The Third Blind Eye

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On the road, there were some RVs around and all of the furniture all around, one of the RVs belonged to one of the hunters, the friend of Annabelle, the foster Luke Fernandez and his roommate who was the lore expert, Felix Reed bonding together. Suddenly, Felix felt that he wasn't good at wearing his eyeglass every time, and he wanted to see without them.

"Luke, I just wanted to see anything without my eyeglasses..." sighed Felix, bored.

"Felix, I don't get it. Since after we defeat the demon queen and Hope and Lloyd are remains humans even though they are dating together at last." comforted Luke, patting Felix with his hand.

"No, it's not about my glasses, I just wanted to get a new sight for myself," said Felix, placing his hands onto his face in sorrow and he wanted to get his new sight so sadly.

"I know Felix, first the lizard monster chopped on your legs and now you've been wheel bounded." sighed Luke, putting his hand on his face in regret. "If only there was one way to get a new sight." Just then, Annabelle comes inside with a basket of wiggled, living eyes with purple curvy stems in her hands.

"Hey guys, I brought you both some eye mushrooms, it helps cure the poor eye sights and blindness." demonstrated Annabelle, reaching into her pockets and pulling out a vial of eye mushroom potion and offering it to Felix.

"Okay." agreed Felix, taking the vial from Annabelle, opening the cork, and taking a sip of it dropping it onto the ground. Therefore, the potion works as Felix's poor eye sights effectively regenerated into new eyesight Felix removes his eyeglasses to see and he was overjoyed that he was able to see anything he can.

"Felix, how is it?" asked inquired Luke, worried.

"Eureka! I can see! Thanks, Annabelle!" grateful Felix.

"You're welcome." winked Annabelle, responded.

"Now that's a spirit!" exclaimed Annabelle, believing her potion finally works, and goes to sell her potions for good.

Chicago, Illinois, is a place where some people live here along with blind people wearing black shades and holding canes so they can be aware of their surroundings, even if they were accompanied by their dogs who sense the surroundings as well. One of them was an old man holding a leash attached to his pitbull dog growling aggressively and a came in his hand all around just as Annabelle, Luke, and Felix approached the old man with a bottle of eye mushroom potion.

"Would you like to drink my potion," asked Annabelle, the pitbull dog cheerfully runs toward Annabelle, tackling her to the ground and licking her face happily and delightfully, making Annabelle giggle gleefully so she hands him the vial the dog walks back to his owner.

"I'm so sorry." apologized the old man, regretfully.

"That's okay," said Annabelle, getting up from the ground, covering in the dog's saliva, and wiping it off of her face with her sleeve.

"Here goes." sighed the old man, opening the cork and chugging the eye mushroom potion this effect allows him to restore his eyesight and he took out his shades to see. "Hey, I can see! I can see!" he was overjoyed until he saw a vision of a bald young woman in a white dress and he recognized her as his late wife who died of cancer.

"Daniel." smiled the ghost woman, waving her hand at her longtime husband.

"Martha..." sobbed the old man, sadly.

"What is it?" asked Felix, suddenly he saw a vision of his late father appearing on the road in front of him, "Dad..." he was shocked.

"It must be the third eye, they can see their loved ones with an unfinished dream business," explained Annabelle.

"And my dad was here to help me avenge myself by hunting down the lizard monster he said," exclaimed Felix, Scott arrives just in time to aid his friends to help.

"I know what she wants; she wants me to die so I can be with her but I wasn't able to die just because of my health!" worried Daniel, "I want to die and I don't want to live!" he sobbed. Unbeknownst to him and the other hunters, a scream was heard and Felix turns to see the same lizard monster appears rampaging around the city, scaring people to scream in fear and run away in panic.

"Oh no! It's a lizard monster!" scared Annabelle.

"Not if my dad said that I let the kid have it." serious Felix, spoking to Scott who realized that he was the only one that can slay the lizard monster.

"Of course!" smirked Scott, determined. He took his astrolabe, pulls out his celestial katana, Blade of Celestial, and transforms his civilian outfits into a vigilante outfit known as Red Masque. "With pleasure." he excited, winding the sword, charging years the lizard monster, jumping up so high at the top of it and lashing down to it, slashing it through, causing it to fall into pieces, this avenging Felix.

"Scott, you did it!" excited Felix, suddenly he become blind and the potion wears off so Felix room out his eyeglasses to see but find that his father was gone, implying that he disappeared after his unfinished business was done, "Hey, what about the old man?" he asked.

"I don't know?" replied Luke, he turned around and sees that Daniel has died of a heart attack after he sees the lizard monster appear but now he was reunited with his wife as they ascended to heaven together while Scott Luke, Annabelle, and Felix look up sadly if they didn't say goodbye to them.

"So what do we gonna do now?" asked Scott.

"Well..." smirks Annabelle, still cheerfully as she resumes her job to sell her magic mushroom potions to anyone in need.

Now, Annabelle, Luke, Felix, and Scott decide to open a magic mushroom potion stall together and sell some magic mushroom potions to other people, including the eye mushroom potions. While selling the eye mushroom potions, the hunters secretly kept paying the customers so kindly and the blind people were able to see again happily and rejoiced with new healthy eye sights.

"Who cares about in a break! I gonna love this!" excited Annabelle, selling her eye mushroom potions to her blind customers, making them see their new eye sights.

"Yep, I know," replied Scott, and Luke and Felix laughs cheerfully.

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