The Forbidden Poisonous Apple

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Today, it was summertime, the sun was so bright as yellow and gold in the blue sky with white, bright clouds floating up. Over the swamp, there was a witch hut where an elderly witch named Agnes Leek who was middle of the cauldron above the bonfire ignited the bottom with flames, she was stirring the substance with her stirring rod ground but while she was stirring the cauldron while it bubbling so warm, outside of the window, a shadowy figure came out of nowhere and flies inside the hut but instead, the figure approaching the witch behind.

"Huh?" thought Agnes, she turned around to see the figure revealed to be her granddaughter, a teenage dhampir, and then she smiled gleefully, "Annabelle Petunia Leek." she smiled and Annabelle was standing on the floor and looking at her great-grandmother, thinking that Agnes was working on the substance she was making.

"Agnes what are you doing?" asked Annabelle, seriously.

"I'm making a potion for everyone in need, I use some ingredients for medications that me and my daughter were used to working here in her," remarked Agnes, still stirring the potion in her boiling cauldron.

"But how did you get it?" questioned Annabelle, confused.

"From her old garden, it belongs to your mother and she told me to watch over them when she was wrong," explained Agnes.

"Wow, can I see." excited Annabelle.

There, in the lagoon areas, there were crops around with some magic mushrooms that contained healing powers for those in need. Agnes and Annabelle arrive just in time and whereupon Annabelle looks around the magical mushrooms in the crops and impressed by this, races off to take a look at the magical mushrooms while Agnes accompanies her as well.

"Yep, those are magic mushrooms and they can be ingredients, each shroom can heal anything you can and it can heal the world." demonstrated Agnes.

"Oh I see." smiled Annabelle, she was so excited to get to know the magic mushrooms she never had.

"Of course," replied Agnes., she took out a mushroom that had a white spot around the red cap in her hand.

"Whoa, is that." thought Annabelle.

"It is called Amanita, it can heal any poisoning you seek. But there more, there so many mushrooms you got and it's up to you to sell your mushroom potions to the world," explained Agnes, she went back to her own hut, walked back to the cauldron, dropping the Amanita down to the boiling substance, stirring it and it turned into an antidote to poisonings.

"Really, what's next," questioned Annabelle.

"You see," said Agnes giving the set of ten vials containing the antidotes.

"Sweet, I'll take it as the yes!" cheered Annabelle, taking the vials from Agnes, walking to the door, opening it, and flying away. But first, in order to provide the potion work, Annabelle must look for a subject she ever needs.

At the same time, in the forest, there was a pack of werewolves wandering around the woods, searching for foods that meant to prey, they kept hunting down those animals one by one killing them and eating them alive but one of them was a young wolf cub who doesn't like to eat animals because he likes them so much and whimpering before he went off.

While he was lost in the woods and looking for real food sources to survive the wolf cub spent a few hours looking for food to eat but then he came across a tree filled with apples so he ran toward the apple tree, reaching it, climbing up to the branch where an apple was located and crawls toward the obtained the apple before he took a bite but then he succumbed to collapse and falls off from the tree before Annabelle appears flies toward to catch the wolf cub in her arms and lands on the ground.

"Oh no, are you okay." worried Annabelle, seeing the cub was poisoned by an apple, she was told that the magic mushroom was able to heal the victims. She took out a vial, removed the cap and chugged the potion into the wolf cub's mouth, and made him drink the potion.

Once the old pup drinks the potion, he instantly recovers from the poison for the first time after eating the poison apple. He leaps off of Annabelle's arms and walks away before the pack of werewolves appears reunited with their cub as they go off while Annabelle waves her hand to say goodbye to the wolves but she still knows what happened to the puppy after he had eaten an apple. She walks toward the apple tree and finds the warning sign that the apples were forbidden to be eaten by anyone and so Annabelle flies off and begins to sell the potions.

"Yes!" exclaimed Annabelle, victoriously, dealing that the potion work eventually.

Now with magic mushroom potions, she can do to heal the world forever, Annabelle spends her hark-working time wandering around the location she can find to help those in need. First, she came across a group of hikers in the woods where a male hiker was bitten by a venomous snake before it was killed by the female hiker with an axe that beheaded its head. There, in the camper van where the lovely family was having a summer vacation when the father was grilling some patties on the grill before he assembled the patty into a burger and ate it, he suffered from food poisoning and succumbed to collapse while the wife rushed to him while they kids arrived suffered from allergies caused by poison ivies.

Look like she has no choice but to make it right for the clients she ever had, Annabelle decides that she must deliver all of the potions to anyone in need and goes into slow-motion mode. She flies toward the seizure cock man, floating toward his mouth, and chugs a potion into his mouth before she flies toward the hiker and gives him a sip of the potion. Finally, she reached the kids and fired the two vials into their mouths, making them chug them whole before she returned from the slow-motion thus healing everyone instantly but they didn't save them all so Annabelle flew up in the sky and headed home soon as possible while reaching to the horizon.

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