The Sleeping Beautymare

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It was nighttime, the full moon was gold and bright but shiny and it was surrounded by shining stars around the clouds. Over the witch hut inside, Annabelle focuses on the cauldron and studies the potion of insomnia which makes her sleepless as well. Also, she has a pack of light blue glowing mushrooms that have light blue vines on the lower outside of the caps and pours them onto the cauldron and stirs it. Once he had succeeded, Annabelle took out an empty vial in her hand and scooped the substance before she took a sip of it.

"Ah..." sighed Annabelle inhaling and exhaling her breath just as her friend, a little boy named Scott approached the hut and saw that Annabelle was accompanied by Agnes also staying a night long. He and his family have come to visit her on summer vacation together so she can see her for sure.

"Belle, what are you doing?" asked Scott, his blue eyes becoming eye bags due to his insomniac issues and he even yawns softly.

"Oh dear." worried Annabelle.

"Don't worry. It's Blue Mushroom, it can help you stay awake but sleep properly," explained Agnes, scooping another one for the boy and offering it to him.

"No thanks, I'm fine." nervous Annabelle, refusing to drink the Blue Mushroom potion.

"Just drink it alright!" angered Agnes.

"Okay, okay, okay." shuddered Scott, taking the vial from her brother and sipping it which affects his insomniac health, "Wait, how does it work?" he asked Annabelle about the potion in confusion.

"It would wear off but also we should sleep properly as soon as possible," explained Annabelle.

"Belle, what we gonna do with the potions?" questioned Scott, but suddenly he passed out and collapsed onto the floor, making him sleep properly.

"Wow. It works!" shocked Annabelle, knowing that her potion works.

"Yep, I hope this potion will make you sleep," said Agnes, looking at Scott lying on the floor snoring softly.

"And what can I do with the new potion we made?" inquired Annabelle.

"Hmmm?" thought Agnes, figuring it what to do with the potion she and her granddaughter had made, "Maybe find someone else," she answered.

'Well... Okay." sighed Annabelle.

At the dockyard, there was a pirate ship full of pirates having fun on the dock, playing musical instruments, gambling at the table, eating junk food, and throwing darts at the dartboard mounted on the mast. There, a young dark-brunette-haired, green-eyed young man scrubbing on the deck helplessly. He wore a long-sleeved yellow buttoned shirt, a stitched brown vegan leather cardigan Medieval-style vest waistcoat tunic, a belt over his shoulder, a pair of leather gauntlets, a pair of brown leg-skinny trousers, a brown utility belt with silver buckle, a pair of white cotton socks, and brown bucket-top boots. He was threatened by a pirate captain who pointed his cutlass at him and kept an eye on him to make sure he was in charge of cleaning the ship. Suddenly, just then a gust of light blue smoke came out of nowhere, spread across the pirates, knocking them down, and they fell asleep including the pirate captain. However, as for the young man, he took five minutes to fall asleep on the dock temporarily just as Annabelle flew toward him and landed on the ground with an evil grin on him.

"Miss Leek!" gasped the man

"Hi, Oscar Kessel, you are still a Neohuman." greeted Annabelle, mocking his appearance, Oscar was a Neohuman until her appearance changed.

"Yes, it was." scoffed Oscar weakly, falling to the dock and going asleep.

"Goodnight." grinned Annabelle cheerfully before flying away.

In the woods, the pack of werewolves was wandering around all night long and hunting any animals they saw. One of them was a promoter named Zander Stark chasing a deer running away from him only to be tackled by him mauling it alive. In the bushes, a vampire Pierce Cromwell comes out of nowhere and spots a dead deer mauled by Zander, his teeth spout a pair of fangs and his eyes turn red when he senses the blood of the deer. He becomes satisfied to see a deer and emerges from it, charging toward Zander finishing his meal, and spots Pierce charging at him.

"Not this time!" scoffed Zander, he went on his berserk instinct and ran to Pierce, attacking him and fighting him while he snarled like a wolf.

"Grrrr...." grunted Pierce, fearfully, using his bare hands to hold the wolf off to protect himself from being mauled to death and thrown off of him, sending him to the large, heavy forest trees, causing him to knock on behind and the falls down the ground just as Annabelle arrives with Scott on her back, carrying him with her along the way and look down to witnesses Zander being ambushed by Pierce.

Seeing that Zander and Pierce are having a huge violent fight at nighttime without getting some rest, Annabelle knows that bad things will happen to them if they don't sleep properly, they will have problems restlessly and tired. She took out the bottle of Blue Mushroom potion, removed the cork, and poured the small drop onto Zander's head, landing on him and affecting him instantly.

"What, what happening to me." fizzled Zander, feeling that something was wrong with him, and collapsed on the ground and fell asleep just like Scott did.

"Hey, Zander, dude." thought Pierce, confused. Unbeknownst to him, he was not aware that Annabelle was behind him and chugged the potion into his mouth, making him drink all of the potions as he collapsed on the ground next to Zander.

With the fight neutralized afterward and Zander and Pierce were both asleep with Scott, Annabelle looked at the two men and the boy lying on the ground, she sharply took a breath in relief that she did a great job of making the males fall asleep and wipe her face with her arm, hoping that she would help the boys have proper sleep, she walks toward the woods and begins on hunt anyone asleep. Around the wood, some of the wolves fall asleep after being knocked out by the potions used by Annabelle who sprays at the wolves one by one and makes them fall asleep until she suddenly feels her energy begin to lower while fighting off the wolves immediately as the sun eventually rises slowly. With the wolves falling into Annabelle's tricks, she finally tests her potions immediately and returns to Scott, Zander, and Pierce, reuniting herself with them.

"Wow, I'm all done with this." panted Annabelle, she used her strength to carry Scott, Zander, and Pierce with him and flew off to the sky, heading back home with them but also she decided to use some positions on insomniac people.

The next day, back at the witch hut, in the bedroom, there were three sleeping bags and pillows that Scott, Zander, and Pierce were snoring and sleeping together. Scott's eyes suddenly open up and looks around the bedroom, he gets out of the sleeping bag and looks down at Zander and Pierce still asleep on the bags, he thinks that the potion works for him.

"Wow, I'm glad my issues are over and I hope Belle was a lifesaver." impressed Scott stretched his arms, and marched out of the bedroom, he went straight left to the other room where Annabelle was now restless and insomniac, sitting the floor with her legs crossed, her black eyes become the same bags as Scott's.

"Belle, what happened to you!" he was shocked to see that Annabelle had suffered from insomnia due to her hard work at night spending her time using her potions everywhere. Agnes comes inside the hut and looks at her granddaughter becoming tired and weak.

"Miss Leek, are you sure about your granddaughter?" inquired Scott, asking the witch if Annabelle needed some help to deal with her insomnia.

"Nope!" replied Agnes.

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