Dream Big, Little One (Finale)

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Next year in 2024, back at the witch hut, in the garden, Annabelle seems to tender her magic mushroom crops and she was doing her job, watering all of the new magic mushroom variants she ever found all these years of discovering them. While watering the crops with water and planting all of the magic mushrooms onto the new crops for them, Annabelle kept unboxing the magic mushroom variants and putting them on solid ground, but once she empty the boxes and then finds all that was left is a red glass-stained box secured by chains and locks all around and there were keys and code notes are with it.

"Hmmmmm? That's strange?" curious Annabelle, immediately reached the box, took the box, and unlocks all of the locks using keys and codes, unclogging them all she removes the lid the before she finds that it is just only a light bulb. "Huh, this is strange that I didn't see that before?" she was so confused about the light bulb she never had.

Annabelle tosses the light bulb out to the solid ground, lands on the dirt on which the light bulb was now lying, and is safe on it. At that moment, the light bulb sunk into the dirt underneath and is buried inside, creating a pure light emitted inside which turned out to be the last magic mushroom that she has ever seen that sprouted duplicates of them and claim it as their final crop. Once the light bulb-shaped magic mushroom has come to life, Annabelle hears what she had discovered and turns to see that there was a light blub mushroom appears.

"Ahhh!" gasped Annabelle, she never realizes that there was a final magic mushroom that can be seen in her own home, she check the glass box to find a note on it and takes it to read it.

"Belle, my sweet little girl,

your grandma and I have been searching for every magic mushroom variant that we discover every year until you come along before I left you to be taken care of by Agnes who always watching you for years. Before, I leave, I knew that you have a creative crisis when you were little and you tried hard so well, but I always guide you in my heart as long as you can. You always gave us hope to discover new magic mushrooms to try and I cherish you with dreams and hope to find the courage to fulfill your dream. Once you complete the magic mushroom variant collection, now it is time for you to restart your memories if you unite these magic mushrooms, it will rewrite your memories and I know there is still faith inside of you and I believe in you.
Your mom, from the bottom of our pure hearts."

After reading her mom's letter, Annabelle knew she was the only one gathering all of the magic mushrooms all these years along with her family, then later her friends she care for. With all of the magic mushroom variants completed, Annabelle becomes more determined that she will fulfill her dream and cure her creative crisis, hoping that all of her memories of her journey to find the magic mushrooms will be rewritten into a complete set.

"I think I should be called it Creative Light Bulb Mushroom," exclaimed Annabelle.

Rushing back to the witch hut, Annabelle gets inside her room and dashes to the cauldron, she grabs the box of matches from the table and lights it out, and tosses it to the bonfire, boiling the cauldron up. The cauldron was boiled up with a fire and Annabelle gathers all of the Creative Light Bulb Mushrooms into the cauldron and she stirred it up, creating the Creative Light Bulb Mushroom potion, she takes out the vial, scoops it to fuel it up and takes a sip of it and place the empty vial on the table. After drinking the  Creative Light Bulb Mushroom potion, Annabelle closes her eyes shut and her mouth too, starting to think something special, she opens her eyes up and sparkles up with a new idea of emerging all of the magic mushrooms together.

"That's it, I know it must be done exactly," exclaimed Annabelle, curing her creative crisis for good and she start making her great creative idea.

For the primary magic mushrooms, Annabelle brings nine items such as  Amanita, Minion of Darkness, Blue Mushroom, Eye, Mason, Amorous,  Rainbow, Skull of Evil, and Gold. Second is the animal magic mushrooms,  Annabelle gathers Jellyfishes, Bees, Tentacles, Green Pandas, Sloth, Maneki Neko, and Ladybugs to come over to her. Next is the food magic mushrooms when she brought three food items to the table, the three items are Cake,  Burger, and Cheese. Now, she brings out both monsters and living humanoid magic mushrooms to be summoned to her side, one is Unearthly, Ghost, Mummy, Zombie, and Mutant accompanied by other ones are Clow, Pirate,  Viking, and Red Guy.

With all of the magic mushroom variants gathered completely, Annabelle brings out another cauldron on another bonfire that lights it up again. She pours all of the magic mushrooms into the cauldron and stirs them all together with a rod. Stirring the cauldron gently and fast, before she completes the magic mushroom potion, she pulls a single Creative Light Bulb Mushroom and drops it onto the cauldron before she continues stirring the cauldron until she stops stirring when the cauldron started to glow up and emits a pure light inside, creating them into merged one.

"There it is, the Ultimate Magic Mushroom potion." smiled Annabelle, she takes out the empty vial and scoops it, fills it up and observes it, and looks at it. Looking at the merged magic mushroom potion, Annabelle experiences her journey with her family, friends, and even her love for Luke who is always there for her in his heart, she is very grateful that after she finally unites all of the magic mushrooms together in her hands, "I see you my whole heart." she smiles as she took a whole sip of the entire magic mushroom potion, emptying it whole and she drops the vial onto the ground.

Drinking the magic mushroom potion, Annabelle was standing up on the floor and she was inside her witch hut all alone. her body started to shake up and goes to get ill, she collapsed onto the floor, passing out from bringing the whole magic mushroom, she was lying on the floor due to drinking all of the magic mushroom potions she had made and her eyes started to dopey and weakly just as Luke comes inside the hut and finds her lying on the floor.

"Belle!" Luke runs to Annabelle and held her in his arms, "Belle, please say something." he begged Annabelle to say something to him. But Annabelle didn't hear him while she slowly becomes paralyzed and so she passed away in his arms.

Annabelle has just passed away and soo she started to fade away, Luke becomes horrified to see that Annabelle is increased from existence as a result of consuming the magic mushroom potion. He desperately tried to keep her away from being faded in his arms tearfully and he cries for her to come back with him, but it was too late and her soul was faded right into his arms while he still crying over her passing away.

"Belle! Belle!" cried Luke, devastated while calling her name tearfully and heartbroken.

While Luke was crying, in the black oblivion where Annabelle's soul was inside and she begin to experience her journey begin rewritten and time started to reverse when her eyes flashed through her vision and she remembers the day she left by her parents under her grandmother's care and then she obtains the guardian inside her before she runs away to protect anyone from being hurt by her and she meets a group of hunters who took her under their wings and then she meets Luke in her first sight. Seeing all of her memories back inside, Annabelle smiles, and her eyes shed one last tear on her face before she closes her eyes to rest. Just then, she was teleported into a new timeline and her soul was transferred to the body of her own life.

Arriving in her new life in another timeline, she finds herself that she has become a baby in the crib where her parents, a hunter Lorraine and a vampire leader Dr. Aculus walk toward her and carry her in their arms. Five years later, she was a kid under the care of Agnes when her parents go on separate ways and she spend her summer life experiencing the brewing of each of the magic mushrooms she tried until she grew up and has so many animals she had. By 18, she runs away from home when she develops a spirit animal inside her soul and she was cursed by that time. As the supernatural hunter, Annabelle begins her new chapter in her own life and she starts a friendship with Luke, having his memories rewritten into new as she begins to rebuild her appreciation for the hunters together as a family.

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