son with all of your being. Stand by him and never let him go." She told me. I nodded

" Ariel ... He needs us..." His father said.

" I know Eric." She turned back to me, " He loves you more than you'll ever know."

I looked back at her, and hugged her. " I love him too."

She turned and then they both disappeared. Just as they did Luke passed out and I yelled.


I turned to my wolf.

" Do you feel that? Were going back to our body. Are you ready?" He asked me. I could see the fire closing around my and Lukes body.

" More than ill ever be." I replied. I was sucked back into my body, and I shot straight up. I was back, I was really back. I didn't have time to think about that as my wolf took over. He grabbed Luke, and howled. His howl smoldering the fire as my body ran through. Running up the stairs, we didn't even feel winded.

The front entrance was blocked, and I could see firefighters through the window. I turned the other way and booked it. Fire all around us, I trusted my wolf. He guided me to an exit, and I made it out of the house. I didn't stop though, my legs carried me to Lukes home and I held onto him as I climbed into his window.

Laying him on his bed, I turned on the light. He began to stir, and then he had a fit of coughs. I sat next to his laying body and smiled down at him.

" Nick?" He whispered.

" Yeah it's me baby, don't think I'd leave you that easily? Remember me and you against the world..."

He leaned up and hugged me tight.

" Always." He said as he began to sob.


Wooh hey guys, Skye again. Hope you liked this chapter as much as I did... The songs burn and I need your love by Ellie Golding and fallen for you by colbie Caillat were a huge help in writing this chapter ....

Comment share and vote and ill be sure to post soon...


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