The Boy and the Bee Kingdom

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On the rooftop beehives located in the Greens within the city of Grimsborough are filled with bee houses that contain some swarms of bees. They were harvested by a beekeeper named Archibald Ashworth who was holding the brood frame covered in honey and waxes, scrapping it with a scrapper and pouring some of them on the buckets to be filled as he spend his time making honey to extract for money.

"Oh yeah, I hope I will have all of the money and sells my honest products!" chuckled Archibald, pouring some pure honey onto the empty jar and sealing it with a lid.

Unbeknownst to Archibald as he keeps harvesting the honey for products, over the bee house, Scott came to visit the beehives and goes to talk to him. Unfortunately for him, he suddenly gets the flu, his nose running fast with mucus inside, his skin went pale and cold and his eyes become tired and he collapsed on the ground, drawing Archibald's attention, he turns around to see an ill Scott lying on the floor.

"Little boy! What are you doing here!" exclaimed Archibald, taking out a phone and texting it, calling the police for an emergency. "Hello, has anyone who was with the boy!" he called.

Afterward, a police car came out of nowhere and arrives at the Greens, it belonged to Jones who heard Archibald about his son and rushes toward the rooftop beehives where his son was relocated and rushes toward him and retrieves him by carrying him in his arms. He was approached by a running Archibald rushed toward him and looks at Scott's ill face.

"Well, officer, I guess that kid was yours. I bet there has to be another way to cure his cold sickness." wondered Archibald, Annabelle also arrives beside Jones as well and sees Scott got sick and tired.

"Annabelle, my son got sick and cold because I don't know." worried Jones, begging Annabelle to help him save his son from coldness. Annabelle took out a picture of a black-yellow striped mushroom covered in honey goos, looked at it, and put it away in her pockets.

"I think I will do it for your son. I will find the Bee mushrooms, it was the only cure for coldness," explained Annebelle.

"But how?" shrugged Jones, confused.

"It's simple, my grandma brought some of the bee mushrooms and I hope this would do the trick," said Annabelle, taking out a vial of bee mushroom potion and chugging it onto Scott's mouth inside, thus Scott's coldness instantly cured and he wakes up to see his father carrying him.

"Dad?" thought Scott.

"Rodney!" exclaimed Jones, overjoyed by the bee mushroom potion, he turns to Annabelle gratefully and gives a smile at her, "Thank you for curing my son." he thanked Annabelle.

"Hey, what in that thingy?" questioned Archibald, confused.

"It was a secret ingredient but you never find it." refused Annebelle.

"And my son got my astrolabe when he can travel through the transportation portal," explained Jones, retrieving his old heirloom astrolabe from his son and putting it in the pocket of his brown leather jacket.

"Wait, are there any bee mushrooms?" asked Archibald, interrogating Annabelle about the bee mushrooms.

"Nope, it's a secret," replied Annabelle.

"Oh I see that..." chuckled Archibald, he walks away secretly and starts working again, Jones and Annabelle marched out of the rooftop with Scott, hoping that he would be fine with them.

However, Jones, Annabelle, and Scott are about to depart in separate ways, they are all unaware that Archibald has been pulling his sleeve; he plans to steal the bee mushrooms for money so he can be rich for more, he took out a scrapper and throws onto Jones' head, hitting him and causes him to collapse with his son, dropping his astrolabe on the floor.

"Mr. Jones!" shocked Annabelle, kneels down to Jones and Scott as Archibald sneaky walked toward the astrolabe, snatching it and activating the portal to witch hut, he runs inside the portal.

"Not on my watch!" grunted Scott, getting up from the floor and running toward the portal, entering it inside to go after Archibald and the portal closes instantly.

"Nooooo! He tricks us and he was going to steal your bee mushrooms!" worried Jones, fearing that Archibald was able to steal the bee mushrooms.

"No, but my grandma will curse for sure if he ever steals my bee mushrooms from us." sighed Annabelle.

At the same time, Archibald was the magic mushroom crop where some of the bee mushrooms were located near the Minion of Darkness mushrooms. The corp was actually the beehive surrounded by bees and they are covered in honey goo as well. Inside the beehive, the bee mushroom corp was filled and harvested all day and night in order to support Annabelle and Agnes for a potion in need.

"Well...well...what do they have here after that?" smirked Archibald. Suddenly, a maniacal chuckling was heard and he was unaware that Agnes appears behind him, seeing him as the intruder.

"So, you like to steal my bee mushrooms from me and my granddaughter," said Agnes, Archibald shrieked and jumped in shock as he turns around to see an old witch appear in the magic mushroom crop.

"Oh I'm so sorry about the crop, I just looking for the bee mushrooms for potions." nervous Archibald.

"Hey!" Scott's voice was heard, he was surrounded by swarms of bees.

"No little boy, please don't let them sting me!" begged Archibald, kneeling down on the ground and placing his plans together, pleading with the boy in fear.

"Yeah, you better give credits to Annabelle or else!" demanded Scott.

Back at the rooftop beehive, Scott returns to the Greens with Archibald tied up and all of the bees surrounding them, they are accompanied by Agnes who comes up with the basket of the bee mushrooms and has made Archibald slave as punishment for stealing her magic mushrooms.

"So what are we gonna do now." chuckled Annabelle.

"I'm going to make bee mushroom to cure the coldness." winked Scott, he and the others laugh while Archibald sobs over the consequences while the bees goes to work on the potions to support their owners.

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