The Golddiggers

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The next day, Annabelle was sleeping on her own bed next to Luke experimenting on the latest magic mushroom, a gold-orange capped golden mushroom with black sunglasses, he drops the golden magic mushroom and stirs the cauldron gently, scooping it with the vial to fill. With the latest magic mushroom completed, Luke determined to find a way to rebuild his relationship once and for all and tried to figure out what to do with Jones.

"I did it, the gold mushroom, cure for poverty!" exclaimed Luke.

At the same time, in Chicago city, there was an alley where Jones was lying on the ground alone and cold, wearing his police uniform and his body was covered with some newspapers as a blanket while snoring softly. He was asleep on the street despite being powerless and weak and he woke up from his slumber and gets up from the street but he spots a hobo lying on the street with a goose held in his arms.

"Uh, excuse me. I'm David Jones and I'm lost in the street," said Jones, the hobo turns around and sees him for the first time.

"I'm Jack-o'-Lantern the beanstalk seller, I will be selling all of the magic beans for years until you came along the way." chuckled Jack-o'-Lantern, holding the jar of magic beans in his grasp.

"Oh, magic beans, right." scoffed Jones does not believe in fairy tales since he was already mature.

"Oh, I can help you." chuckled Jack-o'-Lantern, "But can you trade your police uniform please," he asked. Jones knows that he was gonna trade his police uniform for sure but he decided to have the hobo outfit for sure. Afterward, Jones was now wearing his new hobo outfit and Jack-o'-Lantern was wearing Jones' police uniform.

"So, are you happy now?" grumped Jones, he was given the jar of magic beans by Jack-o'-Lantern, "Wait what can I do with it!"

"Don't worry, you get used to it!" chuckled Jack-o'-Lantern, he walks out of the alley and went away all alone leaving Jones in charge of watching over the magic beans.

"Hey, come back!" begged Jones, but he was too late to stop Jack-o'-Lantern from getting away from him. He noticed that there was a letter on the top of the jar lid, he takes it and finds that there was a treasure map on it. Just then, Luke arrives just in time and sees Jones standing in the street.

"Mr. Jones, I have been looking for you." relieved Luke, worrying that Jones might get lost in the street alone and scared.

"What, I'm fine now." sighed Jones, he was given a Gold Mushroom potion by Luke in case he would be his first client ever since Annabelle lost her powers.

"David, we got so worried about you." panted Luke, he spot a map Jones was holding, "And what with a map?" he questioned.

"Oh, maybe there was a map that can tell us about." nervous Jones, he flips the map backward sees there was instructed to plant the bean, "Well here goes." he sighed, and he walks off with the jar of magic beans and map and head somewhere to plant.

"Jones, wait," said Luke, he runs off to catch Jones up.

At the park filled with people all around, Jones was in the middle of the lawn, digging a small hole with his hand, opening the jar lid to grab three magic beans and plant them inside the hole and cover them up, he spotted a bottle of water left by family having a picnic, he runs toward to retrieve it, stealing it and run away without being noticed by the family. Jones reaches back to the spot where the beans are planted he opens the cap and pours some water over the planted beans.

"Hmmmmm...." suspicious Jones, hoping the bean will grow into a beanstalk. Suddenly, the beanstalk sprouts from the ground and grows larger until it is fully grown with a strange pod that cracks open to reveal a pile of gold falling from the sky. Jones dodged from the area while the gold falls onto the ground just as Jack-o'-Lantern comes out and sees Jones has been successfully growing the beanstalk.

"Wait, are those treasures!" surprised Jack-o'-Lantern, he runs toward the pile of gold and dived onto them to swim.

"So, are you happy now?" sighed Jones, unhappily.

"Say, why do you want to join me to get rich," asked Jack-o'-Lantern. Jones knew that gold was the only thing that could change his mind and took out the Gold Mushroom potion, looking at it and worried that things never happen but he had a choice to do so.

"Hey, drink this," said Jones, giving the Gold Mushroom potion to Jack-o'-Lantern.

"What this?" curious Jack-o'-Lantern.

"The Gold Mushroom, it can cure poverty." sighed Jones.

"Okay, I'll try." gulped Jack-o'-Lantern, taking the Gold Mushroom potion and taking a sip of it but to no avail. Fortunately for him, the potion suddenly takes effect and he was transformed into a healthy and wealthy young man but with no memories, he never remembers who he is and sees that his journal was in his former hobo outfit Jones was wearing.

"My journal!" he exclaimed.

"What journal?" confused Jones, he look down and sees Jack-o'-Lantern's journal was in the pocket of his disheveled jacket and pick it up to look at but to his shock, the journal explains that Jack-o'-Lantern actually the virologist who studies any epidemic viruses every since until he got kicked out and fired.

"Listen, let me explain, I was infected by a virus before-" Jack-o'-Lantern tried to explain to Jones but it was too late that he suddenly felt instinct that turned him into an undead zombie snarling at Jones shivering in horror when he saw a zombie for the first time.

"Oh my god!" terrified Jones, he realizes that Jack-o'-Lantern was infected by a virus from one of his research and he felt he wasn't safe enough to protect himself from being infected as a zombie. He screams in fear and Jack-o'-Lantern snarls and runs toward him, tackling him and mauling him to bite.

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