Chapter 11

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Hey guys (: wow the love is showing and that really makes me feel good... sadly my other book isnt getting the same love so i just might delete it. On a lighter note (: I have some epic stuff coming up for this book, and some really cool and creepy twists... the more love you show, the more I want to upload ...

So please don't stop >.

&& here is the next chapter

Chapter 11

Nicks POV

Witch ??

That's the only thing that's been on my mind for the past week. Ever since Luke told me, I couldn't think of anything else.

He seemed to be back on his feet, and back to normal. He took all of his guardians things and we burned them. He's been keeping himself busy so that he could avoid talking to me about himself.

Like right now. He was running to attend to Cayden, who was put on bed rest because he still felt a little weak.

I pulled him aside as he rushed past me with a cup of room temperature blood.

" Nick not now ,Cayden needs me." He said to me.

I smirked, and pulled him close. The cup of blood slipped from his hand, but never hit the ground. It levitated a couple of inches away from him.

" I NEED YOU. When will be the right time to talk about that ? Because it seems everyone gets your attention besides me."

He frowned and pulled away from me.

" I know we're mates and all but you never asked me to be your boyfriend. I know you need me but right now, all we are are just friends/mates."

I frowned.

" Is that all? You could have been my boyfriend a while ago if not for those people."

His face darkened as I brought up his uncle and aunt. He pulled away from me and quickly ran into the room that held Cayden and Alexander.

I know I shouldn't have said that. Even if they were horrible people, they were still his family.

I trudged outside and decided I needed to go for a run. All of this stress wasn't good for me, and I needed to relieve it somehow. I walked to the forest behind Luke's house, and shed my clothing. Fur sprouted from me as I changed into my wolf, and I howled. I felt free; I needed this. I dashed into the forest, the wind whipping at my fur.

This was my element, my domain, my sanctuary.

I had ran for a while before I began to feel fatigue, and decided to stop. I rested near a small lake, and changed back to my human form. The lake looked so clear and inviting, and so I jumped in.

Cool water sent a jolt through my bones, before they got used to the temperature. It was exhilarating, and I stayed under for a little bit.

Before I was able to come up for air, flashes of my wolf howling in pain ran through my mind. They were followed by images of my mate bloodied and beaten nearby.

I thrashed underneath the water, and I finally remembered that I was still under. I kicked with all my might to reach the surface, and soon I broke through.

What the hell was happening to me? I climbed out of the water, and sat near a tree. My body felt weak, and in felt darkness growing inside of me.

Luke's POV

I was trying so hard to avoid Nick as he followed me around the house. I knew he wanted to know more about me, but how could i tell him when I barely found out about this 2 months ago. Even If I told him, what more could I possibly say other then I found out I'm a witch when I was in a car accident. Oh, and my dead parents speak to me in a box. How would that sound?

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