The Zombie Hunters

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Jones was immediately attacked by a zombified Jack-o'-Lantern biting his left hand and then soon the zombie infection started to spread around his body slowly. He was scared he will become a zombie forever, but then Luke arrives and shot Jack-o'-Lantern in the back with his gun, killing him and saving Jones's life.

"Mr. Jones, are you okay!" whooped Luke, asking Jones if he was alright but Jones suddenly passes out due to being infected by Jack-o'-Lantern.

Back at the team convey, in one of the RVs, Jones was inside lying on Priya's bed, tucked by a sheet, his body shivered in pain and fear whimpering due to being infected when his left hand was bitten, leaving him with a zombie bite mark. At the same time, Luke, Scott, Ryan, and Annabelle are examing the journal of Jack-o'-Lantern so Annabelle begins to read the explanation of what happened.

"Dear, diary, I was in the research center and headquarters, making friends together and one day, I was in charge of testing a sample of strange, mysterious substances and then my rival steals my research only to get infected by mistakes and he starts spread virus around the headquarters and I was the only who survives but all of my loved ones are gone." read Annabelle, she flips the next page and sees that there was a zombified mushroom with saliva on its mouth, half of the cap head with a brain outside and yellow eyes and, dark turquoise with dark light blue spots and two bites in each side.

"What's that?" confused Ryan, curiously but Annabelle recognizes the zombified mushroom as one of her mother's attempt goals she never found and she realizes that he mother was trying to look for it.

"That's Zombie Mushroom, it can cure the virus infection but it was never been found yet," exclaimed Annabelle, she remembers as a child when her mother used to search for the zombie mushroom for years but she realizes that the Zombie Mushroom was found by one of the researchers at the headquarters.

"I think we should find it!" determined Ryan.

"No, Ryan, you and your brother are not safe," said Lloyd, entering Priya's RV and deciding to join Luke and Annabelle on the quest to find the Zombie Mushroom, he was accompanied by Gwen and Hope who also come with them.

"You too." thought Luke.

"You and Annabelle are not going without us." sighed Hope.

"Okay." sighed Luke.

At the headquarters where Jack-o'-Lantern used to work here before he was infected as a zombie, Luke, Lloyd, Gwen, Hope, and Annabelle arrive just inside and they begin to investigate the area to find the Zombie Mushroom, they have all of the gears including flashlights to see in the dark and to look around the surroundings if there a threat came along. Just then, they reach the lab where Zombie Mushroom was placed inside the steel cabinet.

"Zombie Mushroom!" exclaimed Annabelle, she rushes to the cabinet and tried to retrieve it but it was locked since she has no power to break it.

"Belle, wait!" said Luke, he walks to the cabinet and hacks the lock, opening it and allowing Annabelle to take the Zombie Mushroom.

With the Zombie Mushroom obtained successfully, the hunters decide to leave this awful place they went to once and for all, Annabelle has the shoulder bag with her and places the Zombie Mushroom inside before closing it with the lid. However, as the group is about to leave, in the darkness, there was a female researcher who was zombified last year ago, emerges from the shadow and sees the hunters appear as the trespassers, and she grunts and growls at them which draws Annabelle's attention when she saw a zombie appears lurks in the darkness.

"Luke!" shrieked Annabelle, pointing at the zombie in fear, Luke turns around to see a zombie appears to lunge at Luke and knocks him to the ground but thanks to the gears he was protected and was able to hold the zombie off.

"Grrrr," grunted Luke, trying to avoid being bitten by a zombie.

"Kid!" exclaimed Lloyd, he grabs the zombie researcher, pulls her out of Luke, and throws her to the floor before he took out the rifle and shoot her in the head, killing her immediately. He stares at her dead body panting in horror and fright while holding his rifle in his arms and Gwen and Hope comfort him by patting his back.

But the victory was not yet over since the headquarters has many more zombies coming, just then, back in the darkness, the zombies show up after they emerge and lurk through and begin terrorizing the hunters. As the zombie begins to approach them, the hunters have no choice but to defend themselves using their weapons and Hope turns into a demon to save the others from danger, Luke takes out the gun to shoot down the zombies, Gwen takes out a crossbow and fires some arrow at their heads to kill them, Lloyd kept shooting some zombies to save himself from being infected and Hope uses her powers take down the zombie. Realizing that there is no hope of survival, Annabelle decides to save herself and her friends from being infected. She went to the experimental table filled with equipment including a pot so she uses it as a makeshift cauldron.

As the experimenting begins, Annabelle spends her time working on the Zombie Mushroom potion while the hunters stay behind to take down the zombies that kept approaching them. Then, the Zombie Mushroom potion was created, Annabelle reaches her hand into her purse to grab the syringe and extract the substance with it, and runs toward the zombie to inject him, hoping that the potion works. Soon, the potion successfully works and the zombie turns fully human again.

"It works!" exclaimed Annabelle.

"Belle, you did it!" praised Luke, he and others deiced to take the Zombie Mushroom potion as an advantage and inject the entire zombies one by one, curing them instantly.

Almost, the zombies have been turned back to the humans again and they are now researchers once more, but they have no memories of being infected as the zombies a year ago and seeing the hunters panting in exhaustion while injecting themselves with the potions to cure themselves, they are very gratefully that they are saved by the hunters and now they are fully thankful to them as well. Annabelle turns and sees everyone cheer for her and the hunters for saving their lives and she smiles at him gratefully.

"Luke, we did it." smiled Annabelle.

"Yeah, I know, but we have to go now." sighed Luke, the hunters promoted to walk out of the headquarters along with the researchers as they heads off somewhere to start new lives while the hunters went home with tons of Zombie Mushrooms with them.

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